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Authorized Users

Posted: 2023-05-21
Edited: 2023-05-21

Hello @JasonBarnabe,

I am writing to this today to request that you add a new feature to your site called "Authorized Users." This feature would allow certain users to post as many scripts as they like, as fast as they like.

I believe that this feature would be beneficial for both the site and the users. For the site, it would allow for more content to be posted, which would attract more users. For the users, it would allow them to share their scripts with a wider audience and get feedback from more people.

Of course, there are some potential disadvantages to this feature. One is that it could lead to spam. However, this could be mitigated by requiring authorized users to be approved by the site owner. Another potential disadvantage is that it could give authorized users an unfair advantage over other users. However, this could be mitigated by limiting the number of authorized users or by requiring them to follow certain rules.

Overall, I believe that the advantages of this feature outweigh the disadvantages. I urge you to consider adding it to your site.

Here are some ways that you could choose who should get authorized user status:

  • You could choose users who have a history of posting high-quality scripts.
  • You could choose users who are active members of the community.

I hope that you will consider my request. Thanks.

Sincerely, @Midnight007

Posted: 2023-05-21

I'm not a Jason, but please, first answer to those questions:

  • What rules in your opinion should have authorized users?
  • How to detect high-quality scripts authors?
  • How to detect active members in the community?

And yeah, IMHO, doing those tasks manually would be the worst idea you can present.

Posted: 2023-05-21

Rules for authorized users

  • Approved by the site owner
  • Agree to follow the site's rules and guidelines
  • Do not post spam or low-quality content
  • Be an active member of the community

How to detect high-quality script authors

  • Number of views and reviews their scripts have received
  • Feedback from other users
  • Author's writing style and grammar
  • Author's experience with writing scripts

How to detect active members of the community

  • How often they post comments and replies
  • How often they participate in discussions
  • How often they vote on other users' scripts
  • How often they help other users

Automating the detection of authorized users

  • Use a machine learning algorithm to analyze the content of users' scripts and identify those that are high-quality.
  • Use a machine learning algorithm to analyze users' activity on the site and identify those who are active members of the community.
  • Combine the results of these two analyses to identify users who are both high-quality script writers and active members of the community.
Posted: 2023-05-21
Edited: 2023-05-21

Approved by the site owner

You mean Jason should manually approve every user trying to authorize??

Agree to follow the site's rules and guidelines

You should follow them even if you are not "authorized".

Number of views and reviews their scripts have received

May be spoofed by socket puppets.

Author's writing style and grammar

How author's grammar affects script quality?

How often they post comments and replies

You mean, different users' activity = user activity?

How often they participate in discussions
How often they vote on other users' scripts
How often they help other users

Fewer words, more numbers. What are exact numbers?

This means AIs should be trained on giant datasets, who will do it?

Posted: 2023-05-21

How to detect high-quality script authors

  • Number of views and reviews their scripts have received
  • Feedback from other users
  • Author's writing style and grammar
  • Author's experience with writing scripts

How to detect active members of the community

  • How often they post comments and replies
  • How often they participate in discussions
  • How often they vote on other users' scripts
  • How often they help other users

Automating the detection of authorized users

  • Use a machine learning algorithm to analyze the content of users' scripts and identify those that are high-quality.
  • Use a machine learning algorithm to analyze users' activity on the site and identify those who are active members of the community.
  • Combine the results of these two analyses to identify users who are both high-quality script writers and active members of the community.

How the moderators can help

The moderators can help Jason with the process of authorizing users by:

  • Reviewing scripts and identifying those that are high-quality.
  • Monitoring user activity and identifying those who are active members of the community.
  • Helping Jason to develop and implement a system for authorizing users.

By working together, Jason and the moderators can create a system that ensures that only high-quality script authors are authorized. This will help to create a positive and productive community for everyone.

Here are some additional thoughts on how the moderators could help Jason:

  • The moderators could create a set of criteria for determining whether a user is a high-quality script author. This criteria could include things like the number of views and reviews a script has received, the author's writing style and grammar, and the author's experience with writing scripts.
  • The moderators could develop a system for tracking user activity. This system could track things like the number of comments and replies a user posts, the number of discussions a user participates in, the number of times a user votes on other users' scripts, and the number of times a user helps other users.
  • The moderators could work with Jason to develop a system for authorizing users. This system could include things like a user application form, a moderator review process, and a user approval process.

By working together, Jason and the moderators can create a system that is fair, efficient, and effective. This will help to create a positive and productive community for everyone.

Posted: 2023-05-22

You want all of this, just to post more user-scripts?
Just wait a little to post another script, you are making a giant problem out of nothing.

Jason mentioned script posting limit rates, there they are:

The rate limits are - 3/hour, 10/day, 20/week.

As I noticed, you mentioned in the description that you are a full-stack developer, so why won't you create a fork of Greasy Fork and do it by yourself? Just create PR after finishing and Jason will review it.

I disagree with the concept you presented because it's just a waste of Jason's either moderators' time, but if you really want to do it, then IMO, you should do it by yourself.

Posted: 2023-05-23

The restriction on number of scripts posted is based on many criteria, but once you have been registered on the site for over a month and have a script that's at least a week old, the restrictions are dropped.

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