
Dark themes, inline posts/comments, endless scrolling, subreddit filters, and other improvements for

< Rückmeldungen aufredditmod2

Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 12.03.2018

Good script

The script works very well and I'm very tankful to you for making but would you mind adding more options ? Especially to disable some of the feature that we might not want, like for example an option that disables the scrolling of the post to the top after clicking on it's background or an option to completely disable the background clicking since it isn't very consistent I find.

It is anyway a great script and thank you for making it !

Derv 82Verfasser
Veröffentlicht: 10.06.2018

Thanks for the feedback. I added an option in 2.1.0 to disable auto-scrolling when a post is clicked.

The setting is called "Auto-align on Expand":

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