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Remove Reddit Sidebar and Trending

Removes the sidebar and trending bar on the front page of Reddit.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Remove Reddit Sidebar and Trending
// @namespace
// @description  Removes the sidebar and trending bar on the front page of Reddit.
// @version      0.2.6
// @author       Lawrence Sim
// @license      WTFPL (
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @match        *://**
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
let allowSidebar = false;
(function() {
    function removeStuff(listing) {
        if(!listing) return;
        let left = Array.from(listing.children)
                        .find(el => !el.classList.contains("ListingLayout-backgroundContainer"));
        if(!left) return;
        let watch = new MutationObserver((mutated, observer) => {
            let trending = listing.querySelector("#TrendingPostsContainer");
            if(trending) trending.remove() && observer.disconnect();
        watch.observe(left, {childList:true, subtree:true});
        let feed = Array.from(left.children)
                        .find(el => el.className);
        if(!feed || feed.children.length != 2) return;
        if(!allowSidebar) {
            feed.children[0].style['margin-right'] = "0";
    let redditWatcher = window.redditWatcher || (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.redditWatcher);
    if(redditWatcher) {
        redditWatcher.listing.onUpdate((listing, mutated) => removeStuff(listing));
    } else {
        let listing = document.querySelector(".ListingLayout-outerContainer");
        (new MutationObserver(() => { removeStuff(listing); }))
            .observe(listing, {childList:true, subtree:true});