Viki Segment/Subtitle Helper

Some improvements on the segmenter/subtitler on Viki

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Personally I find the Viki segmenter/subtitler decent but with some major flaws... While I haven't fixed some of my biggest pet peeves, this script should improve the overall Viki segmenter/subtitler experience.


Timeline position select
I'm not sure if anyone else was annoyed not to have this feature, but coming from video and audio editors it made no sense to me that I couldn't click on the timeline (right above the segments/waveform) and not be taken to that position with the green needle. So now you can!

Speed up / Slow down playback
Now you can speed up or slow down the playback!
The [ key will slow down the playback by 10%;
The ] key will speed up the playback by 10%;
The = key will set playback back to normal.
Sadly, you can't hear any audio lower than 50% playback speed, but I still found it useful.

Those are all the features so far... I'm still learning how to segment anyway x)
I've only tried this with Chrome and HTML5 player. It probably won't work on other players, but hopefully it works in other browsers. Let me know if there are issues.