- /* ==UserStyle==
- @name ●→■ Unround Everything Everywhere ◙
- @description Forces zero border-radius to everything.
- @namespace myfonj
- @version 1.4.4
- @license CC0 - Public Domain
- ==/UserStyle== */
- /*
- https://userstyles.world/style/8283/unround-everything-everywhere
- https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/408378/versions/new
- Changelog
- 1.4.4 (2024-05-17) x.com "Terror from the deep"
- 1.4.3 (2024-04-26) + chromium.org for avatar unrounding (issues.chromium.org)
- 1.4.2 (2024-04-03) Google One avatar thinner
- 1.4.1 (2024-04-03) Google One avatar four-colour outline fix for google search (thicker for now)
- 1.4.0 (2024-03-30) Google One avatar four-colour outline
- 1.3.1 (2024-02-09) Attempt to fix Greasyfork bug in conversion to JS.
- 1.3.0 (2023-11-13) Better radio rounding permission, some checkbox SVG un-rounding
- 1.2.6 (2023-10-19) Just a minor refactor
- 1.2.5 (2023-09-21) FB new logo ("f" is slightly smaller than it should be, but whatever)
- 1.2.4 (2023-09-06) + outline offset
- 1.2.3 (2023-09-06) Facebook avar status outlines squared.
- 1.2.2 (2023-02-22) Fix the Facebook logo. Mwahahaha.
- 1.2.1 (2023-02-02) Let's try to let true radio inputs be round.
- 1.2.0 (2023-01-24) Just released to userstyles.world, reworded comments.
- */
- /*
- Global and aggresive
- */
- *:not(#u#n#r#o#u#n#d):not(input[type="radio" i]),
- *:not(#u#n#r#o#u#n#d):not(input[type="radio" i])::before,
- *:not(#u#n#r#o#u#n#d):not(input[type="radio" i])::after {
- border-radius: 0 !important;
- }
- /*
- Not that aggresive
- as seen at https://not-checklist.intopia.digital/
- */
- label input[type="checkbox" i] + svg rect[rx] {
- rx: 0 !important;
- }
- label input[type="checkbox" i] + svg rect[ry] {
- ry: 0 !important;
- }
- @layer i_miss_true_user_origin_level_stylesheets {
- /*
- Firefox on Windows bug(?): touching any border property
- reverts "fancy" modern thin 1px borders
- to "ugly" retro old 3px outset look.
- This is an attempt to circumnvent it by setting it back to 1px
- at lowest possible specifity, so any (unlayered) author declaration wins over this.
- Using :where() here is insufficient, because this this "wannabe userstyle" is injected as
- the last author style, so it would win over prior `*` declarations anyway.
- */
- :where(input, button, select) {
- border-width: 1px;
- }
- }
- /*
- FB & Workplace extra fixes
- */
- :root#facebook svg[role] > mask[id]:first-child + g[mask]:last-child
- {
- mask: none !important;
- /* circle outline, some status perhaps */
- & circle { opacity: 0.1 !important; }
- /* circle outline to real outline */
- & image:has(~ circle[stroke="var(--accent)"])
- {
- outline: 2px solid var(--accent);
- outline-offset: 2px;
- & ~ circle { display: none; }
- }
- }
- @-moz-document domain("facebook.com") {
- /*
- FB Logo
- */
- :root#facebook svg[viewBox="0 0 36 36"] path {
- /*
- logo - circle to square
- original path is circle with tiny notch on the bottom that lets (curved!) bottom edge of "f" be pushed up
- presumably because otherwise it could be percieved as "sticing out" of the circle due white-blue contrast
- second paths are older, first is from 2023-09-21
- */
- &[d="M20.181 35.87C29.094 34.791 36 27.202 36 18c0-9.941-8.059-18-18-18S0 8.059 0 18c0 8.442 5.811 15.526 13.652 17.471L14 34h5.5l.681 1.87Z"] ,
- &[d="M15 35.8C6.5 34.3 0 26.9 0 18 0 8.1 8.1 0 18 0s18 8.1 18 18c0 8.9-6.5 16.3-15 17.8l-1-.8h-4l-1 .8z"] {
- d: path("M0 0 H 36 V 36 H 0 z");
- }
- /*
- logo - "f" not curved on the bottom
- this removes the bottom curvature (v12.7c1 .2 2 .3 3 .3s2-.1 3-.3) and sticks it (almost) to viewbox bondary.
- (1px -- V–instead of V 36 -- difference to prevent aforementioned perceptual overhang.)
- I guess this is the most nitpick-ish thing I have ever done.
- */
- &[d="M13.651 35.471v-11.97H9.936V18h3.715v-2.37c0-6.127 2.772-8.964 8.784-8.964 1.138 0 3.103.223 3.91.446v4.983c-.425-.043-1.167-.065-2.081-.065-2.952 0-4.09 1.116-4.09 4.025V18h5.883l-1.008 5.5h-4.867v12.37a18.183 18.183 0 0 1-6.53-.399Z"],
- &[d="M25 23l.8-5H21v-3.5c0-1.4.5-2.5 2.7-2.5H26V7.4c-1.3-.2-2.7-.4-4-.4-4.1 0-7 2.5-7 7v4h-4.5v5H15v12.7c1 .2 2 .3 3 .3s2-.1 3-.3V23h4z"] {
- d: path("M25 23l.8-5H21v-3.5c0-1.4.5-2.5 2.7-2.5H26V7.4c-1.3-.2-2.7-.4-4-.4-4.1 0-7 2.5-7 7v4h-4.5v5H15 V 35 h 6 V23h4z");
- }
- }
- }
- @-moz-document domain("twitter.com"), domain("x.com") {
- /*
- Twitter extra fixes
- */
- [style*='clip-path: url("#circle-hw-shapeclip-clipconfig")'] {
- clip-path: none !important;
- }
- }
- @-moz-document domain("web.whatsapp.com") {
- /*
- WhatsApp extra fixes
- */
- svg:has(path.background) {
- background-color: rgba(var(--white-rgb),.16);
- }
- svg:has(path.background) g path{
- opacity: .3;
- }
- svg:has(path.background) path.background {
- display: none
- }
- }
- @-moz-document domain("google.com"), domain("chromium.org") {
- /*
- Google One avatar four-colour outline
- <svg focusable="false" height="40px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 40 40" width="40px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="opacity:1.0">
- <path d="M4.02,28.27C2.73,25.8,2,22.98,2,20c0-2.87,0.68-5.59,1.88-8l-1.72-1.04C0.78,13.67,0,16.75,0,20c0,3.31,0.8,6.43,2.23,9.18L4.02,28.27z" fill="#F6AD01"></path>
- <path d="M32.15,33.27C28.95,36.21,24.68,38,20,38c-6.95,0-12.98-3.95-15.99-9.73l-1.79,0.91C5.55,35.61,12.26,40,20,40c5.2,0,9.93-1.98,13.48-5.23L32.15,33.27z" fill="#249A41"></path>
- <path d="M33.49,34.77C37.49,31.12,40,25.85,40,20c0-5.86-2.52-11.13-6.54-14.79l-1.37,1.46C35.72,9.97,38,14.72,38,20c0,5.25-2.26,9.98-5.85,13.27L33.49,34.77z" fill="#3174F1"></path>
- <path d="M20,2c4.65,0,8.89,1.77,12.09,4.67l1.37-1.46C29.91,1.97,25.19,0,20,0l0,0C12.21,0,5.46,4.46,2.16,10.96L3.88,12C6.83,6.08,12.95,2,20,2" fill="#E92D18"></path>
- </svg>
- So technically scoping to
- svg[style="opacity:1.0"][viewBox="0 0 40 40"]:has(
- >path:last-child:nth-of-type(4)
- ) {}
- would work, but let's not introduce unnecessary complexity here
- */
- path[d="M4.02,28.27C2.73,25.8,2,22.98,2,20c0-2.87,0.68-5.59,1.88-8l-1.72-1.04C0.78,13.67,0,16.75,0,20c0,3.31,0.8,6.43,2.23,9.18L4.02,28.27z"][fill="#F6AD01"] {
- d: path("M 2 2 v 36 l 2 -2 V 4 Z");
- }
- path[d="M32.15,33.27C28.95,36.21,24.68,38,20,38c-6.95,0-12.98-3.95-15.99-9.73l-1.79,0.91C5.55,35.61,12.26,40,20,40c5.2,0,9.93-1.98,13.48-5.23L32.15,33.27z"][fill="#249A41"] {
- d: path("M 2 38 h 36 l -2 -2 H 4 Z");
- }
- path[d="M33.49,34.77C37.49,31.12,40,25.85,40,20c0-5.86-2.52-11.13-6.54-14.79l-1.37,1.46C35.72,9.97,38,14.72,38,20c0,5.25-2.26,9.98-5.85,13.27L33.49,34.77z"][fill="#3174F1"] {
- d: path("M 38 2 v 36 l -2 -2 V 4 Z");
- }
- path[d="M20,2c4.65,0,8.89,1.77,12.09,4.67l1.37-1.46C29.91,1.97,25.19,0,20,0l0,0C12.21,0,5.46,4.46,2.16,10.96L3.88,12C6.83,6.08,12.95,2,20,2"][fill="#E92D18"] {
- d: path("M 2 2 h 36 l -2 2 H 4 Z");
- }
- }