// ==UserScript==
// @name Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll
// @name:es Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll
// @namespace https://github.com/zAlfok/ByeSpoilers-Crunchyroll
// @match https://www.crunchyroll.com/*
// @match https://static.crunchyroll.com/vilos-v2/web/vilos/player.html
// @grant none
// @version 1.2.3
// @license GPL-3.0
// @author Alfok
// @description Censor episode's titles, thumbnails, descriptions and tooltips on Crunchyroll. Skips in-video titles (in dev progress). In other words, you'll avoid spoilers.
// @description:es Censura los títulos, miniaturas, descripciones, URLs y 'tooltips' de los episodios en Crunchyroll. Salta el título del episodio en el video (en progreso de desarrollo). En otras palabras, evitarás spoilers.
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zAlfok/ByeSpoilers-Crunchyroll/master/assets-images/logov2.png
// @run-at document-start
// @resource TITLE_INTERVALS_JSON https://github.com/zAlfok/ByeSpoilers-Crunchyroll/raw/master/scripts/crunchyroll_titles_intervals_compactSimplified.json
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @homepageURL https://github.com/zAlfok/ByeSpoilers-Crunchyroll
// @supportURL https://github.com/zAlfok/ByeSpoilers-Crunchyroll/issues
// ==/UserScript==
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To customize the script, change the USER_CONFIG object below.
const debugEnable = false; // In order to see what's happening in the script, set this to true. It will log messages to the console.
const USER_CONFIG = {
// true: Fetch the JSON file instead of using the resource (default is false),
// this is works together with SKIP_EPISODE_TITLES
// Tampermonkey has trouble with GM_getResourceText, so it's better to use fetch
// (just try with false first and if it doesn't work, set it to true)
// Violentmonkey supports GM_getResourceText, so it's better to use it, to avoid
// downloading the file every time, however, in this initial phase could be better
// considering that the file will be updated frequently
// true: Skip in-video episode titles (in development, default is false)
// true: Blur episode thumbnails on the following pages:
// /home: Continue Watching Grid, Watchlist Grid (Hover),
// /watchlist: Grid of Episodes (Hover)
// /history: Grid of Episodes
// /series: Last Episode, Grid of Episodes
// /watch: Next/Previous Episode, See More Episodes (Side and PopUp)
// true: Blur episodes title on the following pages:
// /home: Continue Watching Grid, Watchlist Grid (Hover),
// /watchlist: Grid of Episodes (Hover)
// /history: Grid of Episodes
// /series: Last Episode, Grid of Episodes
// /watch: Next/Previous Episode, See More Episodes (Side and PopUp)
// true: Modify episodes title to "(S#) E# - [Title Censored]" on the following pages:
// /home: Continue Watching Grid, Continue Watching Grid (Hover), Watchlist Grid (if modifyActive is true, default is false since it's not necessary)
// /watchlist: Grid of Episodes (if modifyActive is true, default is false since it's not necessary)
// /history: Grid of Episodes
// /series: Grid of Episodes, Grid of Episodes (Hover)
// /watch: Main Title, Next/Previous Episode, See More Episodes (Side and PopUp)
// true: Modify episodes title to "Anime E# - Watch on Crunchyroll" from the tab of your browser.
// true: Modify episodes title when hovering over certain elements of the page to "(S#) E# - [Title Censored]":
// /home: Continue Watching Grid
// /watchlist: Grid of Episodes (Has to be fixed)
// /history: Grid of Episodes
// /series: Last Episode, Grid of Episodes
// /watch: Next/Previous Episode, See More Episodes (Side and PopUp)
// true: Modify URL (replaces it) if episode URL detected. WARNING: This will modify your browser history.
// true: Blur episode description on the following pages:
// /home: Continue Watching Grid (Hover)
// /series: Grid of Episodes (Hover)
// /watch: Episode Description
// true: Removes elements related to premium trial:
// Menu bar "TRY FREE PREMIUM" Button, Banner under player (/watch)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global variables to know if relevant elements have been censored
let docTitleCensored = false;
let urlCensored = false;
let titleCensored = false;
// CSS string to apply to the page
let cssE = '';
let titleIntervals = {};
// List of CSS selectors to apply most of the changes (except for the tooltips)
// blurActive and modifyActive control which elements should be blurred and/or modified, advanced control if want to allow certain elements )
const cssSelectorList = {
selector: '.card figure',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
selector: '[data-t="watch-list-card"] .watchlist-card-image__playable-thumbnail--4RQJC figure',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
selector: '[data-t="playable-card-mini"] figure',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
selector: '.up-next-section figure',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
selector: '.erc-my-lists-item a .content-image-figure-wrapper__figure-sizer--SH2-x figure',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
selector: '.card h4 a',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: true
selector: '[data-t="watch-list-card"] h5',
blurAmount: 6,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
selector: '[data-t="playable-card-mini"] h4 a',
blurAmount: 10,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: true
selector: '.erc-my-lists-item h4 a',
blurAmount: 10,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: true
selector: '.current-media-wrapper h1',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: true
selector: '.card [data-t="episode-title"]',
blurAmount: 10,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: true
selector: '.expandable-section__wrapper--G-ttI p',
blurAmount: 20,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
"EP-DESCR_PLAYER_SERIES": { //needed since had to be more specific (afterwards) to avoid bluring on series description
selector: '.erc-show-description .expandable-section__wrapper--G-ttI p',
blurAmount: 0,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
selector: '.card [data-t="description"]',
blurAmount: 10,
blurActive: true,
modifyActive: false
const langList_episodeRegexList = {
"ar": /شاهد على كرانشي رول$/,
"de": /Schau auf Crunchyroll$/,
"en": /Watch on Crunchyroll$/,
"es": /Ver en Crunchyroll en español$/,
"es-es": /Ver en Crunchyroll en castellano$/,
"fr": /Regardez sur Crunchyroll$/,
"it": /Guardalo su Crunchyroll$/,
"pt-br": /Assista na Crunchyroll$/,
"pt-pt": /Assiste na Crunchyroll$/,
"ru": /смотреть на Crunchyroll$/,
"hi": /क्रंचीरोल पर देखें$/
// CSS just for bluring/hiding elements
function concatStyleCSS() {
for (let key in cssSelectorList["THUMBNAILS"]) {
let item = cssSelectorList["THUMBNAILS"][key];
if (item.blurActive) {
cssE = cssE + `${item.selector} { filter: blur(${item.blurAmount}px); }`;
for (let key in cssSelectorList["TITLES"]) {
let item = cssSelectorList["TITLES"][key];
if (item.blurActive) {
cssE = cssE + `${item.selector} { filter: blur(${item.blurAmount}px); }`;
for (let key in cssSelectorList["DESCRIPTIONS"]) {
let item = cssSelectorList["DESCRIPTIONS"][key];
if (item.blurActive) {
cssE = cssE + `${item.selector} { filter: blur(${item.blurAmount}px); }`;
debugEnable && console.log(USER_CONFIG.HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL ? "HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL: ON, some things will be executed by modifying on mainLogic" : "HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL: OFF");
cssE = cssE + '.erc-user-actions > :first-child, .banner-wrapper, .button-wrapper { display: none; }';
// cssE = cssE + 'vsc-initialized { height: 0%};'; // Not 0% in all cases, it's done on mainLogic, kept here for reference
// Gets the serie's name and the episode's number and title from the episode page
function getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite() {
debugEnable && console.log("[getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite]: Getting episode title from episode site");
const $episodeTitle = document.querySelector('.erc-current-media-info h1.title, .card h4 a ');
const $seriesName = document.querySelector('.show-title-link h4, .hero-heading-line h1'); // show-title-link is series name on episode player page, .hero-heading-line is series name on series episode list page
let episodeTitle = "";
let episodeNumber = "";
let seriesName = $seriesName?.textContent ?? "";
if ($episodeTitle?.textContent) {
episodeTitle = $episodeTitle.textContent.split(' - ');
if (episodeTitle.length > 0) {
debugEnable && console.log('[getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite]: Episode title with separator: ', $episodeTitle.textContent);
episodeNumber = episodeTitle[0];
episodeTitle = episodeTitle[1];
} else {
debugEnable && console.log('[getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite]: Episode title without separator: ', $episodeTitle.textContent);
} else {
debugEnable && console.warn('[getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite]: Episode title not found');
return [episodeNumber, episodeTitle, seriesName];
// Censor the URL only on episode pages
function censorUrl() {
let [episodeNumber, episodeTitle, seriesName] = getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite();
debugEnable && console.log(`[censorUrl]: New title: censored-${seriesName.replace(/ /g, "_")}-${episodeNumber}`);
window.history.replaceState(null, '', `censored-${seriesName.replace(/ /g, "_")}-${episodeNumber}`);
urlCensored = true;
debugEnable && console.log("[censorUrl]: URL censored");
if (docTitleCensored && titleCensored) {
document.documentElement.style.filter = 'none';
// Censor the document title (browser's taba) only on episode pages
function censorDocTitle() {
const crunchyLang = document.documentElement.lang;
const episodeRegex = langList_episodeRegexList[crunchyLang] || langList_episodeRegexList["en"];
const [episodeNumber, episodeTitle, seriesName] = getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite();
if (document.title.includes("[Title Censored]")) {
debugEnable && console.log("[censorDocTitle]: Title already censored");
const titleSuffix = episodeRegex.source.replace('\$', "");
let newTitle = "[Title Censored] - " + titleSuffix;
if (!!seriesName && !!episodeNumber) {
newTitle = `${seriesName} Episode ${episodeNumber} [Title Censored] - ${titleSuffix}`;
} else if (!!seriesName) {
newTitle = `${seriesName} [Title Censored] - ${titleSuffix}`;
} else if (!!episodeNumber) {
newTitle = `Episode ${episodeNumber} [Title Censored] - ${titleSuffix}`;
debugEnable && console.log("[censorDocTitle]: New title: ", newTitle);
document.title = newTitle;
docTitleCensored = true;
debugEnable && console.log("[censorDocTitle]: Title censored");
if (titleCensored && (isEpisodePage() && urlCensored)) {
document.documentElement.style.filter = 'none';
// Censor tooltips with episode titles (exlusion made on mainLogic for watchlist page)
function censorTooltips() {
const tooltipTitles = document.querySelectorAll(
'[data-t="playable-card-mini"] a[title], ' + //TOOLTIPS_EP-NEXT_EP-PREV_EP-SEE-MORE-SIDE
'.erc-my-lists-item a[title], ' + //TOOLTIPS_WATCHLIST_HISTORY
'.erc-series-hero a[title] ' //TOOLTIPS_SERIES
if (tooltipTitles.length === 0) {
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTooltips]: No elements found with title attribute");
tooltipTitles.forEach(element => {
const originalTitle = element.getAttribute('title');
if (originalTitle.includes('[Title Censored]')) {
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTooltips]: Title already censored");
parts = originalTitle.split(' - ');
let newTitle = parts.length > 1 ? parts[0]+" - [Title Censored]" : "[Title Censored]";
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTooltips]: New title: ", newTitle);
element.setAttribute('title', newTitle);
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTooltips]: Title censored");
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTooltips]: Censored all elements with title attribute");
// Group of functions to determine the current page
function isHomePage() {
let currentPath = window.location.pathname;
// Extract keys from the object and build a regular expression (in case of more languages in the future)
const validPaths = Object.keys(langList_episodeRegexList).map(key => `/${key}/`);
const isValid = currentPath === "/" || validPaths.includes(currentPath) || validPaths.includes(`${currentPath}/`);
debugEnable && console.log("[isHomePage]: Current path is valid: ", isValid, " - Current path is: ", currentPath);
return isValid;
function isSeriesPage() {
let currentPath = window.location.pathname;
let isValid = currentPath.includes('/series');
debugEnable && console.log("[isSeriesPage]: Current path is valid: ", isValid, " - Current path is: ", currentPath);
return isValid;
function isHistoryPage() {
let currentPath = window.location.pathname;
let isValid = currentPath.includes('/history');
debugEnable && console.log("[isHistoryPage]: Current path is valid: ", isValid, " - Current path is: ", currentPath);
return isValid;
function isEpisodePage() {
let currentPath = window.location.pathname;
let isValid = currentPath.includes('/watch/');
debugEnable && console.log("[isEpisodePage]: Current path is valid: ", isValid, " - Current path is: ", currentPath);
return isValid;
function isWatchlistPage() {
let currentPath = window.location.pathname;
let isValid = currentPath.includes('/watchlist');
debugEnable && console.log("[isWatchlistPage]: Current path is valid: ", isValid, " - Current path is: ", currentPath);
return isValid;
function isOtherPage() {
let currentPath = window.location.pathname;
// Exctract keys from the object and build a regular expression (in case of more languages in the future)
let validPaths = Object.keys(langList_episodeRegexList).map(key => `/${key}/`);
let isValidHome = currentPath === "/" || validPaths.includes(currentPath) || validPaths.includes(`${currentPath}/`);
let isValidOtherFunctions = currentPath.includes("/series") || currentPath.includes("/history") || currentPath.includes("/watch/") || currentPath.includes("/watchlist");
let isValid = !isValidHome && !isValidOtherFunctions;
debugEnable && console.log("[isOtherPage]: Current path is valid: ", isValid, " - Current path is: ", currentPath);
return isValid;
// Generic function to censor titles if have (' - ') separator or not from any of the cssSelectorList["TITLES"] selectors
function censorTitleGeneric(selector) {
const elementsWithTitle = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (elementsWithTitle.length === 0) {
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTitleGeneric]: No elements found with selector: ", selector);
elementsWithTitle.forEach(element => {
const content = element.textContent;
if (content.includes("[Title Censored]")) {
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTitleGeneric]: Title already censored");
const parts = content.split(" - ");
let newContent = parts.length > 1 ? parts[0] + " - [Title Censored]" : "[Title Censored]";
element.textContent = newContent;
debugEnable && console.log("[censorTitleGeneric]: Censored all elements with selector: ", selector);
titleCensored = true;
if (docTitleCensored && (isEpisodePage() && urlCensored)) {
document.documentElement.style.filter = 'none';
// Determines if the user is logged in
function isLogged() {
if (document.querySelector('.user-menu-account-section')) {
debugEnable && console.log('[isLogged]: User is logged in');
return true;
} else {
debugEnable && console.log('[isLogged]: User is NOT logged in');
return false;
// Main code block
function mainLogic() {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: START");
const homeContinueWatching = document.querySelector('.erc-feed-continue-watching-item');
const historyListSite = document.querySelector('.erc-history-content')
let notLogged = !isLogged();
let notHomeContinueWatchingOnHomePage = isHomePage() && !homeContinueWatching;
let notHistoryListSiteOnHistoryPage = isHistoryPage() && !historyListSite;
// If not logged (no censorable elements) or not home continue watching on home page (no censorable elements)
// or not history list site on history page (no censorable elements), then remove blur effect
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: Has to remove blur since nothing detected?\nNot logged: ", notLogged, "\nnot home continue watching on home page: ", notHomeContinueWatchingOnHomePage, "\nnot history list site on history page: ", notHistoryListSiteOnHistoryPage);
if (notLogged || notHomeContinueWatchingOnHomePage || notHistoryListSiteOnHistoryPage) {
document.documentElement.style.filter = 'none';
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: Has to remove blur since nothing detected? Yes. No censorable elements detected. Removing blur effect.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: Has to remove blur since nothing detected? No. Censorable elements detected. Evaluating if blur effect should be applied (again).");
// If it's supposed to censor, apply blur effect back untils all censoring is done (lines below)
// Verification if title should be censored (only on home, history, series and episode pages)
let isTitleCensorshipNeeded = isHomePage() || isHistoryPage() || isSeriesPage() || isEpisodePage();
let isTitleCensoredCorrectly = !isTitleCensorshipNeeded || titleCensored;
// Verification if URL should be censored (only on episode pages)
let isUrlCensorshipNeeded = isEpisodePage();
let isUrlCensoredCorrectly = !isUrlCensorshipNeeded || urlCensored;
// Verification if document title should be censored (only on episode pages)
let isDocTitleCensorshipNeeded = isEpisodePage();
let isDocTitleCensoredCorrectly = !isDocTitleCensorshipNeeded || docTitleCensored;
// Final verification if blur effect should be applied again
if (!isTitleCensoredCorrectly || !isUrlCensoredCorrectly || !isDocTitleCensoredCorrectly) {
document.documentElement.style.filter = 'blur: 2px;';
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: One or more censoring conditions are not met. Applying blur effect again.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: All censoring conditions are met. Not necessary to apply blur effect again.");
// Makes sure that blur effect is removed when all censoring is done (if censoring wasn't needed, it's removed before)
if (
(isHomePage() && (USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_INSITE_EPISODE_TITLES ? titleCensored : true)) ||
(isEpisodePage() && (USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_INSITE_EPISODE_TITLES ? titleCensored : true) &&
(isSeriesPage() && (USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_INSITE_EPISODE_TITLES ? titleCensored : true)) ||
(isHistoryPage() && (USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_INSITE_EPISODE_TITLES ? titleCensored : true)) ||
(isWatchlistPage()) ||
document.documentElement.style.filter = 'blur(0px)';
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: All needed censorship done. Removing blur effect");
// Not working at css <style> level, therefore it's done here on each document change to ensure it's applied
debugEnable && console.log(USER_CONFIG.HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL ? "HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL (cont): ON, remaining stuff" : "HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL (cont): OFF");
const botonWrapper = document.querySelector('.button-wrapper');
if (botonWrapper) {
botonWrapper.style.display = 'none';
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL: Drop-down menu button removed");
const iconWrapper = document.querySelector('.erc-user-actions > :first-child');
if (iconWrapper) {
iconWrapper.style.display = 'none';
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL: Top navigation bar icon removed");
const fondo = document.querySelector('.vsc-initialized');
if (fondo) {
fondo.style.height = isEpisodePage() ? '0%' : '100%';
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: HIDE_PREMIUM_TRIAL: Player background adjusted");
// Verifies conditions to censor tooltips
const targetToolTip = document.querySelector('.app-body-wrapper');
debugEnable && onsole.log("[mainLogic-censorToolTips]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_TOOLTIPS is enabled.");
if (targetToolTip) {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorToolTips]: Target tooltip general element (.app-body-wrapper) found.");
if (!isWatchlistPage()) {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorToolTips]: Not on the watchlist page. Censoring tooltips.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorToolTips]: On the watchlist page. Skipping tooltip censorship.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorToolTips]: Target tooltip general element (.app-body-wrapper) not found.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorToolTips]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_TOOLTIPS is not enabled.");
const targetDocTitle = document.querySelector('head > title');
// In episode pages operations
if (isEpisodePage()) {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-EP Page exlusive]: On episode page.");
// Verifies conditions to censor document title (browser's tab) (just on episode pages)
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorDocTitle]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_DOCTITLE_EPISODE_TITLE is ON.");
if (targetDocTitle) {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorDocTitle]: Modifying document title (browser's tab).");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorDocTitle]: Document title element not found.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorDocTitle]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_DOCTITLE_EPISODE_TITLE is OFF.");
// Verifies conditions to censor URL's (just on episode pages)
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorURL]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_URL_EPISODE_TITLE is ON.");
if (targetDocTitle) {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorURL]: Modifying URL.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorURL]: Document URL general element (title) not found.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorURL]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_URL_EPISODE_TITLE is OFF.");
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-EP Page exlusive]: Not on episode page.");
// Verifies conditions to censor episode titles on whatever page is needed.
// modifyActive controls if the title should be censored or not to have a more flexible control (advanced)
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorTitleGeneric]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_INSITE_EPISODE_TITLES is enabled.");
for (let key in cssSelectorList["TITLES"]) {
const config = cssSelectorList["TITLES"][key];
if (config["modifyActive"]) {
const selectorString = config["selector"];
const targetPlayerTitle = document.querySelector(selectorString);
if (targetPlayerTitle) {
debugEnable && console.log(`[mainLogic-censorTitleGeneric]: Censoring title for selector: ${selectorString}`);
} else {
debugEnable && console.log(`[mainLogic-censorTitleGeneric]: Target element not found for selector: ${selectorString}`);
} else {
debugEnable && console.log(`[mainLogic-censorTitleGeneric]: Modification not active for key: ${key}`);
} else {
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic-censorTitleGeneric]: USER_CONFIG.MODIFY_INSITE_EPISODE_TITLES is not enabled.");
debugEnable && console.log("[mainLogic]: END");
// ----------------------------- v1.2.0 -----------------------------
function extractEpisodeNumber(text) {
// Regexp to find the episode number after 'E' (ignores possible season number 'S')
const match = text.match(/(?:S\d+\s*)?E(\d+)/);
// If there's a match, return the episode number parsed as an integer
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[1], 10);
// If not, return NaN
return NaN;
function timeToSeconds(time) {
const [minutes, secondsWithMillis] = time.split(':').map(Number);
return minutes * 60 + secondsWithMillis;
function loadJSON() {
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
titleIntervals = data; // Asigna los datos a la variable global
console.log('Data loaded successfully:', titleIntervals);
.catch(error => console.error('Error loading JSON:', error));
} else {
try {
const jsonText = GM_getResourceText("TITLE_INTERVALS_JSON");
titleIntervals = JSON.parse(jsonText);
debugEnable && console.log("[loadJSON]: Title intervals loaded:", titleIntervals);
} catch (error) {
console.error("[loadJSON]: Error loading title intervals:", error, "\nTry to set FETCH_INSTEAD_OF_RESOURCE to true in the USER_CONFIG section.\nTrying to fetch the JSON file instead.");
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
titleIntervals = data; // Asigna los datos a la variable global
console.log('Data loaded successfully:', titleIntervals);
.catch(error => console.error('Error loading JSON:', error));
function initializeMainPage() {
// Listens to messages from the player iframe
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
if (event.origin !== "https://static.crunchyroll.com") return;
debugEnable && console.log("[initializeMainPage]: Main page received message:", event.data);
// If the message contains the current time of the player do the following
if (event.data.currentTime !== undefined) {
const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe[src^="https://static.crunchyroll.com"]');
if (!iframe) {
debugEnable && console.log("[initializeMainPage]: Player iframe not found");
const currentTime = event.data.currentTime;
debugEnable && console.log("[initializeMainPage]: Current time:", currentTime);
[episodeNumberStr, episodeTitle, seriesName] = getEpisodeTitleFromEpisodeSite();
episodeNumberInt = extractEpisodeNumber(episodeNumberStr);
if (titleIntervals[seriesName] && titleIntervals[seriesName][`${episodeNumberInt}`]) {
const interval = titleIntervals[seriesName][`${episodeNumberInt}`];
const startTime = timeToSeconds(interval[0]);
const endTime = timeToSeconds(interval[1]);
// If current time is within the interval, skip it
if (currentTime >= startTime-0.5 && currentTime <= endTime+0.5) {
debugEnable && console.log("[initializeMainPage]: Skipping interval");
// If iframe is found, send a message to the player to skip the interval
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({action: 'setCurrentTime', time: endTime+0.5}, '*');
// Ask for the player's current time, every second
setInterval(function() {
const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe[src^="https://static.crunchyroll.com"]');
if (iframe) {
debugEnable && console.log("[initializeMainPage]: Sending getCurrentTime message (1s interval)");
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({action: 'getCurrentTime'}, 'https://static.crunchyroll.com');
}, 500);
function initializePlayerIframe() {
// Listens to messages from the main page
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
if (event.origin !== "https://www.crunchyroll.com") return;
debugEnable && console.log("[initializePlayerIframe]: Player iframe received message:", event.data);
// Searches for video player
const player = document.querySelector('video');
if (!player) {
debugEnable && console.log("[initializePlayerIframe]: Video player not found in iframe");
// Handle received messages
if (event.data.action === 'getCurrentTime') {
debugEnable && console.log("[initializePlayerIframe]: Getting current time:", player.currentTime);
window.parent.postMessage({currentTime: player.currentTime}, 'https://www.crunchyroll.com');
} else if (event.data.action === 'setCurrentTime') {
debugEnable && console.log("[initializePlayerIframe]: Setting current time to:", event.data.time);
player.currentTime = event.data.time;
// Execution
try {
console.log('[Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll]: Script execution started');
if (window.location.hostname === "www.crunchyroll.com") {
console.log("Script running on main Crunchyroll page");
// Blur the page while DOM and script are loading
document.documentElement.style.filter = 'blur(8px)';
debugEnable && console.log("[Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll]: First load blur applied.");
// Apply cssE style to the page (hidePremiumTrial is not applied here completely, part is done on mainLogic)
try {
var $newStyleE = document.createElement('style');
var cssNodeE = document.createTextNode(cssE);
debugEnable && console.log('[ByeSpoilers - Crunchyroll Script]: CSS Applied');
} catch (e) {
debugEnable && console.error('[ByeSpoilers - Crunchyroll Script] DEBUG: CSS Error:', e);
// When the page is loaded, apply the main logic and set a MutationObserver to
// apply censorship again when the DOM changes (because of SPA behavior)
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
debugEnable && console.log("[Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll]: Window loaded, executing mainLogic after 0ms timeout");
debugEnable && console.log("[Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll]: MutationObserver set to apply censorship again when the DOM changes");
new MutationObserver(() => {
debugEnable && console.log("[Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll]: MutationObserver triggered, executing mainLogic");
}).observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
} else if (window.location.hostname === "static.crunchyroll.com") {
console.log("Script running in video player iframe");
USER_CONFIG.SKIP_EPISODE_TITLES && initializePlayerIframe();
console.log('[Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll]: Script execution finished. Observer keeping track of changes.');
} catch (e) {
console.error('[Bye Spoilers - Crunchyroll]: There was an error loading the script. If this causes noticeable issues, please leave feedback including this error:', e);
throw e;