// ==UserScript==
// @name IMDB UTE: IMDB Ultimate Thumbnail Expander
// @description Expands thumbnail images in IMDB into larger floating preview images on mouse hover.
// @namespace http://myxp.anandkumar.me
// @include http://www.imdb.com/*
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @version 1.2.5
// ==/UserScript==
Change Log:
Date Version Notes
20131011 1.2.5 *Reposition loaded image on a timer.
20130827 1.2.4 *Revert 1.2.1 since script was corrected by author.
20130804 1.2.3 *Updated rules for video thumbnail images.
20130426 1.2.2 *Changed require URLs to https.
20130108 1.2.1 *Moved the "gm_config extras" script with corrections to anandkumar.me domain.
20120829 1.2.0 *Added @grant directives to comply with Greasemonkey 1.0.
*Removed dependence on custom updater since Greasemonkey now has an internal updater.
*Copied the floating image repositioning logic from my Flickr script.
*Moved all floating image related code to a single class. This is the first step towards unifying my other scripts that use the same logic.
20120606 1.1.0 *Fine-tuned the image positioning algorithm.
*Added "Ctrl" key override to persist preview image.
20120604 1.0.2 *Added support for a delay timer and a corresponding configuration item under settings.
*Added support for the setting the preview image to "Snap to Cursor".
20111112 1.0.1 *Added missing escaping to some reg-expressions.
20111103 1.0.0 *Official release of script.
var DEBUG = false;
var newWidth = "200";
var newHeight = "200";
var GMImg_position = "absolute";
var GMImg_marginleft = "0";
var GMImg_margintop = "0";
var GMImg_left = "";
var GMImg_top = "";
var GMImg_right = "";
var GMImg_bottom = "";
var prevTarget = null;
var floatimg;
var timerRunning = false, timerID = null;
var global_mouse_x=0, global_mouse_y=0;
var persistPreview = false;
//From Config//
var settings_max_width, settings_max_height, settings_auto_size, settings_snap_to_cursor;
var settings_expand_actorimgs,settings_expand_titleimgs,settings_expand_previewimgs;
var settings_x_factor,settings_y_factor;
var settings_timer_ms;
var xhrCnt = 0;
var debug_msg_div = "flute_debug_msg_div";
var fio;
**Config screen
var lang = GM_config.gets('lang','en'); // get the language - or set it to 'en' if it was not yet stored
GM_config.init('Configuration for IMDB UTE',{
timer_ms : { label: 'Preview Delay (milliseconds)', type: 'int', default: 0, min: 0, max: 10000 },
max_width: { label: 'Max Display Width:',section:['Preview Image properties'], type: 'int', default: 640, min: 50, max: 5000 },
max_height:{ label: 'Max Display Height:', type: 'int', default: 480, min: 50, max: 5000 },
auto_size: { label: 'Enable Auto size:', type: 'checkbox', default: true },
x_factor : { label: 'Auto-size Screen Width % :', type: 'int', default: 60, min: 1, max: 100 },
y_factor : { label: 'Auto-size Screen Height %:', type: 'int', default: 60, min: 1, max: 100 },
snap_to_cursor : { label: 'Snap to Cursor', type: 'checkbox', default: false }
/*expand_actorimgs : { label: 'Actor Images', section:['Control which images get expanded'], type: 'checkbox', default: true },
expand_titleimgs : { label: 'Title Images', type: 'checkbox', default: true },
expand_previewimgs: { label: 'Preview Images', type: 'checkbox', default: true }*/
open: function() {
var idx=0;
GM_config.addBorder(); // add a fancy border
GM_config.resizeFrame('480px','360px'); // resize the config window
GM_config.addTooltip(idx++,'Set the delay (in milliseconds) to wait before displaying the preview image.');
GM_config.addTooltip(idx++,'The maximum Width, in pixels, of the displayed image. Use this if you want to retreive large images but want to constrain the displayed image size.');
GM_config.addTooltip(idx++,'The maximum Height, in pixels, of the displayed image. Use this if you want to retreive large images but want to constrain the displayed image size.');
GM_config.addTooltip(idx++,'When enabled, the maximum width and height of the displayed image is automatically constrained to two-thirds of the browser window size. Selecting this option will ignore the custom maximum size settings above.');
GM_config.addTooltip(idx++,'If Auto-Size is enabled, this option specifies the screen Width % to use.');
GM_config.addTooltip(idx++,'If Auto-Size is enabled, this option specifies the screen Height % to use.');
GM_config.addTooltip(idx++,'Enable this option to make the preview image follow the mouse cursor.');
// GM_config.sections2tabs(); // convert the sections to tabs
GM_config.fadeOut(); //Fadeout the rest of the screen.
save: function() {
//Update the settings and close the dialog
close: function() {
**Main code starts here
if (typeof unsafeWindow != 'object') {
window.unsafeWindow = window;
window.addEventListener('load' ,function(event){Init ();},true);
window.addEventListener('keydown' ,function(event){DoKeyDown (event);},true);
window.addEventListener('keyup' ,function(event){DoKeyUp (event);},true);
GM_registerMenuCommand('imute: Configuration',GM_config.open);
* Get the user-settings for this script.
function GetUserSettings(){
//Correct any incorrect settings
//Read the settings into local variables.
settings_max_width = GM_config.get('max_width');
settings_max_height = GM_config.get('max_height');
settings_auto_size = GM_config.get('auto_size');
settings_x_factor = GM_config.get('x_factor');
settings_y_factor = GM_config.get('y_factor');
settings_snap_to_cursor = GM_config.get('snap_to_cursor');
settings_timer_ms = GM_config.get('timer_ms');
//settings_expand_actorimgs = GM_config.get('expand_actorimgs');
//settings_expand_titleimgs = GM_config.get('expand_titleimgs');
//settings_expand_previewimgs = GM_config.get('expand_previewimgs');
//Perform any validation and re-calculation of the retreived settings here.
settings_x_factor = settings_x_factor/100;
settings_y_factor = settings_y_factor/100;
* Handle all the initializations here.
function Init(){
var isInIFrame = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? true : false;
if(isInIFrame) return;
//Get the user's settings
//Create and attach the floating image.
var newlink;
var settingsimg
fio = new FloatImg();
//Create the settings icon
settingsimg = document.createElement('IMG');
settingsimg.alt="imute settings";
settingsimg.src="data:image/png;base64,"+ "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";
settingsimg.width = "32";
settingsimg.height = "32";
settingsimg.loaded = "false";
settingsimg.addEventListener('click', function(){GM_config.open();}, true);
var debugmsg = document.createElement('div');
debugmsg.id = debug_msg_div;
//Set defaults.
GMImg_left = "1";
GMImg_top = "1";
GMImg_position = "fixed";
* Handles the global mouseover event.
* The main entry function from where everything is kicked-off.
function DoMouseOver(e){
//If the floating image is not yet initialized, exit.
if(fio==null) return;
//Get the event variable.
if (!e) var e = window.event;
var tg = (window.event) ? e.srcElement : e.target;
//Extract the mouse co-ordinates
//If the mouse is over the floatimg, either accidentally or deliberately, ignore it.
if(tg.id == fio.getId()) return;
//If the preview image must be repositioned upon mouse move, do it here:
//If this mouseover event is for the same element as before, exit.
//We are only interested when the mouse enters/leaves an element.
if(prevTarget !=null && tg == prevTarget) {
//Store the current target to compare against in the next mouse over event.
prevTarget = tg;
//If the mouse is over any "other" element, hide the floating image.
//If the target does not have a valid image, url, exit.
var img_src = GetDisplayImageURL(tg);
if(img_src == "") return;
//If the current image does not meet criteria, exit.
if(!canBeExpanded(img_src) || img_src.match(/\/nopicture|nophoto\//)){
/**END of validations**/
//Once all the validations are passed, kick-start the image preview process.
fio.srcElem = tg;
* Starts the preview image display timer.
function StartImagePreviewTimer(tg){
//First, stop the global timer, if it's running.
timerRunning = true;
timerID = setTimeout(function(){ShowImagePreview(tg);}, settings_timer_ms);
timerID = setTimeout(function(){ShowImagePreview(tg);}, settings_timer_ms);
* Stops the active global timer.
function StopImagePreviewTimer(){
timerRunning = false;
* Before the new image loads, the image size is not known. This results in the image not positioned correctly until the user moves the mouse.
* So, keep repositioning the image on a timer.
function RepositionTimer(){
if(fio != null && fio.isLoaded()){
setTimeout(function(){RepositionTimer();}, 100);
* The main function to call to begin the process of popping-up the preview image.
* Accepts an event object's target (usually, an image node).
function ShowImagePreview(tg){
//Invalidate current and older XHRs.
//Get the expanded image url.
var zoomedUrl = GetPreviewURL(tg, 1000, settings_max_width, settings_max_height);
if(zoomedUrl != ""){
//Assign the unchecked image URL so that the image displays immediately.
//Do not reposition if the user is currently pressing the ctrl-key down.
//If the image is surrounded by an anchor tag, copy its href to the floatimg's parent anchor tag.
//This helps if the user wants to click the image but the floating image gets "in the way".
if(tg.parentNode && tg.parentNode.href){
else if(tg.href){
//Finally, show the image.
* Hide the floating image once the mouse cursor leaves an element.
* This function is not event-driven by the browser but is called when
* "DoMouseOver()" detects a change of target.
function ImgDoMouseOut(){
//Stop any timers:
//If the floating image is not yet created, exit.
if(fio==null) return;
* Event handler that captures control key presses.
function DoKeyDown(e){
if (e.ctrlKey){
persistPreview = true;
* Event handler that cleans-up actions done during the keydown actions.
function DoKeyUp(e){
if (e.keyCode == 17){
persistPreview = false;
* Add CSS for our custom elements.
function AddScriptCSS(){
//Common style
var GM_style =
"img.GM_thumbnail { display:none; "+
"height:auto !important;"+
"width:auto !important; "+
"position: " + GMImg_position + " ; " +
"margin-left:" + GMImg_marginleft + "px ; " +
"margin-top:" + GMImg_margintop + "px ; " +
"background-color:transparent !important;"+
(GMImg_left ==""?"":"left:" +GMImg_left + "px ; ") +
(GMImg_top ==""?"":"top:" +GMImg_top + "px ; ") +
(GMImg_bottom==""?"":"bottom:"+GMImg_bottom+ "px ; ") +
(GMImg_right ==""?"":"right:" +GMImg_right + "px ; ") +
"} ";
GM_style +=
".shadow {"+
"-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #000;"+
"-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #000;"+
"box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #000;"+
GM_style +=
"img#imute_settings_icon{ "+
GM_style +=
"#"+debug_msg_div+"{ "+
* Checks if the image can be expanded or not.
function canBeExpanded(img_url){
var bRet = false;
if(img_url.match(/\_CR(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/)){ //For imdb hosted images.
bRet = true;
else if(img_url.match(/\_SX\d+/) || img_url.match(/\_SY\d+/)){
bRet = true;
else if(img_url.match(/\_AA\d+\_/)){ //For amazon hosted images for imdb.
bRet = true;
else if (img_url.match(/\_SS\d+/)){
bRet = true;
else if(img_url.match(/fbcdn-profile(.*)_q.jpg$/)){
//Expand facebook profile images
bRet = true
//message(img_url+".match(/fbcdn-profile(.*)_q.jpg$/) = "+img_url.match(/fbcdn-profile(.*)_q.jpg$/),true,true);
return bRet;
* Given a target element, this function returns the image url associated with the element.
* Note: The image url returned is not validated.
function GetDisplayImageURL(elem){
var url = "";
if (elem.nodeName == 'IMG'){
url = elem.src;
else if (elem.nodeName == 'LI' || elem.nodeName == 'DIV'){
if(elem.style!= null && elem.style.backgroundImage!= null) {
url = elem.style.backgroundImage.match(/\"(.*)\"/)[1];
return "";
return url;
* Custom zooming function for imdb after MANY trial and error!
function GetPreviewURL(tg,newSize,imgWidth,imgHeight){
var zoomedUrl;
var url = GetDisplayImageURL(tg);
if(url == "") return;
//Try to expand facebook profile pictures.
zoomedUrl = url.replace(/_q.jpg$/,"_b.jpg");
return zoomedUrl;
var urlSX = url.match(/\_SX\d+/)==null?"":url.match(/\_SX(\d+)/)[1];
var urlSY = url.match(/\_SY\d+/)==null?"":url.match(/\_SY(\d+)/)[1];
var urlSS = url.match(/\_SS\d+/)==null?"":url.match(/\_SS(\d+)/)[1];;
//var imgType = url.split('.').pop();
var urlC1 = "", urlC2 = "", urlC3 = "", urlC4 = "";
var urlRatio, imgRatio;
var newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight;
var cropArr = url.match(/\_CR(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/);
if (cropArr != null){
urlC1 = cropArr[1];
urlC2 = cropArr[2];
urlC3 = cropArr[3];
urlC4 = cropArr[4];
newX = urlC1;
newY = urlC2;
/*urlRatio = 1.00;
newWidth = urlC3;
newHeight = urlC4;
if (urlC1 != ""){
urlRatio = newWidth/newHeight;
else if(urlSX !="" || urlSY != ""){
//No CR found. Using SX, SY
/*newWidth = parseInt(urlSX==""?newSize:urlSX);
newHeight = parseInt(urlSY==""?newSize:urlSY);
urlRatio = newWidth / newHeight;*/
imgWidth = parseInt(imgWidth);
imgHeight = parseInt(imgHeight);
imgRatio = imgWidth / imgHeight;
//Actual Zooming takes place here
if (imgRatio < 1.0){
newHeight = newSize;
newWidth = Math.round(newSize * imgRatio);
else if (imgRatio > 1.0){
newWidth = newSize;
newHeight = Math.round(newSize / imgRatio);
newWidth = newSize;
newHeight = newSize;
if(urlC1 != "" && urlC1 != "0") {
newX = parseInt(urlC1) + parseInt(newWidth);
if(urlC2 != "" && urlC2 != "0") {
newY = 0 + parseInt(urlC2) + parseInt(newHeight);
GM_log("urlC1 = "+urlC1+", urlC2 = "+urlC2+", urlC3 = "+urlC3+", urlC4 = "+urlC4);
GM_log( "urlRatio="+urlRatio+" , newWidth="+newWidth+" newHeight="+newHeight );
zoomedUrl = url;
/*If we have both the CR and SS, just change the SS to preserve correct cropping.*/
if(zoomedUrl.match(/\_CR\d+/) != null && zoomedUrl.match(/\_SS\d+_/) != null){
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_SS\d+\_/, "_SS"+newSize+"_");
//zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/_CR\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+_/, "_CR" + newX + "," + newY + "," + newWidth + "," + newHeight + "_");
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_CR\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+\_/g, "_CR" + newX + "," + newY + ",0,0" + "_");
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_SS\d+\_/, "");
/*Always replace SX and SY, if present.*/
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_SY\d+\_/, "_SY"+newHeight+"_");
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_SX\d+\_/, "_SX"+newWidth+"_");
/*Prevent too large an image from being used by Squaring it.*/
if(zoomedUrl.match(/\_CR\d+/) != null){
if(urlC3 < newWidth || urlC4 < newHeight){
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_SS\d+\_/, "");
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_SS\d+\_/, "_SS"+newSize+"_");
if(url.match(/\_AA\d+\_/)){ //For amazon hosted images for imdb.
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_AA(\d+)\_/, "_");
/*Erase any Border Overlays in the URL to get a clean image*/
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/\_BO.+\_/, "");
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/_PIimdb\-blackband\-.+\_/,"");
/*Zero-out the SP param (needs more research)*/
zoomedUrl = zoomedUrl.replace(/_SP\d+,\d+/,"_SP0,0");
return zoomedUrl;
* Helper function that parses and stores the mouse positon from an event object.
function GetCoordinate(e){
global_mouse_x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
global_mouse_y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
return true
* Custom debug output function for writing to Error Console.
function d(msg,force){
if(force==null) force=false;
if(DEBUG==true || force==true){
* Custom debug output function that displays log output on the webpage.
function message(msg,clearPrevious,force){
if(force==null) force=false;
if(clearPrevious==null) clearPrevious=true;
if(DEBUG == true || force == true){
var msgdiv = document.getElementById(debug_msg_div);
msgdiv.innerHTML = msg;
msgdiv.innerHTML += "<br />"+msg;
* Common class representing the floating preview image container.
function FloatImg(img){
var element; //The image element represented by this class;
var link_element; //The (optional) anchor element.
var link_url; //The url to navigate to when the image is clicked.
var srcElem; //From which element was the image url captured.
var loaded;
var id;
var width, height; //Image dimensions.
/*var url; //The image url.
var top, bottom, left, right; //Image style co-ordinates.
var maxWidth, maxHeight; //Image style dimentions.*/
var thisObj = this;
this.getImageElement = GetImageElement;
this.setLinkElement = SetLinkElement;
this.getId = GetId;
this.setUrl = LoadImg;
this.clear = Clear;
this.show = Show;
this.reposition = RepositionPreviewImage;
this.setSrc = SetSrc;
this.setLinkUrl = SetLinkUrl;
this.setTop = SetTop;
this.getTop = GetTop;
this.setBottom = SetBottom;
this.getBottom = GetBottom;
this.setLeft = SetLeft;
this.getLeft = GetLeft;
this.setRight = SetRight;
this.getRight = GetRight;
this.setWidth = SetWidth;
this.getWidth = GetWidth;
this.setHeight = SetHeight;
this.getHeight = GetHeight;
this.setMaxWidth = SetMaxWidth;
this.getMaxWidth = GetMaxWidth;
this.setMaxHeight= SetMaxHeight;
this.getMaxHeight= GetMaxHeight;
this.isLoaded = GetLoaded;
this.setLoaded = SetLoaded;
//Perform object initialization.
//"img" is the floating image element.
this.element = img;
this.id = img.id;
//Try to create a floating image.
this.element = document.createElement('IMG');
this.element.className = 'GM_thumbnail shadow';
this.element.id = "floatimg";
this.element.src = "";
this.element.alt = "Loading...";
//Now create the surrounding link element.
this.link_element = document.createElement('A');
* Function to initiate loading of an image into the floating image container.
* @param callback A function to call once the image has been loaded into cache. If given, then the image is displayed only once the image has been downloaded.
function LoadImg(url,callback) {
var img = new Image();
var that = this;
img.onload = function(){
/*message("New height="+this.height,true,false);
message("New width="+this.width,true,true);*/
that.height = this.height;
that.width = this.width;
return true;
img.onerror = function(){
d('Image '+url+' could not be loaded...');
img.src = url;
this.element.src = url;
* Clears the image url and link, and hides the image element.
function Clear(onlyImg){
//Clear the image.
this.element.src = "";
if(onlyImg==null || onlyImg == false){
//Clear the link.
this.link_url = "";
function Show(){
this.element.style.display = 'block';
* This function resizes and positions the floating preview image node.
* The function assumes that the image is already loaded or is already loading.
* TODO::Declare local variables for the "settings_*" variables inside the class.
function RepositionPreviewImage(){
var pageWidth = PageWidth();
var pageHeight = PageHeight();
var maxWidth, maxHeight;
var mouseX, mouseY;
var cursorPadding;
mouseX = global_mouse_x;
mouseY = global_mouse_y;
cursorPadding = 20;
//Now to compute the display size of the floating image.
maxWidth = Math.floor(Math.max(100,pageWidth * settings_x_factor));
maxHeight = Math.floor(Math.max(100,pageHeight * settings_y_factor));
maxWidth = Math.floor(Math.max(settings_max_width ,1));
maxHeight = Math.floor(Math.max(settings_max_height,1));
//We only set the maximum size for the image. This way, the image will keep its aspect ratio.
this.setMaxWidth (maxWidth);
//Reset the IMG position based on mouse position.
var imgWidth=0, imgHeight=0, availableWidth=0, availableHeight=0;
var displaySide = {horizontal: "right", vertical: "bottom"};
var newTop = 0;
//Find out the maximum available size in the x and y axes.
availableWidth = Math.max(pageWidth - (int(mouseX) + int(cursorPadding) ), (mouseX - cursorPadding) );
availableHeight = Math.max(pageHeight - (int(mouseY) + int(cursorPadding) ), (mouseY - cursorPadding) );
//Resize the image container if the available area is not enough.
this.setMaxWidth( Math.min(availableWidth,maxWidth) );
//fio.setMaxHeight( Math.min(availableHeight,maxHeight) );
//Do this after manipulating the image's max size. Width and Height are only available after.
imgWidth = this.getWidth();
imgHeight = this.getHeight();
//Choose which side of the cursor the image should be displayed.
if( (int(imgWidth)+int(cursorPadding)) > (pageWidth-mouseX) ){
displaySide.horizontal = "left";
/*if( (int(imgHeight)+int(cursorPadding)) > (pageHeight-mouseY) ){
displaySide.vertical = "top";
//Now to position the image.
//First, decide on the horizontal position for the image.
if(displaySide.horizontal == "left"){
this.setRight( int(mouseX) - int(cursorPadding) );
this.setLeft( int(mouseX) - int(cursorPadding) - int(imgWidth) );
else if(displaySide.horizontal == "right"){
this.setLeft( int(mouseX) +int(cursorPadding) );
this.setRight( int(mouseX) + int(cursorPadding) + int(imgWidth) );
//Next, decide on the vertical position for the image.
*Here's my logic with this one (after MANY trial-and-error!):
* By default, we want the image to appear below the mouse cursor. So, we set the preview's top to the mouseY, plus some padding.
* Next, we check if, given this new top position, the image will go further than the page's height.
* If so, we pull up the image's top by the amount that it exceeds the page's height.
* This will make the preview image's bottom exactly align with the page's bottom automatically.
* TODO::Check if, after correcting the image's bottom, the image's top goes above the screen. If so, shrink the image by the overflowing amount.
newTop = int(mouseY) + int(cursorPadding);
if(newTop + imgHeight > pageHeight){
newTop = newTop - (newTop+imgHeight - pageHeight);
this.setTop( int(newTop) );
//If the image is set not to follow the cursor, choose which corner of the screen to position the image in.
//First, decide on the horizontal corner for the image.
if(mouseX < pageWidth/2){
this.setLeft(); //Set to "auto"
this.setRight(); //Set to "auto"
//Next, decide on the vertical corner for the image.
if(mouseY < pageHeight/2){
this.setTop(); //Set to "auto"
this.setBottom(); //Set to "auto"
* Returns the page width in pixels
function PageWidth() {
return window.innerWidth != null? window.innerWidth: document.body != null? document.body.clientWidth:null;
* Returns the page height in pixels
function PageHeight() {
return window.innerHeight != null? window.innerHeight: document.body != null? document.body.clientHeight:null;
* Returns the integer representation of a string.
function int(str){
return parseInt(str);
function SetSrc(src){
this.element.src = src;
function GetId(){
return this.id;
function SetLinkElement(elem){
this.link_element = elem;
function SetLinkUrl(url){
this.link_element.href = url;
function GetLinkUrl(){
return this.link_element.href;
function GetImageElement(){
return this.element;
function GetHeight(){
return this.element.height;
function SetHeight(height){
this.element.height = height;
function GetWidth(){
return this.element.width;
function SetWidth(width){
this.element.width = width;
function GetMaxWidth(){
return this.element.style.maxWidth;
function SetMaxHeight(height){
this.element.style.maxHeight = height+"px";
function GetMaxHeight(){
return this.element.style.maxHeight;
function SetMaxWidth(width){
this.element.style.maxWidth = width+"px";
function GetMaxWidth(){
return this.element.style.maxWidth;
function GetTop(){
return this.element.style.top;
function SetTop(top){
this.element.style.top = top+"px";
this.element.style.top = "auto";
function GetBottom(){
return this.element.style.bottom;
function SetBottom(bottom){
this.element.style.bottom = bottom+"px";
this.element.style.bottom = "auto";
function GetLeft(){
return this.element.style.left;
function SetLeft(left){
this.element.style.left = left+"px";
this.element.style.left = "auto";
function GetRight(){
return this.element.style.right;
function SetRight(right){
this.element.style.right = right+"px";
this.element.style.right = "auto";
function GetLoaded(){
return this.loaded;
function SetLoaded(loaded){
this.loaded = loaded;