Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

< Rückmeldungen aufNeverwinter gateway - Profession Automation


Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2016

Continue doing Siege Egnine

I have 27 toons lvl 70 with leadership 25 all.The last few day i see that on some toons the script is giving me "Protect Magical Good Market" but on other toons it keeps giving me "Aquire Siege Engine" and not "Protect Magical Good Market" as should be.
I don't know how to change it.

Can someone help pls??

I'm I doing something wrong??

I use the script for more than 1 year

Veröffentlicht: 03.03.2016

I think its old gateway related bug where gateway not update/load page so assets are not filled and because that script move to task what it can complete, task is "fallback" so script not stuck. I have seen it too, but I dont pay too much attention for gateway farm now - it just run. ;)

        25: ["Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master2","Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master1","Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master3",
        "Leadership_Tier4_24r_Killdragon", "Leadership_Tier4_24_Wizardsseneschal", "Leadership_Tier4_21_Protectmagic",

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