Youtube - Restore Classic

If youtube is in the new 2017 YouTube Material Redesign, automatically restore classic view

< Rückmeldungen aufYoutube - Restore Classic

Rezension: OK - Skript funktioniert, hat aber Fehler

Veröffentlicht: 22.06.2020

make it bring back OLD recommendation list

the old recommendation list was a list, now its only shows 2 rows and 5-6 thumbnails and the rest are just other sections like top news, etc before i only saw recommenation list by using

Veröffentlicht: 22.06.2020
Bearbeitet: 22.06.2020

This link doesn't work for. Whats wrong?

Veröffentlicht: 22.06.2020

Hey Rachel Philips,

I'm sorry, but this script only changes the look of youtube. I don't decide the functionality. So Youtube probably removed that recommandations list themselves.

Sorry, nothing I can do about it.

Sincerely, Cptmathix

Veröffentlicht: 09.07.2020

Something broke today, please update.

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