Embiggen Images Java Script - Shows CSS-resized images (and some thumbnails) in their original size by holding Shift while hovering over the image (or links to images)
Fullscreenable Youtubes Java Script - Enables the fullscreen button in all embedded youtube videos
Cheezburger AutoPager Java Script - Autoloads the next page as you scroll, and uses the arrows to move between posts. Works for the whole Cheezburger network, IPB and vBulletin forums, and some other wordpressish pages
Wait for it Java Script - Wait for something. Silently reloads the page every X seconds until some condition is met
phpmyadmin relation links Java Script - When browsing data, adds a link to foreign key values to open the related row. When looking at the table structure, highlights index fields and adds a link to the related table for foreign keys
phpmyadmin index highlighter Java Script - Highlights index fields, adds a link to the related table to foreign keys
phpmyadmin search icons Java Script - Adds search icons to the navigation bar for quick search shortcuts
IPB Thread Updater Java Script - shows new posts while reading a thread
GoldenAgeComics for Webcomic Reader Java Script - Alternative to the currently unusable online viewer to be used with Webcomic Reader ( Must be executed before Webcomic Reader to work