Set Bing Search page to dark mode by default

Automatically opens hamburger menu (2 secs after page load), once open will then automatically click on the dark mode toggle (1 sec after menu opens), then page will refresh in dark mode. This script excludes the shop page since Bing has no dark mode styles for that page/area. IMPORTANT: The version of Chrome which came out Mid Dec 2023 (Version 120.0.6099.71) for MacOS and PC doesn't support Bings Dark mode. So only use this script if Bing supports dark mode in your browser.

< Rückmeldungen aufSet Bing Search page to dark mode by default

Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 16.12.2023

A simple but effective script for people like me who aren't logged in and flush cache regularly, this will automatically set theme to dark if the search page is loaded with the default white theme. Nice one !

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