Tabview Youtube

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Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2022

Hello, script works great so far, but i have some problem since new youtube UI update

there is some empty space on left and right video frame of watchpag, is that normal?

also can you make the default tab is description instead of recommended videos?

and is there any way to make the performance to be a little bit more lighter for old/low spec hardware? since i often get high cpu usage and causes lag

thank you!

Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2022

I am now updating the coding for the new layout feature cinematics in original YouTube design.
This update is completed.
Please update to v2.11.1 to see the difference.

This script would not try to fit all the space for the video.

For default tab, I do not have time to implement it. For me I do not really mind the default tab.
If you use the same YouTube page to browser videos, the tab shall be kept as consistent as your moves.

For performance, is it due to this script or the overall YouTube itself?
First, you might try to use Microsoft Edge.
Second, you might install my another userscript (YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame) to see whether any improvement made.
You can describe more for the performance issue. For live chat video? For normal video?

Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2022

thank you for the reply, i'll try update it.

i use firefox on my old / low spec laptop, for performance, loading watchpage is laggy a bit and its kinda high on cpu around 10-15% compared to watch youtube without this script
i usually have around 15-20% cpu usage when watching youtube without this script, but with this script it uses around 30-35% cpu usage when watching youtube.

but since the feature is good, maybe i dont really mind it, tahnk you for this script

i already use Youtube CPU Tamer too before so maybe that's not the issue.

it is really noticable lag/slow on my experience when i play video in playlist with hundreds of videos, or maybe its just because my low spec hardware. but when im not using this script i dont find that problem.

thank you for the reply, ill change the review

Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2022

If the video is not playing, it is still much higher than without the script?
I think it will be higher in the first 10 seconds, coz the comments and stuffs are loading where normal YouTube would not load them first.
But afterwards, playing the videos for 10 minutes, still much higher than normal?

With chat room update OR Without chat room update?

Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2022

its still more high in cpu than usual, but itsokay, i think my machine that couldnt handle it.
it usually takes around 80-90% cpu usage when loading the watch page, and then after everything done loading about 30 seconds, only 20% cpu usage while watching videos.
i already let it run for 10 minutes videos, but still higher in cpu, but i think thats in my end problem here because of the hardware.
also its not livestream archive with chat room, just normal VOD videos,
watching livestream for me would take more cpu usage, so i think its not the script problem.

but the block in the left and right side frame still there even tho i already update it, how to remove it?

Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2022

just realized that there is a new update of v2.11.3
my version was v2.11.2
the issue is fixed now, thanks!!

Veröffentlicht: 09.11.2022

just realized that there is a new update of v2.11.3
my version was v2.11.2
the issue is fixed now, thanks!!

Can you please change the review in the following link to GOOD?

Veröffentlicht: 12.11.2022

its still more high in cpu than usual, but itsokay, i think my machine that couldnt handle it.
it usually takes around 80-90% cpu usage when loading the watch page, and then after everything done loading about 30 seconds, only 20% cpu usage while watching videos.
i already let it run for 10 minutes videos, but still higher in cpu, but i think thats in my end problem here because of the hardware.
also its not livestream archive with chat room, just normal VOD videos,
watching livestream for me would take more cpu usage, so i think its not the script problem.

but the block in the left and right side frame still there even tho i already update it, how to remove it?

There is an important version update today.
Please update to v3.0.1 and let me know the cpu usage and lagging issues.
I'm looking for your reply :)

Veröffentlicht: 18.11.2022

hello, sorry for late reply, i just saw this
the cpu usage for normal use is a little bit better now and less lagging (only first 5-10 seconds)

but i still have problem that cause lag and high cpu, if the video has stylized subtitle (usually for song MV), the subtitle lagging and out of sync and causes high on CPU, when i turned of this script it works just normal

can you check on this bug please?

Veröffentlicht: 19.11.2022

hello, sorry for late reply, i just saw this
the cpu usage for normal use is a little bit better now and less lagging (only first 5-10 seconds)

but i still have problem that cause lag and high cpu, if the video has stylized subtitle (usually for song MV), the subtitle lagging and out of sync and causes high on CPU, when i turned of this script it works just normal

can you check on this bug please?

Any video link for those song MV?

Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2022

sorry for late reply,

heres the sample, please choose english cc

Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2022

also can you make the script compatible with this script?

Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2022

sorry for late reply,

heres the sample, please choose english cc

Did you open the transcript panel? or just show the subtitle inside the video?

Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2022

sorry for late reply,

heres the sample, please choose english cc

Recently I have changed some code for this issue. Does it work?

Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2022

also can you make the script compatible with this script?

The script can be used now for v3.6.6 or above.

Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2022

sorry for late reply,

heres the sample, please choose english cc

Recently I have changed some code for this issue. Does it work?

sorry but the stylized CC lag still happens, i think this is from my end problem.

also can you make the script compatible with this script?

The script can be used now for v3.6.6 or above.

this working now, thank you!

Veröffentlicht: 28.01.2023
Bearbeitet: 28.01.2023
sorry but the stylized CC lag still happens, i think this is from my end problem.

Recently I found the possible root cause for this issue.
It should be due to the update in v3.0.1 (2022/11/12)


I have now fixed it. (the latest version, i.e. >= 4.2.5)
Can you try and let me know work for it or not.

(If not, please install v2.12.3 and see whether the such problem appears or not.)

Veröffentlicht: 28.01.2023

Reading this post, i tested the link:

It seems not related to your script or my userstyle, but have you noticed that some related videos thumbnails stay blank?
That's only with Waterfox Classic i think (tested with Firefox Quantum, that's ok).

I tested without:
... same problem...
Before that was good and inspecting the code, show nothing different between blank or normal thumbnails.
An idea about that ?

Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023
Bearbeitet: 29.01.2023

Reading this post, i tested the link:

It seems not related to your script or my userstyle, but have you noticed that some related videos thumbnails stay blank?
That's only with Waterfox Classic i think (tested with Firefox Quantum, that's ok).

I tested without:
... same problem...
Before that was good and inspecting the code, show nothing different between blank or normal thumbnails.
An idea about that ?

YouTube uses another set of coding to let old browsers to use YouTube.
There might be clash of the latest design with the old coding.

I only have Macbook on my hand. Macbook's Waterfox Classic works as normal.

You might inspect the DOM elements to see their computed styles.
If the size is zero (e.g. width = 0; e.g. element size = 0 x 170), and the element is set as "contain: paint", then the image would not show.
And sometimes it is not purely a CSS issue. YouTube coding makes it style width = 0 or height = 0, etc.

Recently I found that "Librewolf" is also a good alternative of FireFox. (as good as Brave)
You might try.

Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023

Reading this post, i tested the link:

It seems not related to your script or my userstyle, but have you noticed that some related videos thumbnails stay blank?
That's only with Waterfox Classic i think (tested with Firefox Quantum, that's ok).

I tested without:
... same problem...
Before that was good and inspecting the code, show nothing different between blank or normal thumbnails.
An idea about that ?

Did you try private window mode?
If there is no such issue in private window mode, you might consider to use

Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023

Thanks for your reply!
I think i found the origin of the problem.

Maybe it's :
Clickbait Remover for Youtube
which make these thumbnails blank.
Disable it make the thumbnails appear normally...

I should post a request to it.
As they said:
"I don't want to be distracted by flashy thumbnails and all caps titles while trying to find some quality content."

Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023

Posted a request to "Clickbait Remover for Youtube":
Some related videos thumbnails stay "blank" [Waterfox Classic] #54

Wait and see...

Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023
Bearbeitet: 29.01.2023

Posted a request to "Clickbait Remover for Youtube":
Some related videos thumbnails stay "blank" [Waterfox Classic] #54

Wait and see...

I am not sure the intention of that script,
but to be honestly... you just need to create two css rules, no need to install that extension.

ytd-thumbnail #mouseover-overlay, ytd-thumbnail #hover-overlays {
    display: none;

ytd-compact-video-renderer #video-title{
    text-transform: lowercase;

If you want it to toggle on/off, just use UserCSS with Stylus.

Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023

Posted a request to "Clickbait Remover for Youtube":
Some related videos thumbnails stay "blank" [Waterfox Classic] #54

Wait and see...

I am not sure the intention of that script,
but to be honestly... you just need to create two css rules, no need to install that extension.

ytd-thumbnail #mouseover-overlay, ytd-thumbnail #hover-overlays {
    display: none;

ytd-compact-video-renderer #video-title{
    text-transform: lowercase;

If you want it to toggle on/off, just use UserCSS with Stylus.


ytd-thumbnail #mouseover-overlay {
    display: none;

ytd-compact-video-renderer #video-title{
    text-transform: lowercase;
Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023
Bearbeitet: 29.01.2023
ytd-compact-video-renderer #video-title{
text-transform: lowercase;

i prefer:
text-transform: capitalize;

But this rule sometime don't work:
read: text-transform [css-tricks]
It say:
" For example, if you capitalize a word that’s in all capital letters already, the other letters in the word won’t switch to lowercase. "
And i know by testing it many time and fail for this limitation.
Only a JavaScript solution can do the trick.


ytd-thumbnail #mouseover-overlay {
display: none;


Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2023
Bearbeitet: 29.01.2023
ytd-thumbnail #mouseover-overlay {
display: none;

It's related to animated thumbnail (mini player)?
I don't see this Mini Player (my userstyle disabling).

I see it in the code, but ....
A screenshot ?

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