Wall Manager Sidekick (PT) Java Script - Assists Wall Manager with Pioneer Trail posts
WM Common Library Java Script (Bibliothek) - A collection of useful functions and objects, some of which are specific to the Wall Manager family of scripts.
WM Debug Console Java Script (Bibliothek) - Creates a debug console that slides up from the bottom right of the screen
JS Forms Library B Java Script (Bibliothek) - Encapulates and extends many HTML forms elements.
WM Config Interface Java Script (Bibliothek) - Creates a configuration interface which allows users to set and get options easily.
WM Graph API Interface (Beta Branch) Java Script (Bibliothek) - Creates a low-access, read-only interface to the FB Graph API.
WM Common Library Java Script (Bibliothek) - A collection of useful functions and objects, some of which are specific to the Wall Manager family of scripts.