
Let's you add corners

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

 * jQuery corner plugin: simple corner rounding
 * Examples and documentation at:
 * version 2.13 (19-FEB-2013)
 * Requires jQuery v1.3.2 or later
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 * Authors: Dave Methvin and Mike Alsup

 *  corner() takes a single string argument:  $('#myDiv').corner("effect corners width")
 *  effect:  name of the effect to apply, such as round, bevel, notch, bite, etc (default is round). 
 *  corners: one or more of: top, bottom, tr, tl, br, or bl.  (default is all corners)
 *  width:   width of the effect; in the case of rounded corners this is the radius. 
 *           specify this value using the px suffix such as 10px (yes, it must be pixels).
;(function($) { 

var msie = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent);

var style = document.createElement('div').style,
    moz = style['MozBorderRadius'] !== undefined,
    webkit = style['WebkitBorderRadius'] !== undefined,
    radius = style['borderRadius'] !== undefined || style['BorderRadius'] !== undefined,
    mode = document.documentMode || 0,
    noBottomFold = msie && (!mode || mode < 8),

    expr = msie && (function() {
        var div = document.createElement('div');
        try {'width','0+0');'width'); }
        catch(e) { return false; }
        return true;

$.support = $.support || {};
$.support.borderRadius = moz || webkit || radius; // so you can do:  if (!$.support.borderRadius) $('#myDiv').corner();

function sz(el, p) { 
    return parseInt($.css(el,p),10)||0; 
function hex2(s) {
    s = parseInt(s,10).toString(16);
    return ( s.length < 2 ) ? '0'+s : s;
function gpc(node) {
    while(node) {
        var v = $.css(node,'backgroundColor'), rgb;
        if (v && v != 'transparent' && v != 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
            if (v.indexOf('rgb') >= 0) { 
                rgb = v.match(/\d+/g); 
                return '#'+ hex2(rgb[0]) + hex2(rgb[1]) + hex2(rgb[2]);
            return v;
        if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'html')
        node = node.parentNode; // keep walking if transparent
    return '#ffffff';

function getWidth(fx, i, width) {
    switch(fx) {
    case 'round':  return Math.round(width*(1-Math.cos(Math.asin(i/width))));
    case 'cool':   return Math.round(width*(1+Math.cos(Math.asin(i/width))));
    case 'sharp':  return width-i;
    case 'bite':   return Math.round(width*(Math.cos(Math.asin((width-i-1)/width))));
    case 'slide':  return Math.round(width*(Math.atan2(i,width/i)));
    case 'jut':    return Math.round(width*(Math.atan2(width,(width-i-1))));
    case 'curl':   return Math.round(width*(Math.atan(i)));
    case 'tear':   return Math.round(width*(Math.cos(i)));
    case 'wicked': return Math.round(width*(Math.tan(i)));
    case 'long':   return Math.round(width*(Math.sqrt(i)));
    case 'sculpt': return Math.round(width*(Math.log((width-i-1),width)));
    case 'dogfold':
    case 'dog':    return (i&1) ? (i+1) : width;
    case 'dog2':   return (i&2) ? (i+1) : width;
    case 'dog3':   return (i&3) ? (i+1) : width;
    case 'fray':   return (i%2)*width;
    case 'notch':  return width; 
    case 'bevelfold':
    case 'bevel':  return i+1;
    case 'steep':  return i/2 + 1;
    case 'invsteep':return (width-i)/2+1;

$.fn.corner = function(options) {
    // in 1.3+ we can fix mistakes with the ready state
    if (this.length === 0) {
        if (!$.isReady && this.selector) {
            var s = this.selector, c = this.context;
            $(function() {
        return this;

    return this.each(function(index){
        var $this = $(this),
            // meta values override options
            o = [$this.attr($.fn.corner.defaults.metaAttr) || '', options || ''].join(' ').toLowerCase(),
            keep = /keep/.test(o),                       // keep borders?
            cc = ((o.match(/cc:(#[0-9a-f]+)/)||[])[1]),  // corner color
            sc = ((o.match(/sc:(#[0-9a-f]+)/)||[])[1]),  // strip color
            width = parseInt((o.match(/(\d+)px/)||[])[1],10) || 10, // corner width
            re = /round|bevelfold|bevel|notch|bite|cool|sharp|slide|jut|curl|tear|fray|wicked|sculpt|long|dog3|dog2|dogfold|dog|invsteep|steep/,
            fx = ((o.match(re)||['round'])[0]),
            fold = /dogfold|bevelfold/.test(o),
            edges = { T:0, B:1 },
            opts = {
                TL:  /top|tl|left/.test(o),       TR:  /top|tr|right/.test(o),
                BL:  /bottom|bl|left/.test(o),    BR:  /bottom|br|right/.test(o)
            // vars used in func later
            strip, pad, cssHeight, j, bot, d, ds, bw, i, w, e, c, common, $horz;
        if ( !opts.TL && !opts.TR && !opts.BL && !opts.BR )
            opts = { TL:1, TR:1, BL:1, BR:1 };
        // support native rounding
        if ($.fn.corner.defaults.useNative && fx == 'round' && (radius || moz || webkit) && !cc && !sc) {
            if (opts.TL)
                $this.css(radius ? 'border-top-left-radius' : moz ? '-moz-border-radius-topleft' : '-webkit-border-top-left-radius', width + 'px');
            if (opts.TR)
                $this.css(radius ? 'border-top-right-radius' : moz ? '-moz-border-radius-topright' : '-webkit-border-top-right-radius', width + 'px');
            if (opts.BL)
                $this.css(radius ? 'border-bottom-left-radius' : moz ? '-moz-border-radius-bottomleft' : '-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius', width + 'px');
            if (opts.BR)
                $this.css(radius ? 'border-bottom-right-radius' : moz ? '-moz-border-radius-bottomright' : '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius', width + 'px');
        strip = document.createElement('div');
            overflow: 'hidden',
            height: '1px',
            minHeight: '1px',
            fontSize: '1px',
            backgroundColor: sc || 'transparent',
            borderStyle: 'solid'
        pad = {
            T: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingTop'),10)||0,     R: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingRight'),10)||0,
            B: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingBottom'),10)||0,  L: parseInt($.css(this,'paddingLeft'),10)||0

        if (typeof !== undefined) = 1; // force 'hasLayout' in IE
        if (!keep) = 'none'; = cc || gpc(this.parentNode);
        cssHeight = $(this).outerHeight();

        for (j in edges) {
            bot = edges[j];
            // only add stips if needed
            if ((bot && (opts.BL || opts.BR)) || (!bot && (opts.TL || opts.TR))) {
       = 'none '+(opts[j+'R']?'solid':'none')+' none '+(opts[j+'L']?'solid':'none');
                d = document.createElement('div');
                ds =;

                bot ? this.appendChild(d) : this.insertBefore(d, this.firstChild);

                if (bot && cssHeight != 'auto') {
                    if ($.css(this,'position') == 'static')
               = 'relative';
                    ds.position = 'absolute';
                    ds.bottom = ds.left = ds.padding = ds.margin = '0';
                    if (expr)
                        ds.setExpression('width', 'this.parentNode.offsetWidth');
                        ds.width = '100%';
                else if (!bot && msie) {
                    if ($.css(this,'position') == 'static')
               = 'relative';
                    ds.position = 'absolute';
           = ds.left = ds.right = ds.padding = ds.margin = '0';
                    // fix ie6 problem when blocked element has a border width
                    if (expr) {
                        bw = sz(this,'borderLeftWidth') + sz(this,'borderRightWidth');
                        ds.setExpression('width', 'this.parentNode.offsetWidth - '+bw+'+ "px"');
                        ds.width = '100%';
                else {
                    ds.position = 'relative';
                    ds.margin = !bot ? '-'+pad.T+'px -'+pad.R+'px '+(pad.T-width)+'px -'+pad.L+'px' : 
                                        (pad.B-width)+'px -'+pad.R+'px -'+pad.B+'px -'+pad.L+'px';                

                for (i=0; i < width; i++) {
                    w = Math.max(0,getWidth(fx,i, width));
                    e = strip.cloneNode(false);
           = '0 '+(opts[j+'R']?w:0)+'px 0 '+(opts[j+'L']?w:0)+'px';
                    bot ? d.appendChild(e) : d.insertBefore(e, d.firstChild);
                if (fold && $.support.boxModel) {
                    if (bot && noBottomFold) continue;
                    for (c in opts) {
                        if (!opts[c]) continue;
                        if (bot && (c == 'TL' || c == 'TR')) continue;
                        if (!bot && (c == 'BL' || c == 'BR')) continue;
                        common = { position: 'absolute', border: 'none', margin: 0, padding: 0, overflow: 'hidden', backgroundColor: };
                        $horz = $('<div/>').css(common).css({ width: width + 'px', height: '1px' });
                        switch(c) {
                        case 'TL': $horz.css({ bottom: 0, left: 0 }); break;
                        case 'TR': $horz.css({ bottom: 0, right: 0 }); break;
                        case 'BL': $horz.css({ top: 0, left: 0 }); break;
                        case 'BR': $horz.css({ top: 0, right: 0 }); break;
                        var $vert = $('<div/>').css(common).css({ top: 0, bottom: 0, width: '1px', height: width + 'px' });
                        switch(c) {
                        case 'TL': $vert.css({ left: width }); break;
                        case 'TR': $vert.css({ right: width }); break;
                        case 'BL': $vert.css({ left: width }); break;
                        case 'BR': $vert.css({ right: width }); break;

$.fn.uncorner = function() { 
    if (radius || moz || webkit)
        this.css(radius ? 'border-radius' : moz ? '-moz-border-radius' : '-webkit-border-radius', 0);
    $('div.jquery-corner', this).remove();
    return this;

// expose options
$.fn.corner.defaults = {
    useNative: true, // true if plugin should attempt to use native browser support for border radius rounding
    metaAttr:  'data-corner' // name of meta attribute to use for options