Opens current thread Images in 4chan into a popup viewer, tested in Tampermonkey
< Rückmeldungen auf 4chan Image Viewer
Looks like Tampermonkey allows a different matching pattern for the url scheme. Should be fixed with v6, but as the meta description indicates, I don't test in Greasemonkey so who knows.
It installed fine and works fine sometimes in Greasemonkey 2.2/Firefox 32.0.1/Windows 7 for me.
@Gyst - Are you saying you don't care if your script works in Firefox? Just curious.
@popman, please be more specific: are you using the latest greasemonkey 2.2? what is the exact error message?
Edit: I've reproduced it with v5.2 from the history, now Gyst has fixed it.Someone with a github account should probably report it to the GM devs because it's obviously a greasemonkey bug. I've commented on their blog, dunno if they read it. It's a Tampermonkey's nonstandard quirk.
@freecyber, I think (though I haven't investigated it thoroughly) that tampermonkey is less feature rich so if script *meta* (the header) works in tampermonkey it will work in greasemonkey as well. Thus, in case the script doesn't use some fancy browser-specific stuff inside the *code* itself, there's no urgent need to test a relatively noncomplicated script everywhere unless someone reports a reproducible problem, and those are usually easy to fix in modern browsers as they try very hard to be standards-compliant.
@freecyber - Well, I intended my comment as more to indicate that as I primarily use Chrome I wouldn't be surprised if there are additional esoteric Firefox bugs in the script. I don't mind fixing Firefox issues if people bring them up.
Turns out it's not a GM bug: since @match originates from Chrome and the documentation mentions only a sole * in the scheme part as a special all-urls case, Tampermonkey's support of http*:// notation is nonstandard and Google Chrome can not install such a script directly when drag'n'dropping it to the chrome://extensions tab.
P.S. TM bug report.
Can not download with greasemonkey
The script can not be downloaded/installed with greasemonkey.
The @match line is giving me an error.