Wandelt die Filmografie von IMDb mithilfe von Wikidata in Wikipedia-Quelltext um
Das sind Skriptversionen, bei denen der Quelltext aktualisiert wurde. Alle Versionen anzeigen.
fix IMDb changes
format special characters consistent
no podcasts in filmography, optimize episode display
detect more short films
use query-main for faster responses
fix @connect
use SPARQL request instead of multiple API Requests
use paging to fix counting more than 50 episodes fix space on "Stimme von" hide unreleased works
migration to IMDb HTTP requests instead of parsing HTML
Migration to HTTP request instead of parsing HTML due to IMDb's website redesign, in the process, the retrieval of filmographies of other occupations than actors has been dropped for now, the speaking role is now named if possible, retrieval of data for work titles from Entertainment Identifier Registry or IMDb and detour via fullcredits page no longer necessary
if IMDb change on episode numbers
automatic redirect
fix showshort
add EIDR to connect
unescape title
get data from EIDR
fixes for new design
Alle Skript-Versionen anzeigen