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Youtube - dismiss sign-in

Hide the "sign-in" and cookies dialogs. Prevent the dialogs from pausing the video.

< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα Youtube - dismiss sign-in

Αναφορά: Καλός - ο κώδικας λειτουργεί

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 25/04/2022

Doesn't work today. Seems to be in need of a fix.

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 25/04/2022

I've tried just now, and it still works for me. Maybe youtube is playing with other layouts again. I'll keep trying as often as possible, and try to reproduce your problem.
Which browser and userscript manager are you using?

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 25/04/2022

I've found another layout for the cookie dialog. It is shown once in a while so it's hard to test.

When you say that it doesn't work. What are the symptoms of "not working"?

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 03/05/2022
What are the symptoms of "not working"?

Before going to YouTube
We use cookies and data to:

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 03/05/2022

More often it works than it doesn't. Now does not work.

Какой браузер и менеджер пользовательских скриптов вы используете?

101.0.4951.41 (Official Build, ungoogled-chromium), custom (64 бит)

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 03/05/2022

I've updated the script. Update it and tell me if you still encounter a problem.

Your first answer seems to be truncated. I still don't understand what the symptoms are for you.

Is the video stopping, or pausing while the sound is still playing?
Does youtube's interface stop responding for some reason?
Are you forced to reload the page at some point to make it work?
Are you seeing a cookie dialog (or another dialog) that is not handled by the script?

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 04/05/2022

YouTube does not open without accepting the terms. "We use cookies and data to: ...."

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 04/05/2022

this happens when the VPN is not turned off

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 04/05/2022

You shouldn't see that dialog. It should have been hidden by the userscript.
Do you always see the dialogs (that one, and the older version with only one blue button) for a short time while they are dismissed?

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 04/05/2022

If you still see the dialogs, and even if they are dismissed, you can still help me to hide them.
You'll have to disable the userscript to have them stay open.
Then right-click in the margin of the dialog, like in the screenshot, and click "Inspect".
Take a screenshot of the source like in the second screenshot. I'll then be able to compare with what I get, and try to fix the hiding part of the script.

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 04/05/2022

I didn't have a button "Inspect"
I didn't have a button other than "просмотреть код"(view code)

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 24/05/2022

Sorry for the very long delay. Life caught up with me. I had to repair a cistern before rain came back. It took a week but I got it ready just in time.

In the meantime I've tried to get the same page as you, but never got redirected to Until yesterday, only once (too little to test), and today. I think I've nailed it.
Update the script and tell me if it solves your issue.

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 22/06/2022

Now, now it works!

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 22/06/2022

Great :)

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