add a google search button on the baidu's homepage and search result page

add a google search button behind the baidu search button on the baidu's homepage and search result page,making it convenient to search in google

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// ==UserScript==
// @name              百度首页和搜索页面添加 Google 搜索框
// @name:en           add a google search button on the baidu's homepage and search result page
// @namespace
// @version           0.4
// @description       在百度首页和搜索结果页面的百度一下按钮后面添加 Google 按钮,方便直接进行 Google 搜索
// @description:en    add a google search button behind the baidu search button on the baidu's homepage and search result page,making it convenient to search in google
// @author            mofiter
// @create            2018-07-22
// @lastmodified      2018-08-08
// @match             http*://
// @match             http*://*
// @grant             none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    document.getElementById("form").style.width = "705px";
    document.getElementsByClassName("s_btn_wr")[0].style.width = "80px";
    var baiduBtn = document.getElementById("su"); // 百度搜索按钮 = "width:80px";
    baiduBtn.value = "百度";
    var googleBtn = document.createElement('span'); // Google 搜索按钮
    googleBtn.className = baiduBtn.parentNode.className; // 将 Google 搜索按钮和百度搜索按钮的 class 名称设置为相同 = "width:80px;margin:0px 0px 0px 2px";
    googleBtn.innerHTML = "<input type='button' id='google' value='Google' class='btn bg s_btn' style='width:80px;'>";
    googleBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {
        var input = document.getElementById("kw"); // 百度输入框
        var keyword = input.value.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); // 搜索关键字(去空格)
        if (keyword != "") {
            return googleSearch(keyword);
    var form = document.getElementsByClassName("fm")[0];

    function googleSearch(keyword){ // Google 搜索
        var link = "" + encodeURIComponent(keyword);
        // window.location.href = link; //当前窗口打开链接; //新窗口打开链接