Auto BTC Rotator with PTC Support

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< Rückmeldungen aufAuto BTC Rotator with PTC Support

Rezension: OK - Skript funktioniert, hat aber Fehler

Veröffentlicht: 15.03.2024

Need update.
The script clicks without waiting for the captcha to be solved and clicks indefinitely.
This happens on btcadspace and easysatoshi.
firefaucet ok.

Veröffentlicht: 16.03.2024

are you using to solve cloudflare captchas ?

Veröffentlicht: 16.03.2024

Yes, I'm using it.
The script clicks regardless of cloudflare resolution.
Sometimes click 2 or 3 times or even 20 times or more to get it right.
Isn't there a way to condition the click only after cloudflare is resolved?

Veröffentlicht: 30.03.2024

Sometimes on Fire faucet the script seems to block (for example in some cases on the selection of the captcha type and it stays there until I intervene manually, sometimes I actually have to refshare the page several times before the script continues its routine ).

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