w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Modified/Forked from "Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker" (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458631). Script is out-of-the-box setup to automatically add title, author, status, summary, and last read date to the description in an "collapsible" section so as to not clutter the bookmark.

< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Αναφορά: Καλός - ο κώδικας λειτουργεί

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 15/11/2023

First, thank you so very much for making this. The out-of-the box experience is amazing both for PC and Android phone, and the functionality is amazing, and your notes on the code are very understandable.

I'm very sorry if the next questions would sound rude, as I have no coding experience or understanding how hard that would be to implement, but can you tell if it's possible to either automatically update the existing bookmarks, or for the script to work is I press the "Edit" button on My Bookmarks page manually? I have >1,000 bookmarks and while deleting and then adding them again using this script is an option, loosing the original bookmarking date would be very unfortunate

Additionally, is there an option to put Words+Series completion status in "Work/Series Details" in bookmarks notes instead in Auto Tag?

Again, thank you so much for your work, and for taking your time for making it work in Firefox!

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 07/01/2024

First, thank you so very much for making this. The out-of-the box experience is amazing both for PC and Android phone, and the functionality is amazing, and your notes on the code are very understandable.

Thanks for the review!

can you tell if it's possible to either automatically update the existing bookmarks, or for the script to work is I press the "Edit" button on My Bookmarks page manually?

Automatic updates would not be possible without you visiting the work page, and while it could be possible to have the script work on the "My Bookmarks" page I'm not sure about the specifics of actually implementing that and as it's not a priority to me that's probably going to be something that's implemented if I have an excess of free time and the motivation to tackle that specifically.

while deleting and then adding them again using this script is an option

I'm not sure why you think you'd need to delete the bookmark. If it's because your existing bookmark already has some text in the notes section that shouldn't be an issue, as the userscript will keep whatever bookmark notes you already have.

e.g. If your bookmark looked like the following:

{Really short summary of the work so far}
{Thoughts on the work so far}
{A star rating}

the result of using the bookmark manager userscript would be:


{Really short summary of the work so far}
{Thoughts on the work so far}
{A star rating}

So all you'd have to do to "update" your bookmarks to include the stuff added by the bookmark manager userscript would be to just go to the first chapter of whatever you've bookmarked and press the bookmark button.

If this is not what's happening please contact me via DMs and I'll try and figure out what the issue is you may be having.

Hope this helped!

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 07/01/2024

Additionally, is there an option to put Words+Series completion status in "Work/Series Details" in bookmarks notes instead in Auto Tag?

Unfortunately, it would not be possible to add Series completion status to the bookmark notes when bookmarking from a work page. I don't believe it's possible to bookmark works from a series page, as the series page is the only area which contains the Series completion status.

However, it is possible to add the total word count of the work into the Work/Series Details box. You'd just have to go to line 1144 (or where the workInfo variable is defined for whatever preset you're using if you're not using the default one) in the userscript and add ${words} to where ever you want the word count to go.


workInfo = `<details><summary>Work/Series Details</summary>
\t${title} by ${author}
\tWord Count: ${words}
\tWork/Series ID: ${ws_id}
\t<details><summary>Work/Series Summary:</summary>

would add the word count directly below the status of the work.

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