SteamGifts Helper

In SteamGifts, improve some features

Das sind Skriptversionen, bei denen der Quelltext aktualisiert wurde. Alle Versionen anzeigen.

  • v1.71 17.08.2019 fix correction GA links
  • v1.70 27.02.2019 add Region Restricted tag in GA detector
  • v1.69 04.12.2018 rearrange marking order, add Missing Base Game tag, support holiday event
  • v1.68 21.10.2018 add Entered tag in GA detector
  • v1.67 03.10.2018 force mark from cache before request new owned data
  • v1.66 30.08.2018 fix Steam ignore app format, improve login checking
  • v1.65 26.08.2018 add Ended tag in GA detector, correct link for region restricted info
  • v1.64 16.07.2018 add whitelist and blacklist tags in GA detector, use Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[ to go next and previous wagons
  • v1.63 17.04.2018 support https of Steam
  • v1.62 24.01.2018 correct GA links, improve train detector
  • v1.61 14.01.2018 add Activate product key button in Won page
  • v1.60 12.12.2017 add SteamDB box instead of iframe
  • v1.59 11.12.2017 add option for bigger entry button
  • v1.58 09.12.2017 add compatible with 'SG Add IsThereAnyDeal Data'
  • v1.57 14.11.2017 show average entries in sidebar
  • v1.56 30.10.2017 improve GA detector
  • v1.55 24.10.2017 click on Not Enough Points to refresh, show only Avg in Entered page
  • v1.54 07.10.2017 add avg in entered page
  • v1.53 28.09.2017 add more tags in GA detector, remove auto enter feature, improve show points in title, toggle entered rows in 3 modes, improve hide owned GA
  • v1.52 15.09.2017 improve toggle hide owned GA
  • v1.51 08.09.2017 move ads to bottom
  • v1.50 07.09.2017 reset cache when pressing F5, Show Entered button can be toggled, Insert GA ID box can filter chars, add Toggle Hide owned GA in discussion
  • v1.49 31.08.2017 use profile cache to reduce traffic
  • v1.48 31.08.2017 add more tags in GA detector, move poll when voted, update css
  • v1.47 07.08.2017 add more tags in GA detector, clean equality syntax, support filtered games, move poll to bottom
  • v1.46 03.07.2017 show checked icon in title when entered GA
  • v1.45 29.06.2017 support new SG styles, count owned app from SteamDB
  • v1.44 15.06.2017 support Firefox 55 Beta
  • v1.43 04.06.2017 support sgtools in train detector
  • v1.42 15.05.2017 restyle SteamDB iframe, mark owned games in GA comments, hide ended GA topics
  • v1.41 27.04.2017 add new options, improve GA code to url, change some coding style
  • v1.40 26.04.2017 change GA code to url in discussion, add options page
  • v1.38 10.04.2017 mark owned GA with green bag
  • v1.37 13.03.2017 move ads to bottom, fix ads bug
  • v1.36 06.02.2017 fix SteamDB links, fix self train, fix missing detector
  • v1.35 09.12.2016 mark SteamDB links, improve train
  • v1.34 10.11.2016 support SGv2Dark, make copy button work with FF in won page
  • v1.33 23.09.2016 add paging on top of several pages, show hidden GA in discussion
  • v1.32 15.09.2016 fix some bugs, not autorefresh when commenting in GA, add GA shortcut in discussion
  • v1.31 25.07.2016 add region and level filter in first page
  • v1.30 25.07.2016 use new method to check owned games
  • v1.29 12.05.2016 improve navbar, improve train function, show points in title if not owned
  • v1.28 20.04.2016 update to https, update nav sidebar, show number of copies in entered page
  • v1.27 13.04.2016 fix some bugs
  • v1.26 03.03.2016 improve train function
  • v1.25 14.02.2016 hilight giveaway links, improve GA detector
  • v1.24 10.02.2016 add ga counter in disscusion
  • v1.23 27.01.2016 hilight owned in each giveaway and in discussions
  • v1.22 17.01.2016 hilight owned games and dlcs, add SteamDB frame, add train notification with train rider
  • v1.21 26.11.2015 add SteamDB link in Giveaway page, show Contributor Level

Alle Skript-Versionen anzeigen