eBay Seller Blacklist

Adds a blacklist for sellers on eBay that will emphasize or remove results from blacklisted sellers

< Rückmeldungen aufeBay Seller Blacklist

Rezension: Fehler - Skript funktioniert nicht

Veröffentlicht: 16.04.2024

The hide function no longer works. You can only emphasize posts. Ticking the "Hide" box will cause both emphasizing and hiding to stop working altogether.

Veröffentlicht: 16.04.2024
Bearbeitet: 16.04.2024

Can you please provide the following information so I can troubleshoot this?

  • Any errors in the browser console (F12)
  • What browser are you using?
  • What userscript engine?
  • Which ebay site/domain?

It works as expected for me on both ebay.co.uk and ebay.com, using Firefox with Tampermonkey.

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