MTurk David White - Two Music Links: Same Album or Different Album?

Use 1 - 4 to select Yes, No, 404, or Cannot Tell, and Ctrl+S or Enter to submit. Opens both links automatically (must have MTurk Message Receiver installed)

// ==UserScript==
// @name        MTurk David White - Two Music Links: Same Album or Different Album?
// @namespace
// @description Use 1 - 4 to select Yes, No, 404, or Cannot Tell, and Ctrl+S or Enter to submit. Opens both links automatically (must have MTurk Message Receiver installed)
// @include*
// @include*
// @version     0.3
// @require
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

if ($(":contains('Decide if the links both refer to the same')").length || $(":contains('Look at the information in the two links')").length) {
	var link1 = $("a:contains('Link 1')").last().attr('href');
	var link2 = $("a:contains('Link 2')").last().attr('href');
	if (link1.match('itunes') || link1.match('yahoo')) {
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	} else {
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	if (link2.match('itunes') || link2.match('yahoo')) {
		window.parent.postMessage("music2!!!!!" + link2, "");
	} else {
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		$("#submitButton").parent().after($("<iframe src='" + link2 + "' width='45%' height='600' id='link1'></iframe>"));
} else if ($(":contains('Look at the information in the link')").length) {
	var link = $("a:contains('Link')").last().attr('href');
	window.parent.postMessage("music1!!!!!" + link, "");
$("input[value='No']").prop('checked', true);
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var instructBody = instructHead.parent().parent().next();
instructHead.html("<a href='javascript:void();' id='hide_instruct'>+</a> Instructions");
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$(document).keydown(function(event) {
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