
A page-monitoring web app to make turking a little easier

Version vom 04.09.2014. Aktuellste Version

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Note: The UI has been updated a bit so it won't look exactly like the pictures below until I get a chance to update them

How It Works

When you first install the script, you'll notice a list of "watchers" on the dashboard. If you click the on/off button at the top it'll start all of the watchers that have their on/off button set to "on". If you just want to turn an individual watcher on, simply turn it off and back on.

There are 3 types of watchers: Requester, URL, and HIT. Depending on the type of watcher there are a few options such as sounding an alert like PageMonitor and auto-accepting a HIT. When auto-accept is on you have an option to make it stop after catching a HIT (surveys) or you can let it continue to auto-accept for batches.

To add a watcher go to a search page, requester page, or HIT and you'll see a button to add a watcher for the page.

Clicking the button will bring up a form for you to give the watcher a name, set the interval time, and choose various options.

Clicking the Save button will save the watcher to your dashboard and will begin running immediately.

Here's an example of a notification for surveys 75 cents and up. You can preview or accept a HIT directly from a notification. The "+auto" button will accept the HIT and select the checkbox to auto-accept the next HIT. Click on 'mute' if a notification comes up that you don't want receive a notification for. This only mutes individual HITs - I haven't implemented a way to block requesters yet, unfortunately.

Things You Should Know

For this script to work properly you will always need to have the dashboard open in a tab and it'll only run in a single tab. The script will disable itself in any other dashboard tabs if it's already open in an existing tab. It had to be done like this because of the way the tabs communicate with each other.

The notifications shown above will only show on Mturk pages. However, if you want to see the notification while browsing a forum, Reddit, or doing anything else, there is an option for desktop notifications. You won't be able to preview or accept HITs with those notifications, but clicking on them will bring the dashboard to the foreground with the notification highlighted so you can accept from there.

That's about it. Please consider this a beta. I would love to get feedback (including constructive criticism), bug reports, new ideas, etc. There are a few known bugs (I know you can't turn off notifications completely and re-ordering watchers is buggy) but they are very minor and won't affect users negatively at all. I just wanted to get this script released to give back to the community.

Oh yeah, TO was recently implemented but isn't finished. I just wanted to have it on there in some form for the time being.

