Twitter Filter

Auto hide tweets according to your rules (shortcut key H toggles hiding)

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Veröffentlicht: 23.11.2019
Bearbeitet: 23.11.2019

Keyword filter not working

I set some keywords, separated by spaces, but I still see tweets with the blocked words, even when set to "remove". I don't have another other Twitter scripts or an ad-blocker running. Pressing "H" seems to have no effect.

Veröffentlicht: 26.11.2019

It works but it doesn't do what you think, it's not based on tweets content but on the content of the user's profile description/name/@id.

Veröffentlicht: 19.02.2020

If your script could evolve to filter tweets based on tweets content, that would be awesome. I can't find any scripts for that.

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