Copy as math image wrapped with in a editable link Java Script - 12/28/2020, 11:01:45 AM
replace_directly_link Java Script - 11/19/2021, 9:05:58 AM
play_video_without_ad Java Script - Play videos without ad using some website like
change_intput_password_to_text Java Script - 5/25/2021, 11:02:03 AM
allow_copy_and_selection Java Script - 5/25/2021, 1:16:51 PM
automatic_insert_totp_code Java Script - 10/19/2021, 3:22:51 PM
js_translate Java Script - 6/8/2023, 2:23:49 PM
allow_paste_in_browser_without_interaction Java Script - 10/26/2023, 4:16:51 PM
make_qingsuyun_selectable Java Script - make the text of exam in qingsuyun selectable