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2020 MouseHunt AutoBot

An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt

< Rückmeldungen auf2020 MouseHunt AutoBot

Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2020

Living garden

Hi, just had a question regarding the living garden area. Also unsure if it's a bug or i'm not doing it right. So when I want to hunt in the living garden, the best trap I have is oasis water node but it keeps arming steam laser mk 2 for me. I tried changing the script a little but it either stopped working or didn't work :( so not too sure what to do

Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2020

It's not you. After the last update, something is off about a handful of weapons. The script goes out and gets a list of the weapons your own, yet some are not recognized. I have had this happen with at least two of them... very annoying. I have looked at someone else's scripts, which also gets a list of "your" weapons and it appears to be working, but I have not been able to recode (or steal theirs) to get it to work for this script.

Veröffentlicht: 01.06.2020

Ohh alright. For now, i've managed to settle it by specifically choosing my trap in the code, but that means i'd have to change the code everytime i upgrade my trap list or want to hunt in a new location so hopefully it gets fixed soon :)

Also not entirely sure if my 'fix' actually works bug-free HAHA but it seems to be working fine for the last few hours

Veröffentlicht: 03.09.2020

@oopsiepie - Please download the latest script and let me know if the bug is fixed.

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