IMDb details page links

Adds some links to IMDb details page

// ==UserScript==
// @name           IMDb details page links
// @namespace
// @description    Adds some links to IMDb details page
// @include        **
// @require
// @require
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant          GM_addStyle
// @version        2.5.1
// ==/UserScript==

// 2.5.1 - Fix for reference view
// 2.5 - Fix for new layout
// 2.4 - Fix TV episode pages
// 2.3.2 - Fix new reference view
// 2.3.1 - Fix TV episode pages
// 2.3 - Fix for new layout
// 2.2.1 - Change UI to fit in new IMDb layout
// 2.2 - Add {alttitle}
// 2.1.2 - Replace # with to prevent my movies enhancer
// from highlighting the delete and up/down links
// 2.1.1 - Use JSON instead of eval
// 2.1 - Add up/down for editing sites
// 2.0 - Make links modifiable
// 1.1 - Update URLs

if(!String.prototype.trim) {
    String.prototype.trim = function () {
        return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');

function defaultSites() {
    return [{title:"Google",           url:"{title} {year}"},
            {title:"Subtitles",        url:"{title} {year} subtitles"},
            {title:"YouTube",          url:"{title} {year}"},
            {title:"iCheckMovies",     url:"{imdbid}"},
            {title:"RottenTomatoes",   url:"{title}"},
            {title:"HDBits",           url:"{imdbid}"},
            {title:"AsianDVDClub",     url:"{imdbid}&descr=1"},
            {title:"PassThePopCorn",   url:"{imdbid}"},
            {title:"KaraGarga",        url:"{imdbidn}&search_type=imdb"},
            {title:"Cinemageddon",     url:"{imdbid}&proj=0"},
            {title:"AsiaTorrents",     url:"{title}&tags=&type=0&language=0&subtitle=0&discount=0&rip_type=0&video_quality=0&tv_type=0&uploader="},
            {title:"TehConnection",    url:"{title}"},
            {title:"WhatTheMovie",     url:"{imdbid}"},
            {title:"Mubi",             url:" {title} {year}"},
            {title:"ListAL",           url:" {title} {year}"},
            {title:"HanCinema",        url:"{title}"},
            {title:"Criticker",        url:"{imdbid}&g=Go"}];

const isReference = document.title.includes("Reference View");

function parseConstants() {
    if (document.title.length < 1) { return null; }
    let title = document.title.substring(0, document.title.length - 7);
    let rx = /(.*)\(.*?([0-9]{4}).*/g;
    let ms = rx.exec(document.title);
    if (ms !== null && ms.length) {
        return {title: encodeURIComponent(ms[1].trim()),
            year: ms[2],
            imdbid: window.location.href.match(/(tt[0-9]+)/)[0],
            imdbid_n: window.location.href.match(/(tt[0-9]+)/)[0].replace("tt", "")};
            //alttitle: encodeURIComponent(alt_title)};

    return null;

var App = {
    links: [],
    init: function() {

        // Add modal
        if (isReference ) {
            GM_addStyle("#linkbar { width:600px; margin-left: 0px; } #linkbar a { color: #136CB2; }");
        else {
            GM_addStyle("#linkbar { width:800px; margin-left: 23px; } #linkbar a { color: #fff; }");
        GM_addStyle('.jqmWindow {display: none; position: absolute; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; ' +
        'background-color:#fff; color:#000; padding: 12px 30px; overflow-y: scroll; font-size: 14px} .jqmOverlay { background-color:#000 }');

        var cfgMainHtml = '<div id="dialog" class="jqmWindow"></div>';
            top: '17%', left: '50%', marginLeft: '-425px', width: '850px', height: '450px'
    buildLinks: function() {
        var sites = GM_getValue("sites");
        if(sites !== undefined && sites !== null) {
            sites = JSON.parse(sites);
        else {
            GM_setValue("sites", JSON.stringify(defaultSites()));
            sites = defaultSites();

        var $root = isReference ? document.querySelector("#main > section > section > div") : document.querySelectorAll("section")[4];
        //$root.css("position", "relative");

        var $c = $("<section></section>");
        $c.attr("id", "linkbar");
        $c.css({display: "flex", flexFlow: "row wrap", role: "presentation"});

        if (isReference) {

        // Render sites
        for(var i = 0; i < sites.length; ++i) {
    addSite: function(site) {
        var c = parseConstants();
        if (c === null) {

        var url = site.url.replace("{title}", c.title)
                            .replace("{year}", c.year)
                            .replace("{imdbid}", c.imdbid)
                            .replace("{imdbidn}", c.imdbid_n);
        var $root = $("#linkbar");
        var $link = $("<a></a>");
        $link.attr("href", url);
        let $article = $("<article></article>");
        if (isReference) {
            $article.css({width: "150px"});
        else {
            $article.css({width: "200px"});
    displayEditor: function() {
        var sites = GM_getValue("sites");
        if(sites !== undefined) {
            sites = JSON.parse(sites);

        var c = parseConstants();
        var out = `<div><p>{title} = ${c.title}</p>
                  <p>{year} = ${c.year}</p>
                  <p>{imdbid} = ${c.imdbid}</p>
                  <p>{imdbidn} = ${c.imdbid_n}</p><table>`;

      var addRow = function(i, title, url) {
            return `<tr class="site-${i}"><td style="width: 6%"><a href="" class="delete">Delete</a></td>
                      <td style="width: 18%"><input type="text" style="width: 100%" value="${title}"></td>
                      <td style="width: 62%"><input type="text" style="width: 100%" value="${url}"></td>
                      <td style="width: 14%; padding-left: 8px"><a href="" class="up">Up</a>
                      | <a href="" class="down">Down</a></td></tr>`;
        for(var i = 0; i < sites.length; ++i) {
            out += addRow(i, sites[i].title, sites[i].url);
        out += '</table><p><button id="add">Add new</button> <button id="restore">Restore defaults</button></p>';

        $("#dialog").on("change input paste", "tr[class^=site] input", App.saveEditor);

        $("#dialog").on("click", "a.delete", function(e){
            var response = window.confirm("Delete?");
            if(!response) {


        $("#dialog").on("click", "a.up, a.down", function(e) {

            var $t = $(this);
            var $parent = $t.parent().parent();
            if($".up")) {
            else {


        $("#add", "#dialog").on("click", function() {
            var $table = $("table", "#dialog");
            $table.append(addRow($table.find("tr").length, '', ''));

        $("#restore", "#dialog").on("click", function() {
            var response = window.confirm("Restore defaults? (This will remove all links!)");
            if(!response) {

            GM_setValue("sites", JSON.stringify(defaultSites()));
    saveEditor: function() {
        // Save result
        var $rows = $("tr", "#dialog");
        var mapped = $, elem){
            var $fields = $(elem).find("input");
            return {title: $fields.eq(0).val(), url: $fields.eq(1).val()};

        GM_setValue("sites", JSON.stringify(mapped.get()));


$(document).ready(() => { setTimeout(App.init, 500); });

GM_registerMenuCommand("Edit sites", App.displayEditor);