Freebitcoin [2023] - Auto Roll - New Bonuses - Multiply - Lottery - Status Console

AUTOROLL SCRIPT [DEC 2023] --Auto Roll --Status Console --4+ Betting Strategies --Special graphs --Extinction bet --Balance protection --Odds -- Increase Rate --AutoRoll Low Balance paying RP --Human Simulation --NO captcha solving --Lottery tickets --1000% & WOF Bonus --Close ADS --Slower night mode --Advanced human random times .

< Rückmeldungen aufFreebitcoin [2023] - Auto Roll - New Bonuses - Multiply - Lottery - Status Console

Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 16.02.2021
Bearbeitet: 16.02.2021


Report v3.5.8

1) The Multiply page is not displayed when playing (staying at free btc page)
2) Multiply stop playing at ?
3) Error amount playing can't be less than 0.00000001

Here my settings :

var ROLL = true; // Auto Roll enable or disable. **** If Disabled, Multiply will NOT be executed ***. Override nexts.
var PROMO_MODE = true; // Play faster when some promo (bonus RP or 1000% is active, or not. Override nexts.
var GHOST_MODE = false; // Don't play in the night if no promo actives. Override nexts.
var SLOW_MODE = false; // Play always really slow, not ovevrcharghing the rolls. Override nexts.
var NIGHT_MODE = true; // Play slower when it's night time

// *** Bonuses ***
// It buys bonuses just when missing less then 20 minutes to the Roll. To avoid losing 1 bonus Roll.
var REWARDS = true; // Decide if auto buy rewards bonuses, or not ***When true, it will activate RP promotions***
var BONUS1000 = false; // Decide if to buy 1000% bonus or not. It costs 4600 RP. *** When BONUS1000 = false and REWARDS = true, you'll increase RP. ***
var HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS = 0; // How many hours to wait before to buy Bonuses Rewards Promo again

// *** Lottery ***
var LOTTERY = false; // Decide if auto buy lottery tickets, or not.
var LOTTERY_MAX_TICKETS = 5; // Max ticket to buy
var LOTTERY_P = 7; // 0 is never, 100 is always

// *** Multiply Game ***
// Exec Vars. If and When Play.
var MULTIPLY = true; // Play Multiply games or not, Play at your own risk. If ROLL is false, Multiply will not work.
var MULTIPLY_AT_NIGHT = true; // Play multiply in nightiime
var HOURS_BETWEEN_MULTIPLY = 4; // How many hours to wait before to play multiply
var ROLL_P = 60; // How many time to play multiply, AFTER roll AND AFTER HOURS passed; Values: 0-100

// Exit Vars. **First condition reached, it causes multiply to stop**
var MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY = 1000; // How many rolls in multiply. It will safely play till it win or reach maxbet.
var MAX_PLAY = 100; // How many time maximum will play martingale. How much time BASE_BET is played.
var MAX_WIN = 0.00000250; // Target Win, Stop to play multiply when those sats won.
var MAX_BET = 0.00001024; // MAX BET reached, STOP condition

// Bet Amounts Vars.
var MIN_BET = 0.00000001; // STUFF BET to play till don't lose LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY times; Just work in MODE = manual.
var BAS_BET = 0.00000003; // BASE BET when begin the PLAY

// Strategies Vars. How to play.
var ODDS = 5; // Odds of the multiply game.
var INCR = 25; // Porcentage of increment in case of lost.
var GAME_TYPE = 2; // 0 = martingale classic, FIXED odds = 2, FIXED increase 100% on lose. NO extintion bet. Default.
// 1 = martingale with odds, increase, extinction bet MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY but NOT WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES.
// 2 = martingale with odds, increase, extinction bet MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY, AND WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES. Check guides.
// 3 = same as 2, but MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY increased by 1 at every win
var HIGH_LOW = 3; // You can decide how to play; 0 random, 1 H, 2 L, 3 OLAER; check guides

var MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY = 2; // How many time it will play MIN_BET and lose before begin play bas_bet and double; Game_type >= 1
var WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES = 1; // Just with GAME_TYPE=2; Check guides.

var SPEED = 3; // Speed of multiply betting in manual mode, 3 fast, 2 medium, 1 human, 0 slowest

Veröffentlicht: 16.02.2021


Veröffentlicht: 16.02.2021

>Report v3.5.8
>1) The Multiply page is not displayed when playing (staying at free btc page)
>2) Multiply stop playing at ?
>3) Error amount playing can't be less than 0.00000001

Thanks Again for your reports.

1) Easily solved, was missing the click. Added it back.
2) and 3) Checking it.. I already replicated the problem using your same config, I Will keep u update..

Veröffentlicht: 16.02.2021

Thx for your work ;)

Veröffentlicht: 16.02.2021
Thx for your work ;)

it was a variable type error ;(

Something basic but have been hard to find

Keep me update if you find something more!

Veröffentlicht: 17.02.2021


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