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YouTube - Remove Comments on Others' Videos

Dramatically reduce the stress that watching videos causes by getting rid of the comments down below.

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YouTube - Remove Comments on Others' Videos

YouTube comments only exist to give you a heart attack. This removes the comments section on videos you watch except for your own. If you don't want comments on your own videos, you can disable them in your videos' settings. What will you do with all of the extra spare time you now have?

Update: I can't get the user detection to work right with YouTube's current batshit AJAX implementation. No matter what fancy scripting method I use, it works in some cases but not all cases. I do have methods of dealing with more sane AJAX implementations for private scripts I wrote for my personal use on other websites, but none of that helps all that much here. What this means is the script will only work properly if you open videos from an external link or by opening videos in a new tab/window. If this is an issue for you (it isn't for me personally because I always open videos in a new tab), use my other version and just switch it off whenever you need to see the comments on your own videos.