Greasyfork Dienstprogramm-Toolkit

Bereitstellung verschiedener Funktionen für Greasyfork, einschließlich absoluter Zeit, Breitbild-Webseiten, Skriptseitenerweiterungen, Download-Erweiterungen, Panelkorrekturen und mehr.

Installationen heute
Installationen gesamt
9 0 0
Erstellt am
Letzte Aktualisierung
Kompatibel mit Firefox Kompatibel mit Chrome Kompatibel mit Opera Kompatibel mit Safari Kompatibel mit Edge
Wird angewandt auf


GreasyFork Total Installs Total Daily Installs Scripts Count Good Ratings Ok Ratings Bad Ratings

Github forks stars Issue license CopyRight JavaScript Support **Tampermonkey OK** **Violentmonkey OK** **FireMonkey OK**

Script Overview:

Provide various usage functions for Greasyfork, absolute time, web page widescreen, script page enhancement, download extension, panel repair and a series of operations. This script is collected from the website.

size dt Greasy Fork Downloads Greasy Fork License Greasy Fork Rating Greasy Fork Version


Script Details

  • Switch Document View and Web View
  • Copy Code
  • Show Script Icon
  • Clear Icon Cache
  • Add Installation to Script History
  • Add Download Button
  • Display Line Numbers for Script Code
  • Sort Script List by Creation Date
  • Copy Library Declaration
  • Show Number of Referenced Files
  • Copy Short Link
  • Beautify Code Snippets
  • Beautify Code View

Script List

  • Display Installation and Download in List
  • Lock Language Settings
  • Show Ratings
  • Show Source Code
  • Use Old Version of List
  • Show Scripts in All Languages
  • Move Sidebar
  • Sort Script List by Creation Date

Beautify Controls

  • Beautify Controls
  • Beautify Select Box and Radio Button Labels

Applicable To

  • Enable Enhancement
  • Open in New Window
  • Show Number of Scripts on Forum
  • Details Applicable To:
    • Forum Search
    • Open Webpage
    • Popup Tip

Personal Homepage

  • Clean Up Old Homepage Content
  • Days to Clean Homepage Content
  • Add Scripts to Homepage
  • Hide Recent Comments
  • Display Statistics on Homepage

Navigation Bar

  • Add Option to Publish New Script
  • Link to Adult Scripts
  • Fix Navigation Bar Style
  • Add "Open This Page" to Navigation Bar
  • Align Navigation Bar


  • Automatically Apply Code Editor Beautification
  • Open Links in New Tab
  • Precise Date
  • Maximize Website View
  • One-Click Report
  • Local Code Highlighting
  • Hide Icon
  • Show Icon
  • Grayscale Read Comments
  • Hide Read Comments
  • Side Navigation Bar
  • Image Proxy

Thank you

Quote script


nav.png rep2.png rep1.png time.png user.png maxw.png hidec.png libdown.png scriptdet.png scripcode.png code2.png hisdown.png scriptlist.png allscriptlist.png

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