
通过替换获取视频地址接口的方式, 实现解除B站区域限制;

Das sind Skriptversionen, bei denen der Quelltext aktualisiert wurde. Alle Versionen anzeigen.

  • v8.0.0 15.11.2020 Imported from URL
  • v7.9.8 16.10.2020 Fix for oversea users, Bump new ver, Merge pull request #679 from yujincheng08/user.js Fix for oversea user
  • v7.9.7 09.10.2020 Temporally Allow Watching New Bangumi See videos from https://space.bilibili.com/688418886, Merge pull request #670 from yujincheng08/user.js Temporally Allow Watching New Bangumi
  • v7.9.7 20.09.2020 Fix bug of custom server detection, Bump new version, Merge pull request #668 from yujincheng08/user.js Fix bug of custom server detection
  • v7.9.6 16.09.2020 Fallback to kghost when server still has area limit, Bump new ver, Merge pull request #657 from yujincheng08/user.js Fallback to kghost when server still has area limit
  • v7.9.5 16.09.2020 Custom server as reverse proxy, Merge pull request #656 from yujincheng08/user.js 自定义服务器最好以反代形式工作
  • v7.9.5 12.06.2020 更换授权跳转至mcbbs, Merge pull request #633 from esterTion/user.js 更换授权跳转至mcbbs [ Fix #632 ]
  • v7.9.4 30.04.2020 balh: 错误处理
  • v7.9.4 30.04.2020 balh: 添加友链
  • v7.9.4 30.04.2020 balh: 再次弹出提示登录窗口
  • v7.9.4 30.04.2020 balh: access_key在"被永封的大会员"模式下不启用
  • v7.9.3 30.04.2020 balh: 不存在access_key时的处理
  • v7.9.3 30.04.2020 储存access_key以允许备用服务器解析付费番剧, Merge pull request #624 from yujincheng08:user.js 储存access_key以允许备用服务器解析付费番剧
  • v7.9.3 12.04.2020 balh: 不使用**操作符
  • v7.9.2 25.03.2020 balh: 解析BV成aid, balh: update version code
  • v7.9.1 24.03.2020 balh: 添加BV
  • v7.9.0 16.12.2019 balh: 强行替换module=pgc
  • v7.8.10 15.12.2019 balh: 修改upos, Merge branch 'user.js' of github.com:ipcjs/bilibili-helper into user.js
  • v7.8.10 06.11.2019 balh: upos增加hw的配置, Merge branches 'user.js' and 'user.js' of github.com:ipcjs/bilibili-helper into user.js, balh: 更新版本号
  • v7.8.9 30.10.2019 balh: 加载时机不对时, 不弹出, 继续运行
  • v7.8.8 21.10.2019 balh: 修改提示
  • v7.8.7 08.10.2019 balh: 打印设置信息
  • v7.8.6 04.10.2019 balh: 特定season_type不需要添加module=bangumi
  • v7.8.5 04.10.2019 balh: 加个if...else...
  • v7.8.4 01.09.2019 balh: 判空
  • v7.8.3 31.08.2019 balh: 会员的判断
  • v7.8.2 31.08.2019 balh: playinfo的问题...
  • v7.8.1 29.08.2019 balh: 修复playinfo拦截的问题
  • v7.8.0 16.08.2019 balh: 适配新的识别区域限制方式
  • v7.7.9 15.08.2019 balh: #460 增加wcs
  • v7.7.8 13.08.2019 balh: 修复util_obj_key_to_c_like
  • v7.7.7 11.08.2019 balh: 蠢了, Promise是异步的(-_-#)
  • v7.7.7 11.08.2019 balh: 新页面支持const.mode.*
  • v7.7.6 07.08.2019 balh: 防止重复拦截同一个url
  • v7.7.5 07.08.2019 balh: 干, 改大小写也是醉了
  • v7.7.4 25.07.2019 balh: 重新显示upos选项。。。
  • v7.7.3 17.07.2019 balh: update readme
  • v7.7.2 20.06.2019 balh: 修复自动跳转失效的问题
  • v7.7.1 05.06.2019 balh: 匹配url时使用完整的正则, 防止匹配到错误的url
  • v7.7.0 04.06.2019 balh: 添加kghost的服务器作为备用接口, balh: 修改备用服务器地址, Merge pull request #429 from ipcjs/dev 增加kghost的服务器作为备用服务器
  • v7.6.0 04.05.2019 balh: 给新版页面添加设置按钮
  • v7.5.13 29.04.2019 balh: 修改提示信息
  • v7.5.12 29.04.2019 balh: 修改播放器的显示位置
  • v7.5.11 27.04.2019 balh: 播放器直接放到body下面,防止被Vue清空掉
  • v7.5.10 20.04.2019 balh: #385
  • v7.5.9 16.04.2019 balh: 添加set1080P接口, Merge branch 'user.js' of github.com:ipcjs/bilibili-helper into user.js
  • v7.5.8 13.04.2019 isAreaLimitForPlayUrl, Merge pull request #379 from esterTion/user.js isAreaLimitForPlayUrl
  • v7.5.8 07.04.2019 balh: something
  • v7.5.7 07.04.2019 balh: 默认代理服务器换回biliplus
  • v7.5.6 06.04.2019 balh: 重新打开弹窗

Alle Skript-Versionen anzeigen