
'wysiwyg.js' is a (uglified) 12k contenteditable-editor with no dependencies.

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/11012/62427/wysiwygjs.js

 * wysiwyg.js
(function(window, document, navigator, undefined){
    'use strict';

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/97962/debounce-clicks-when-submitting-a-web-form
    var debounce = function( callback, wait, cancelprevious )
        var timeout;
        return function()
            if( timeout )
                if( ! cancelprevious )
                    return ;
                clearTimeout( timeout );
            var context = this,
                args = arguments;
            timeout = setTimeout(
                    timeout = null;
                    callback.apply( context, args );
                }, wait );

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12949590/how-to-detach-event-in-ie-6-7-8-9-using-javascript
    var addEvent = function( element, type, handler, useCapture )
        if( element.addEventListener ) {
            element.addEventListener( type, handler, useCapture ? true : false );
        else if( element.attachEvent ) {
            element.attachEvent( 'on' + type, handler );
        else if( element != window )
            element['on' + type] = handler;
    var removeEvent = function( element, type, handler, useCapture )
        if( element.removeEventListener ) {
            element.removeEventListener( type, handler, useCapture ? true : false );
        else if( element.detachEvent) {
            element.detachEvent( 'on' + type, handler );
        else if( element != window )
            element['on' + type] = null;
    // http://www.cristinawithout.com/content/function-trigger-events-javascript
    var fireEvent = function( element, type, bubbles, cancelable )
        if( document.createEvent ) {
            var event = document.createEvent('Event');
            event.initEvent( type, bubbles !== undefined ? bubbles : true, cancelable !== undefined ? cancelable : false );
        else if( document.createEventObject ) { //IE
            var event = document.createEventObject();
            element.fireEvent( 'on' + type, event );
        else if( typeof(element['on' + type]) == 'function' )
            element['on' + type]();
    // prevent default
    var cancelEvent = function( e )
        if( e.preventDefault )
            e.returnValue = false;
        if( e.stopPropagation )
            e.cancelBubble = true;
        return false;

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13377887/javascript-node-undefined-in-ie8-and-under
    var Node_ELEMENT_NODE = typeof(Node) != 'undefined' ? Node.ELEMENT_NODE : 1;
    var Node_TEXT_NODE = typeof(Node) != 'undefined' ? Node.TEXT_NODE : 3;

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2234979/how-to-check-in-javascript-if-one-element-is-a-child-of-another
    var isOrContainsNode = function( ancestor, descendant )
        var node = descendant;
        while( node )
            if( node === ancestor )
                return true;
            node = node.parentNode;
        return false;

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/667951/how-to-get-nodes-lying-inside-a-range-with-javascript
    var nextNode = function( node, container )
        if( node.firstChild )
            return node.firstChild;
        while( node )
            if( node == container ) // do not walk out of the container
                return null;
            if( node.nextSibling )
                return node.nextSibling;
            node = node.parentNode;
        return null;

    // save/restore selection
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13949059/persisting-the-changes-of-range-objects-after-selection-in-html/13950376#13950376
    var saveSelection = function( containerNode )
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( sel.rangeCount > 0 )
                return sel.getRangeAt(0);
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            return sel.createRange();
        return null;
    var restoreSelection = function( containerNode, savedSel )
        if( ! savedSel )
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
        else if( document.selection )

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12603397/calculate-width-height-of-the-selected-text-javascript
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6846230/coordinates-of-selected-text-in-browser-page
    var getSelectionRect = function()
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( ! sel.rangeCount )
                return false;
            var range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange();
            if( range.getBoundingClientRect ) // Missing for Firefox 3.5+3.6
                var rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
                // Safari 5.1 returns null, IE9 returns 0/0/0/0 if image selected
                if( ! rect || (rect.left == 0 && rect.top == 0 && rect.right == 0 && rect.bottom == 0) )
                    return false;
                return {
                    // Firefox returns floating-point numbers
                    left: parseInt(rect.left),
                    top: parseInt(rect.top),
                    width: parseInt(rect.right - rect.left),
                    height: parseInt(rect.bottom - rect.top)
            // Fall back to inserting a temporary element (only for Firefox 3.5 and 3.6)
            var span = document.createElement('span');
            if( span.getBoundingClientRect )
                // Ensure span has dimensions and position by
                // adding a zero-width space character
                span.appendChild( document.createTextNode('\u200b') );
                range.insertNode( span );
                var rect = span.getBoundingClientRect();
                var spanParent = span.parentNode;
                spanParent.removeChild( span );
                // Glue any broken text nodes back together
                return {
                    left: parseInt(rect.left),
                    top: parseInt(rect.top),
                    width: parseInt(rect.right - rect.left),
                    height: parseInt(rect.bottom - rect.top)
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type != 'Control' )
                var range = sel.createRange();
                // http://javascript.info/tutorial/coordinates
                // http://www.softcomplex.com/docs/get_window_size_and_scrollbar_position.html
                // http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/javascript/browserwindow
                return {
                    left: range.boundingLeft,
                    top: range.boundingTop,
                    width: range.boundingWidth,
                    height: range.boundingHeight
        return false;

    var getSelectionCollapsed = function( containerNode )
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( sel.isCollapsed )
                return true;
            return false;
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type == 'Text' )
                var range = document.selection.createRange();
                var textrange = document.body.createTextRange();
                textrange.setEndPoint('EndToStart', range);
                return range.htmlText.length == 0;
            if( sel.type == 'Control' ) // e.g. an image selected
                return false;
            // sel.type == 'None' -> collapsed selection
        return true;

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7781963/js-get-array-of-all-selected-nodes-in-contenteditable-div
    var getSelectedNodes = function( containerNode )
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( ! sel.rangeCount )
                return [];
            var nodes = [];
            for( var i=0; i < sel.rangeCount; ++i )
                var range = sel.getRangeAt(i),
                    node = range.startContainer,
                    endNode = range.endContainer;
                while( node )
                    // add this node?
                    if( node != containerNode )
                        var node_inside_selection = false;
                        if( sel.containsNode )
                            node_inside_selection = sel.containsNode( node, true );
                        else // IE11
                            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5884210/how-to-find-if-a-htmlelement-is-enclosed-in-selected-text
                            var noderange = document.createRange();
                            noderange.selectNodeContents( node );
                            for( var i=0; i < sel.rangeCount; ++i )
                                var range = sel.getRangeAt(i);
                                // start after or end before -> skip node
                                if( range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.END_TO_START,noderange) >= 0 &&
                                    range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.START_TO_END,noderange) <= 0 )
                                    node_inside_selection = true;
                        if( node_inside_selection )
                            nodes.push( node );
                    node = nextNode( node, node == endNode ? endNode : containerNode );
            // Fallback
            if( nodes.length == 0 && isOrContainsNode(containerNode,sel.focusNode) && sel.focusNode != containerNode )
                nodes.push( sel.focusNode );
            return nodes;
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type == 'Text' )
                var nodes = [];
                var ranges = sel.createRangeCollection();
                for( var i=0; i < ranges.length; ++i )
                    var range = ranges[i],
                        parentNode = range.parentElement(),
                        node = parentNode;
                    while( node )
                        // No clue how to detect whether a TextNode is within the selection...
                        // ElementNode is easy: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5884210/how-to-find-if-a-htmlelement-is-enclosed-in-selected-text
                        var noderange = range.duplicate();
                        noderange.moveToElementText( node.nodeType != Node_ELEMENT_NODE ? node.parentNode : node );
                        // start after or end before -> skip node
                        if( noderange.compareEndPoints('EndToStart',range) >= 0 &&
                            noderange.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd',range) <= 0 )
                            // no "Array.indexOf()" in IE8
                            var in_array = false;
                            for( var j=0; j < nodes.length; ++j )
                                if( nodes[j] !== node )
                                in_array = true;
                            if( ! in_array )
                                nodes.push( node );
                        node = nextNode( node, parentNode );
                // Fallback
                if( nodes.length == 0 && isOrContainsNode(containerNode,document.activeElement) && document.activeElement != containerNode )
                    nodes.push( document.activeElement );
                return nodes;
            if( sel.type == 'Control' ) // e.g. an image selected
                var nodes = [];
                // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh826021%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
                var range = sel.createRange();
                for( var i=0; i < range.length; ++i )
                    nodes.push( range(i) );
                return nodes;
        return [];

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8513368/collapse-selection-to-start-of-selection-not-div
    var collapseSelectionEnd = function()
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( ! sel.isCollapsed )
                // Form-submits via Enter throw 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE' on Firefox 34
                try {
                catch( e ) {
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type != 'Control' )
                var range = sel.createRange();

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4652734/return-html-from-a-user-selected-text/4652824#4652824
    var getSelectionHtml = function( containerNode )
        if( getSelectionCollapsed( containerNode ) )
            return null;
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( sel.rangeCount )
                var container = document.createElement('div'),
                    len = sel.rangeCount;
                for( var i=0; i < len; ++i )
                    var contents = sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents();
                return container.innerHTML;
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type == 'Text' )
                var range = sel.createRange();
                return range.htmlText;
        return null;

    var selectionInside = function( containerNode, force )
        // selection inside editor?
        if( window.getSelection )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( isOrContainsNode(containerNode,sel.anchorNode) && isOrContainsNode(containerNode,sel.focusNode) )
                return true;
            // selection at least partly outside editor
            if( ! force )
                return false;
            // force selection to editor
            var range = document.createRange();
            range.selectNodeContents( containerNode );
            range.collapse( false );
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type == 'Control' ) // e.g. an image selected
                // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh826021%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
                var range = sel.createRange();
                if( range.length != 0 && isOrContainsNode(containerNode,range(0)) ) // test only the first element
                    return true;
            else //if( sel.type == 'Text' || sel.type == 'None' )
                // Range of container
                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12243898/how-to-select-all-text-in-contenteditable-div
                var rangeContainer = document.body.createTextRange();
                // Compare with selection range
                var range = sel.createRange();
                if( rangeContainer.inRange(range) )
                    return true;
            // selection at least partly outside editor
            if( ! force )
                return false;
            // force selection to editor
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12243898/how-to-select-all-text-in-contenteditable-div
            var range = document.body.createTextRange();
            range.setEndPoint('StartToEnd',range); // collapse
        return true;

    var clipSelectionTo = function( containerNode )
        if( window.getSelection && containerNode.compareDocumentPosition )
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            var left_node = sel.anchorNode,
                left_offset = sel.anchorOffset,
                right_node = sel.focusNode,
                right_offset = sel.focusOffset;
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10710733/dom-determine-if-the-anchornode-or-focusnode-is-on-the-left-side
            if( (left_node == right_node && left_offset > right_offset) ||
                (left_node.compareDocumentPosition(right_node) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) )
                // Right-to-left selection
                left_node = sel.focusNode;
                left_offset = sel.focusOffset;
                right_node = sel.anchorNode,
                right_offset = sel.anchorOffset;
            // Speed up: selection inside editor
            var left_inside = isOrContainsNode(containerNode,left_node),
                right_inside = isOrContainsNode(containerNode,right_node);
            if( left_inside && right_inside )
                return true;
            // Selection before/after container?
            if( ! left_inside && containerNode.compareDocumentPosition(left_node) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING )
                return false; // selection after
            if( ! right_inside && containerNode.compareDocumentPosition(right_node) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING )
                return false; // selection before
            // Selection partly before/after container
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12243898/how-to-select-all-text-in-contenteditable-div
            var range = document.createRange();
            range.selectNodeContents( containerNode );
            if( left_inside )
                range.setStart( left_node, left_offset );
            if( right_inside )
                range.setEnd( right_node, right_offset );
            return true;
        else if( document.selection )
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type == 'Text' )
                // Range of container
                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12243898/how-to-select-all-text-in-contenteditable-div
                var rangeContainer = document.body.createTextRange();
                // Compare with selection range
                var range = sel.createRange();
                if( rangeContainer.inRange(range) )
                    return true;
                // Selection before/after container?
                if( rangeContainer.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd',range) > 0 )
                    return false;
                if( rangeContainer.compareEndPoints('EndToStart',range) < 0 )
                    return false;
                // Selection partly before/after container
                if( rangeContainer.compareEndPoints('StartToStart',range) > 0 )
                if( rangeContainer.compareEndPoints('EndToEnd',range) < 0 )
                // select range
                return true;
        return true;

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div/6691294#6691294
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4823691/insert-an-html-element-in-a-contenteditable-element
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6139107/programatically-select-text-in-a-contenteditable-html-element
    var pasteHtmlAtCaret = function( containerNode, html )
        if( window.getSelection )
            // IE9 and non-IE
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            if( sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount )
                var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
                // Range.createContextualFragment() would be useful here but is
                // only relatively recently standardized and is not supported in
                // some browsers (IE9, for one)
                var el = document.createElement('div');
                el.innerHTML = html;
                var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode;
                while ( (node = el.firstChild) ) {
                    lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);
                if( isOrContainsNode(containerNode, range.commonAncestorContainer) )
                else {
                // Preserve the selection
                if( lastNode )
                    range = range.cloneRange();
        else if( document.selection )
            // IE <= 8
            var sel = document.selection;
            if( sel.type != 'Control' )
                var originalRange = sel.createRange();
                var range = sel.createRange();
                if( isOrContainsNode(containerNode, range.parentElement()) )
                    range.pasteHTML( html );
                else // simply append to Editor
                    var textRange = document.body.createTextRange();
                    textRange.pasteHTML( html );
                // Preserve the selection
                range = sel.createRange();
                range.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', originalRange);

    // Interface: Create wysiwyg
    window.wysiwyg = function( option )
        // Options
        option = option || {};
        var option_element = option.element || null;
        if( typeof(option_element) == 'string' )
            option_element = document.getElementById( option_element );
        var option_onkeypress = option.onkeypress || null;
        var option_onselection = option.onselection || null;
        var option_onplaceholder = option.onplaceholder || null;
        var option_hijackcontextmenu = option.hijackcontextmenu || false;

        // Keep textarea if browser can't handle content-editable
        var is_textarea = option_element.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA' || option_element.nodeName == 'INPUT';
        if( is_textarea )
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1882205/how-do-i-detect-support-for-contenteditable-via-javascript
            var canContentEditable = 'contentEditable' in document.body;
            if( canContentEditable )
                // Sniffer useragent...
                var webkit = navigator.userAgent.match(/(?:iPad|iPhone|Android).* AppleWebKit\/([^ ]+)/);
                if( webkit && 420 <= parseInt(webkit[1]) && parseInt(webkit[1]) < 534 ) // iPhone 1 was Webkit/420
                    canContentEditable = false;
            if( ! canContentEditable )
                // Keep textarea
                var node_textarea = option_element;
                // Add a 'newline' after each '<br>'
                var newlineAfterBR = function( html ) {
                    return html.replace(/<br[ \/]*>\n?/gi,'<br>\n');
                node_textarea.value = newlineAfterBR( node_textarea.value );
                // Command structure
                var dummy_this = function() {
                    return this;
                var dummy_null = function() {
                    return null;
                return {
                    legacy: true,
                    // properties
                    getElement: function()
                        return node_textarea;
                    getHTML: function()
                        return node_textarea.value;
                    setHTML: function( html )
                        node_textarea.value = newlineAfterBR( html );
                        return this;
                    getSelectedHTML: dummy_null,
                    sync: dummy_this,
                    // selection and popup
                    collapseSelection: dummy_this,
                    openPopup: dummy_null,
                    closePopup: dummy_this,
                    // exec commands
                    removeFormat: dummy_this,
                    bold: dummy_this,
                    italic: dummy_this,
                    underline: dummy_this,
                    strikethrough: dummy_this,
                    forecolor: dummy_this,
                    highlight: dummy_this,
                    fontName: dummy_this,
                    fontSize: dummy_this,
                    subscript: dummy_this,
                    superscript: dummy_this,
                    align: dummy_this,
                    format: dummy_this,
                    indent: dummy_this,
                    insertLink: dummy_this,
                    insertImage: dummy_this,
                    insertHTML: dummy_this,
                    insertList: dummy_this

        // create content-editable
        var node_textarea = null,
            node_wysiwyg = null;
        if( is_textarea )
            // Textarea
            node_textarea = option_element;
            node_textarea.style.display = 'none';

            // Contenteditable
            node_wysiwyg = document.createElement( 'DIV' );
            node_wysiwyg.innerHTML = node_textarea.value;
            var parent = node_textarea.parentNode,
                next = node_textarea.nextSibling;
            if( next )
                parent.insertBefore( node_wysiwyg, next );
                parent.appendChild( node_wysiwyg );
            node_wysiwyg = option_element;
        node_wysiwyg.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', 'true' ); // IE7 is case sensitive

        // IE8 uses 'document' instead of 'window'
        // http://tanalin.com/en/articles/ie-version-js/
        var window_ie8 = (document.all && !document.addEventListener) ? document : window;

        // Sync Editor with Textarea
        var syncTextarea = null;
        if( is_textarea )
            var previous_html = node_wysiwyg.innerHTML;
            syncTextarea = function()
                var new_html = node_wysiwyg.innerHTML;
                if( new_html == previous_html )
                    return ;
                // HTML changed
                node_textarea.value = new_html;
                previous_html = new_html;
                // Event Handler
                fireEvent( node_textarea, 'change', false );

        // Show placeholder
        var showPlaceholder;
        if( option_onplaceholder )
            var placeholder_visible = false;
            showPlaceholder = function()
                // Test if wysiwyg has content
                var wysiwyg_empty = true;
                var node = node_wysiwyg;
                while( node )
                    node = nextNode( node, node_wysiwyg );
                    // Test if node contains something visible
                    if( ! node )
                    else if( node.nodeType == Node_ELEMENT_NODE )
                        if( node.nodeName == 'IMG' )
                            wysiwyg_empty = false;
                    else if( node.nodeType == Node_TEXT_NODE )
                        var text = node.nodeValue;
                        if( text && text.search(/[^\s]/) != -1 )
                            wysiwyg_empty = false;
                if( placeholder_visible != wysiwyg_empty )
                    option_onplaceholder( wysiwyg_empty );
                    placeholder_visible = wysiwyg_empty;

        // Handle selection
        var popup_saved_selection = null, // preserve selection during popup
            handleSelection = null,
            debounced_handleSelection = null;
        if( option_onselection )
            handleSelection = function( clientX, clientY, rightclick )
                // Detect collapsed selection
                var collapsed = getSelectionCollapsed( node_wysiwyg );
                // List of all selected nodes
                var nodes = getSelectedNodes( node_wysiwyg );
                // Rectangle of the selection
                var rect = (clientX === null || clientY === null) ? null :
                                left: clientX,
                                top: clientY,
                                width: 0,
                                height: 0
                var selectionRect = getSelectionRect();
                if( selectionRect )
                    rect = selectionRect;
                if( rect )
                    // So far 'rect' is relative to viewport
                    if( node_wysiwyg.getBoundingClientRect )
                        // Make it relative to the editor via 'getBoundingClientRect()'
                        var boundingrect = node_wysiwyg.getBoundingClientRect();
                        rect.left -= parseInt(boundingrect.left);
                        rect.top -= parseInt(boundingrect.top);
                        var node = node_wysiwyg,
                            offsetLeft = 0,
                            offsetTop = 0,
                            fixed = false;
                        do {
                            offsetLeft += node.offsetLeft ? parseInt(node.offsetLeft) : 0;
                            offsetTop += node.offsetTop ? parseInt(node.offsetTop) : 0;
                            if( node.style.position == 'fixed' )
                                fixed = true;
                        while( node = node.offsetParent );
                        rect.left -= offsetLeft - (fixed ? 0 : window.pageXOffset);
                        rect.top -= offsetTop - (fixed ? 0 : window.pageYOffset);
                    // Trim rectangle to the editor
                    if( rect.left < 0 )
                        rect.left = 0;
                    if( rect.top < 0 )
                        rect.top = 0;
                    if( rect.width > node_wysiwyg.offsetWidth )
                        rect.width = node_wysiwyg.offsetWidth;
                    if( rect.height > node_wysiwyg.offsetHeight )
                        rect.height = node_wysiwyg.offsetHeight;
                else if( nodes.length )
                    // What else could we do? Offset of first element...
                    for( var i=0; i < nodes.length; ++i )
                        var node = nodes[i];
                        if( node.nodeType != Node_ELEMENT_NODE )
                        rect = {
                                left: node.offsetLeft,
                                top: node.offsetTop,
                                width: node.offsetWidth,
                                height: node.offsetHeight
                // Callback
                option_onselection( collapsed, rect, nodes, rightclick );
            debounced_handleSelection = debounce( handleSelection, 1 );

        // Open popup
        var node_popup = null;
        var popupClickClose = function( e )
            // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html
            if( !e )
                var e = window.event;
            var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
            if( target.nodeType == Node_TEXT_NODE ) // defeat Safari bug
                target = target.parentNode;
            // Click within popup?
            if( isOrContainsNode(node_popup,target) )
                return ;
            // close popup
        var popupOpen = function()
            // Already open?
            if( node_popup )
                return node_popup;

            // Global click closes popup
            addEvent( window_ie8, 'mousedown', popupClickClose, true );

            // Create popup element
            node_popup = document.createElement( 'DIV' );
            var parent = node_wysiwyg.parentNode,
                next = node_wysiwyg.nextSibling;
            if( next )
                parent.insertBefore( node_popup, next );
                parent.appendChild( node_popup );
            return node_popup;
        var popupClose = function()
            if( ! node_popup )
                return ;
            node_popup.parentNode.removeChild( node_popup );
            node_popup = null;
            removeEvent( window_ie8, 'mousedown', popupClickClose, true );

        // Focus/Blur events
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'focus', function()
            // forward focus/blur to the textarea
            if( node_textarea )
                fireEvent( node_textarea, 'focus', false );
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'blur', function()
            // sync textarea immediately
            if( syncTextarea )
            // forward focus/blur to the textarea
            if( node_textarea )
                fireEvent( node_textarea, 'blur', false );

        // Change events
        var debounced_changeHandler = null;
        if( showPlaceholder || syncTextarea )
            // debounce 'syncTextarea' a second time, because 'innerHTML' is quite burdensome
            var debounced_syncTextarea = syncTextarea ? debounce( syncTextarea, 250, true ) : null; // high timeout is save, because of "onblur" fires immediately
            var changeHandler = function( e )
                if( showPlaceholder )
                if( debounced_syncTextarea )
            debounced_changeHandler = debounce( changeHandler, 1 );

            // Catch change events
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1391278/contenteditable-change-events/1411296#1411296
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8694054/onchange-event-with-contenteditable/8694125#8694125
            // https://github.com/mindmup/bootstrap-wysiwyg/pull/50/files
            // http://codebits.glennjones.net/editing/events-contenteditable.htm
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'input', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'DOMNodeInserted', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'DOMNodeRemoved', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'DOMSubtreeModified', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'DOMCharacterDataModified', debounced_changeHandler ); // polyfill input in IE 9-10
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'propertychange', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'textInput', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'paste', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'cut', debounced_changeHandler );
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'drop', debounced_changeHandler );

        // Key events
        // http://sandbox.thewikies.com/html5-experiments/key-events.html
        var keyHandler = function( e, phase )
            // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html
            if( !e )
                var e = window.event;
            var code = 0;
            if( e.keyCode )
                code = e.keyCode;
            else if( e.which )
                code = e.which;
            // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent
            var character = e.charCode;

            // Callback
            if( phase == 1 && option_onkeypress )
                var rv = option_onkeypress( code, character?String(String):String.fromCharCode(code), e.shiftKey||false, e.altKey||false, e.ctrlKey||false, e.metaKey||false );
                if( rv === false ) // dismiss key
                    return cancelEvent( e );
            // Keys can change the selection
            if( phase == 2 || phase == 3 )
                popup_saved_selection = null;
                if( debounced_handleSelection )
                    debounced_handleSelection( null, null, false );
            // Most keys can cause changes
            if( phase == 2 && debounced_changeHandler )
                switch( code )
                    case 33: // pageUp
                    case 34: // pageDown
                    case 35: // end
                    case 36: // home
                    case 37: // left
                    case 38: // up
                    case 39: // right
                    case 40: // down
                        // cursors do not
                        // call change handler
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'keydown', function( e )
            return keyHandler( e, 1 );
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'keypress', function( e )
            return keyHandler( e, 2 );
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'keyup', function( e )
            return keyHandler( e, 3 );

        // Mouse events
        var mouseHandler = function( e, rightclick )
            // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html
            if( !e )
                var e = window.event;
            // mouse position
            var clientX = null,
                clientY = null;
            if( e.clientX && e.clientY )
                clientX = e.clientX;
                clientY = e.clientY;
            else if( e.pageX && e.pageY )
                clientX = e.pageX - window.pageXOffset;
                clientY = e.pageY - window.pageYOffset;
            // mouse button
            if( e.which && e.which == 3 )
                rightclick = true;
            else if( e.button && e.button == 2 )
                rightclick = true;

            // remove event handler
            removeEvent( window_ie8, 'mouseup', mouseHandler );
            // Callback selection
            popup_saved_selection = null;
            if( ! option_hijackcontextmenu && rightclick )
                return ;
            if( debounced_handleSelection )
                debounced_handleSelection( clientX, clientY, rightclick );
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'mousedown', function( e )
            // catch event if 'mouseup' outside 'node_wysiwyg'
            removeEvent( window_ie8, 'mouseup', mouseHandler );
            addEvent( window_ie8, 'mouseup', mouseHandler );
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'mouseup', function( e )
            mouseHandler( e );
            // Trigger change
            if( debounced_changeHandler )
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'dblclick', function( e )
            mouseHandler( e );
        addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'selectionchange',  function( e )
            mouseHandler( e );
        if( option_hijackcontextmenu )
            addEvent( node_wysiwyg, 'contextmenu', function( e )
                mouseHandler( e, true );
                return cancelEvent( e );

        // exec command
        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/document.execCommand
        // http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/execCommand.html
        var execCommand = function( command, param, force_selection )
            // give selection to contenteditable element
            restoreSelection( node_wysiwyg, popup_saved_selection );
            if( ! selectionInside(node_wysiwyg, force_selection) ) // returns 'selection inside editor'
                return false;
            // for webkit, mozilla, opera
            if( window.getSelection )
                // Buggy, call within 'try/catch'
                try {
                    if( document.queryCommandSupported && ! document.queryCommandSupported(command) )
                        return false;
                    return document.execCommand( command, false, param );
                catch( e ) {
            // for IE
            else if( document.selection )
                var sel = document.selection;
                if( sel.type != 'None' )
                    var range = sel.createRange();
                    // Buggy, call within 'try/catch'
                    try {
                        if( ! range.queryCommandEnabled(command) )
                            return false;
                        return range.execCommand( command, false, param );
                    catch( e ) {
            return false;

        // Command structure
        var trailingDiv = null;
        var IEtrailingDIV = function()
            // Detect IE - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17907445/how-to-detect-ie11
            if( document.all || !!window.MSInputMethodContext )
                // Workaround IE11 - https://github.com/wysiwygjs/wysiwyg.js/issues/14
                trailingDiv = document.createElement( 'DIV' );
                node_wysiwyg.appendChild( trailingDiv );
        var callUpdates = function( selection_destroyed )
            // Remove IE11 workaround
            if( trailingDiv )
                node_wysiwyg.removeChild( trailingDiv );
                trailingDiv = null;
            // change-handler
            if( debounced_changeHandler )
            // handle saved selection
            if( selection_destroyed )
                popup_saved_selection = null; // selection destroyed
            else if( popup_saved_selection )
                popup_saved_selection = saveSelection( node_wysiwyg );
        return {
            // properties
            getElement: function()
                return node_wysiwyg;
            getHTML: function()
                return node_wysiwyg.innerHTML;
            setHTML: function( html )
                node_wysiwyg.innerHTML = html;
                callUpdates( true ); // selection destroyed
                return this;
            getSelectedHTML: function()
                restoreSelection( node_wysiwyg, popup_saved_selection );
                if( ! selectionInside(node_wysiwyg) )
                    return null;
                return getSelectionHtml( node_wysiwyg );
            sync: function()
                if( syncTextarea )
                return this;
            // selection and popup
            collapseSelection: function()
                popup_saved_selection = null; // selection destroyed
                return this;
            openPopup: function()
                if( ! popup_saved_selection )
                    popup_saved_selection = saveSelection( node_wysiwyg ); // save current selection
                return popupOpen();
            closePopup: function()
                return this;
            removeFormat: function()
                execCommand( 'removeFormat' );
                execCommand( 'unlink' );
                return this;
            bold: function()
                execCommand( 'bold' );
                return this;
            italic: function()
                execCommand( 'italic' );
                return this;
            underline: function()
                execCommand( 'underline' );
                return this;
            strikethrough: function()
                execCommand( 'strikeThrough' );
                return this;
            forecolor: function( color )
                execCommand( 'foreColor', color );
                return this;
            highlight: function( color )
                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2756931/highlight-the-text-of-the-dom-range-element
                if( ! execCommand('hiliteColor',color) ) // some browsers apply 'backColor' to the whole block
                    execCommand( 'backColor', color );
                return this;
            fontName: function( name )
                execCommand( 'fontName', name );
                return this;
            fontSize: function( size )
                execCommand( 'fontSize', size );
                return this;
            subscript: function()
                execCommand( 'subscript' );
                return this;
            superscript: function()
                execCommand( 'superscript' );
                return this;
            align: function( align )
                if( align == 'left' )
                    execCommand( 'justifyLeft' );
                else if( align == 'center' )
                    execCommand( 'justifyCenter' );
                else if( align == 'right' )
                    execCommand( 'justifyRight' );
                else if( align == 'justify' )
                    execCommand( 'justifyFull' );
                return this;
            format: function( tagname )
                execCommand( 'formatBlock', tagname );
                return this;
            indent: function( outdent )
                execCommand( outdent ? 'outdent' : 'indent' );
                return this;
            insertLink: function( url )
                execCommand( 'createLink', url );
                callUpdates( true ); // selection destroyed
                return this;
            insertImage: function( url )
                execCommand( 'insertImage', url, true );
                callUpdates( true ); // selection destroyed
                return this;
            insertHTML: function( html )
                if( ! execCommand('insertHTML', html, true) )
                    // IE 11 still does not support 'insertHTML'
                    restoreSelection( node_wysiwyg, popup_saved_selection );
                    selectionInside( node_wysiwyg, true );
                    pasteHtmlAtCaret( node_wysiwyg, html );
                callUpdates( true ); // selection destroyed
                return this;
            insertList: function( ordered )
                execCommand( ordered ? 'insertOrderedList' : 'insertUnorderedList' );
                return this;
})(window, document, navigator);

 * wysiwyg-editor.js
(function(window, document, $, undefined){
    'use strict';

    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17242144/javascript-convert-hsb-hsv-color-to-rgb-accurately
    var HSVtoRGB = function( h, s, v )
        var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
        i = Math.floor(h * 6);
        f = h * 6 - i;
        p = v * (1 - s);
        q = v * (1 - f * s);
        t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
        switch (i % 6)
            case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
            case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
            case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
            case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
            case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
            case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
        var hr = Math.floor(r * 255).toString(16);
        var hg = Math.floor(g * 255).toString(16);
        var hb = Math.floor(b * 255).toString(16);
        return '#' + (hr.length < 2 ? '0' : '') + hr +
                     (hg.length < 2 ? '0' : '') + hg +
                     (hb.length < 2 ? '0' : '') + hb;

    // Encode htmlentities() - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5499078/fastest-method-to-escape-html-tags-as-html-entities
    var html_encode = function( string )
        return string.replace(/[&<>"]/g, function(tag)
            var charsToReplace = {
                '&': '&amp;',
                '<': '&lt;',
                '>': '&gt;',
                '"': '&quot;'
            return charsToReplace[tag] || tag;

    // Create the Editor
    var create_editor = function( $textarea, classes, placeholder, toolbar_position, toolbar_buttons, toolbar_submit, label_selectImage,
                                  placeholder_url, placeholder_embed, max_imagesize, on_imageupload, force_imageupload, video_from_url, on_keypress )
        // Content: Insert link
        var wysiwygeditor_insertLink = function( wysiwygeditor, url )
            if( ! url )
            else if( wysiwygeditor.getSelectedHTML() )
                wysiwygeditor.insertLink( url );
                wysiwygeditor.insertHTML( '<a href="' + html_encode(url) + '">' + html_encode(url) + '</a>' );
        var content_insertlink = function(wysiwygeditor, $modify_link)
            var $button = toolbar_button( toolbar_submit );
            var $inputurl = $('<input type="text" value="' + ($modify_link ? $modify_link.attr('href') : '') + '" />').addClass('wysiwyg-input')
                                    if( event.which != 10 && event.which != 13 )
                                        return ;
                                    if( $modify_link )
                                        $modify_link.attr( 'href', $inputurl.val() );
                                        wysiwygeditor_insertLink( wysiwygeditor,$inputurl.val() );
            if( placeholder_url )
                $inputurl.attr( 'placeholder', placeholder_url );
            var $okaybutton = $button.click(function(event){
                                    if( $modify_link )
                                        $modify_link.attr( 'href', $inputurl.val() );
                                        wysiwygeditor_insertLink( wysiwygeditor, $inputurl.val() );
                                    return false;
            var $content = $('<div/>').addClass('wysiwyg-toolbar-form')
            return $content;

        // Content: Insert image
        var content_insertimage = function(wysiwygeditor)
            // Add image to editor
            var insert_image_wysiwyg = function( url, filename )
                var html = '<img id="wysiwyg-insert-image" src="" alt=""' + (filename ? ' title="'+html_encode(filename)+'"' : '') + ' />';
                wysiwygeditor.insertHTML( html ).closePopup().collapseSelection();
                var $image = $('#wysiwyg-insert-image').removeAttr('id');
                if( max_imagesize )
                    $image.css({maxWidth: max_imagesize[0]+'px',
                                maxHeight: max_imagesize[1]+'px'})
                          .load( function() {
                                $image.css({maxWidth: '',
                                            maxHeight: ''});
                                // Resize $image to fit "clip-image"
                                var image_width = $image.width(),
                                    image_height = $image.height();
                                if( image_width > max_imagesize[0] || image_height > max_imagesize[1] )
                                    if( (image_width/image_height) > (max_imagesize[0]/max_imagesize[1]) )
                                        image_height = parseInt(image_height / image_width * max_imagesize[0]);
                                        image_width = max_imagesize[0];
                                        image_width = parseInt(image_width / image_height * max_imagesize[1]);
                                        image_height = max_imagesize[1];
                $image.attr('src', url);
            // Create popup
            var $content = $('<div/>').addClass('wysiwyg-toolbar-form')
            // Add image via 'Browse...'
            var $fileuploader = null,
                $fileuploader_input = $('<input type="file" />')
                                        .css({position: 'absolute',
                                              left: 0,
                                              top: 0,
                                              width: '100%',
                                              height: '100%',
                                              opacity: 0,
                                              cursor: 'pointer'});
            if( ! force_imageupload && window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList )
                // File-API
                var loadImageFromFile = function( file )
                    // Only process image files
                    if( ! file.type.match('image.*') )
                    var reader = new FileReader();
                    reader.onload = function(event) {
                        var dataurl = event.target.result;
                        insert_image_wysiwyg( dataurl, file.name );
                    // Read in the image file as a data URL
                    reader.readAsDataURL( file );
                $fileuploader = $fileuploader_input
                                        var files = event.target.files; // FileList object
                                        for(var i=0; i < files.length; ++i)
                                            loadImageFromFile( files[i] );
                                        event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; // Explicitly show this is a copy.
                                        return false;
                                    .on('drop', function(event){
                                        var files = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; // FileList object.
                                        for(var i=0; i < files.length; ++i)
                                            loadImageFromFile( files[i] );
                                        return false;
            else if( on_imageupload )
                // Upload image to a server
                var $input = $fileuploader_input
                                        on_imageupload.call( this, insert_image_wysiwyg );
                $fileuploader = $('<form/>').append($input);
            if( $fileuploader )
                $('<div/>').addClass( 'wysiwyg-browse' )
                           .html( label_selectImage )
                           .append( $fileuploader )
                           .appendTo( $content );
            // Add image via 'URL'
            var $button = toolbar_button( toolbar_submit );
            var $inputurl = $('<input type="text" value="" />').addClass('wysiwyg-input')
                                    if( event.which == 10 || event.which == 13 )
                                        insert_image_wysiwyg( $inputurl.val() );
            if( placeholder_url )
                $inputurl.attr( 'placeholder', placeholder_url );
            var $okaybutton = $button.click(function(event){
                                    insert_image_wysiwyg( $inputurl.val() );
                                    return false;
            $content.append( $('<div/>').append($inputurl).append($okaybutton) );
            return $content;

        // Content: Insert video
        var content_insertvideo = function(wysiwygeditor)
            // Add video to editor
            var insert_video_wysiwyg = function( url, html )
                url = $.trim(url||'');
                html = $.trim(html||'');
                var website_url = false;
                if( url.length && ! html.length )
                    website_url = url;
                else if( html.indexOf('<') == -1 && html.indexOf('>') == -1 &&
                         html.match(/^(?:https?:\/)?\/?(?:[^:\/\s]+)(?:(?:\/\w+)*\/)(?:[\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)(?:.*)?(?:#[\w\-]+)?$/) )
                    website_url = html;
                if( website_url && video_from_url )
                    html = video_from_url( website_url ) || '';
                if( ! html.length && website_url )
                    html = '<video src="' + html_encode(website_url) + '" />';
                wysiwygeditor.insertHTML( html ).closePopup().collapseSelection();
            // Create popup
            var $content = $('<div/>').addClass('wysiwyg-toolbar-form')
            // Add video via '<embed/>'
            var $textareaembed = $('<textarea>').addClass('wysiwyg-input wysiwyg-inputtextarea');
            if( placeholder_embed )
                $textareaembed.attr( 'placeholder', placeholder_embed );
            $('<div/>').addClass( 'wysiwyg-embedcode' )
                       .append( $textareaembed )
                       .appendTo( $content );
            // Add video via 'URL'
            var $button = toolbar_button( toolbar_submit );
            var $inputurl = $('<input type="text" value="" />').addClass('wysiwyg-input')
                                    if( event.which == 10 || event.which == 13 )
                                        insert_video_wysiwyg( $inputurl.val() );
            if( placeholder_url )
                $inputurl.attr( 'placeholder', placeholder_url );
            var $okaybutton = $button.click(function(event){
                                    insert_video_wysiwyg( $inputurl.val(), $textareaembed.val() );
                                    return false;
            $content.append( $('<div/>').append($inputurl).append($okaybutton) );
            return $content;

        // Content: Color palette
        var content_colorpalette = function( wysiwygeditor, forecolor )
            var $content = $('<table/>')
            for( var row=1; row < 15; ++row ) // should be '16' - but last line looks so dark
                var $rows = $('<tr/>');
                for( var col=0; col < 25; ++col ) // last column is grayscale
                    var color;
                    if( col == 24 )
                        var gray = Math.floor(255 / 13 * (14 - row)).toString(16);
                        var hexg = (gray.length < 2 ? '0' : '') + gray;
                        color = '#' + hexg + hexg + hexg;
                        var hue        = col / 24;
                        var saturation = row <= 8 ? row     /8 : 1;
                        var value      = row  > 8 ? (16-row)/8 : 1;
                        color = HSVtoRGB( hue, saturation, value );
                              .attr('title', color)
                              .css({backgroundColor: color})
                                  var color = this.title;
                                  if( forecolor )
                                      wysiwygeditor.forecolor( color ).closePopup().collapseSelection();
                                      wysiwygeditor.highlight( color ).closePopup().collapseSelection();
                                  return false;
                              .appendTo( $rows );
                $content.append( $rows );
            return $content;

        // Handlers
        var get_toolbar_handler = function( name, popup_callback )
            switch( name )
                case 'insertimage':
                    if( ! popup_callback )
                        return null;
                    return function( target ) {
                        popup_callback( content_insertimage(wysiwygeditor), target );
                case 'insertvideo':
                    if( ! popup_callback )
                        return null;
                    return function( target ) {
                        popup_callback( content_insertvideo(wysiwygeditor), target );
                case 'insertlink':
                    if( ! popup_callback )
                        return null;
                    return function( target ) {
                        popup_callback( content_insertlink(wysiwygeditor), target );
                case 'bold':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.bold(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'italic':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.italic(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'underline':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.underline(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'strikethrough':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.strikethrough(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'forecolor':
                    if( ! popup_callback )
                        return null;
                    return function( target ) {
                        popup_callback( content_colorpalette(wysiwygeditor,true), target );
                case 'highlight':
                    if( ! popup_callback )
                        return null;
                    return function( target ) {
                        popup_callback( content_colorpalette(wysiwygeditor,false), target );
                case 'alignleft':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.align('left'); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'aligncenter':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.align('center'); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'alignright':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.align('right'); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'alignjustify':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.align('justify'); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'subscript':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.subscript(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'superscript':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.superscript(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'indent':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.indent(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'outdent':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.indent(true); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'orderedList':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.insertList(true); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'unorderedList':
                    return function() {
                        wysiwygeditor.insertList(); // .closePopup().collapseSelection()
                case 'removeformat':
                    return function() {
            return null;

        // Create the toolbar
        var toolbar_button = function( button ) {
            return $('<a/>').addClass( 'wysiwyg-toolbar-icon' )
                            .attr('title', button.title)
        var add_buttons_to_toolbar = function( $toolbar, selection, popup_open_callback, popup_position_callback )
            $.each( toolbar_buttons, function(key, value) {
                if( ! value )
                    return ;
                // Skip buttons on the toolbar
                if( selection === false && 'showstatic' in value && ! value.showstatic )
                    return ;
                // Skip buttons on selection
                if( selection === true && 'showselection' in value && ! value.showselection )
                    return ;
                // Click handler
                var toolbar_handler;
                if( 'click' in value )
                    toolbar_handler = function( target ) {
                        value.click( $(target) );
                else if( 'popup' in value )
                    toolbar_handler = function( target ) {
                        var $popup = popup_open_callback();
                        var overwrite_offset = value.popup( $popup, $(target) );
                        popup_position_callback( $popup, target, overwrite_offset );
                    toolbar_handler = get_toolbar_handler( key, function( $content, target ) {
                        var $popup = popup_open_callback();
                        $popup.append( $content );
                        popup_position_callback( $popup, target );
                // Create the toolbar button
                var $button;
                if( toolbar_handler )
                    $button = toolbar_button( value ).click( function(event) {
                        toolbar_handler( event.currentTarget );
                        // Give the focus back to the editor. Technically not necessary
                        if( get_toolbar_handler(key) ) // only if not a popup-handler
                        return false;
                else if( value.html )
                    $button = $(value.html);
                if( $button )
                    $toolbar.append( $button );
        var popup_position = function( $popup, $container, left, top )  // left+top relative to $container
            // Test parents
            var offsetparent = $container.get(0).offsetParent,
                offsetparent_offset = { left: 0, top: 0 },  //$.offset() does not work with Safari 3 and 'position:fixed'
                offsetparent_fixed = false,
                offsetparent_overflow = false,
                popup_width = $popup.width(),
                node = offsetparent;
            while( node )
                offsetparent_offset.left += node.offsetLeft;
                offsetparent_offset.top += node.offsetTop;
                var $node = $(node);
                if( $node.css('position') == 'fixed' )
                    offsetparent_fixed = true;
                if( $node.css('overflow') != 'visible' )
                    offsetparent_overflow = true;
                node = node.offsetParent;
            // Move $popup as high as possible in the DOM tree: offsetParent of $container
            var $offsetparent = $(offsetparent || document.body);
            $offsetparent.append( $popup );
            var offset = $container.position();
            left += offset.left;
            top += offset.top;
            // Trim to offset-parent
            if( offsetparent_fixed || offsetparent_overflow )
                if( left + popup_width > $offsetparent.width() - 1 )
                    left = $offsetparent.width() - popup_width - 1;
                if( left < 1 )
                    left = 1;
            // Trim to viewport
            var viewport_width = $(window).width();
            if( offsetparent_offset.left + left + popup_width > viewport_width - 1 )
                left = viewport_width - offsetparent_offset.left - popup_width - 1;
            var scroll_left = offsetparent_fixed ? 0 : $(window).scrollLeft();
            if( offsetparent_offset.left + left < scroll_left + 1 )
                left = scroll_left - offsetparent_offset.left + 1;
            // Set offset
            $popup.css({ left: parseInt(left) + 'px',
                         top: parseInt(top) + 'px' });

        // Transform the textarea to contenteditable
        var hotkeys = {};
        var create_wysiwyg = function( $textarea, $container, placeholder )
            var option = {
                element: $textarea.get(0),
                onkeypress: function( code, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey )
                        // Ask master
                        if( on_keypress && on_keypress(code, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey) === false )
                            return false; // swallow key
                        // Exec hotkey
                        if( character && !shiftKey && !altKey && ctrlKey && !metaKey )
                            var hotkey = character.toLowerCase();
                            if( ! hotkeys[hotkey] )
                                return ;
                            return false; // prevent default
                onselection: function( collapsed, rect, nodes, rightclick )
                        var show_popup = true,
                            $special_popup = null;
                        // Click on a link opens the link-popup
                        if( collapsed )
                            $.each( nodes, function(index, node) {
                                if( $(node).parents('a').length != 0 ) { // only clicks on text-nodes
                                    $special_popup = content_insertlink( wysiwygeditor, $(node).parents('a:first') )
                                    return false; // break
                        // Fix type error - https://github.com/wysiwygjs/wysiwyg.js/issues/4
                        if( ! rect )
                            show_popup = false;
                        // Force a special popup?
                        else if( $special_popup )
                        // A right-click always opens the popup
                        else if( rightclick )
                        // No selection-popup wanted?
                        else if( toolbar_position != 'selection' && toolbar_position != 'top-selection' && toolbar_position != 'bottom-selection' )
                            show_popup = false;
                        // Selected popup wanted, but nothing selected (=selection collapsed)
                        else if( collapsed )
                            show_popup = false;
                        // Only one image? Better: Display a special image-popup
                        else if( nodes.length == 1 && nodes[0].nodeName == 'IMG' ) // nodes is not a sparse array
                            show_popup = false;
                        if( ! show_popup )
                            return ;
                        // Popup position
                        var $popup;
                        var apply_popup_position = function()
                            var popup_width = $popup.outerWidth();
                            // Point is the center of the selection - relative to $container not the element
                            var container_offset = $container.offset(),
                                editor_offset = $(wysiwygeditor.getElement()).offset();
                            var left = rect.left + parseInt(rect.width / 2) - parseInt(popup_width / 2) + editor_offset.left - container_offset.left;
                            var top = rect.top + rect.height + editor_offset.top - container_offset.top;
                            popup_position( $popup, $container, left, top );
                        // Open popup
                        $popup = $(wysiwygeditor.openPopup());
                        // if wrong popup -> create a new one
                        if( $popup.hasClass('wysiwyg-popup') && ! $popup.hasClass('wysiwyg-popuphover') || $popup.data('special') != (!!$special_popup) )
                            $popup = $(wysiwygeditor.closePopup().openPopup());
                        if( ! $popup.hasClass('wysiwyg-popup') )
                            // add classes + buttons
                            $popup.addClass( 'wysiwyg-popup wysiwyg-popuphover' );
                            if( $special_popup )
                                $popup.empty().append( $special_popup ).data('special',true);
                                add_buttons_to_toolbar( $popup, true,
                                    function() {
                                        return $popup.empty();
                                    apply_popup_position );
                        // Apply position
                hijackcontextmenu: (toolbar_position == 'selection')
            if( placeholder )
                var $placeholder = $('<div/>').addClass( 'wysiwyg-placeholder' )
                                              .html( placeholder )
                $container.prepend( $placeholder );
                option.onplaceholder = function( visible ) {
                    if( visible )

            var wysiwygeditor = wysiwyg( option );
            return wysiwygeditor;

        // Create a container
        var $container = $('<div/>').addClass('wysiwyg-container');
        if( classes )
            $container.addClass( classes );
        $textarea.wrap( $container );
        $container = $textarea.parent( '.wysiwyg-container' );

        // Create the editor-wrapper if placeholder
        var $wrapper = false;
        if( placeholder )
            $wrapper = $('<div/>').addClass('wysiwyg-wrapper')
                                  .click(function(){     // Clicking the placeholder focus editor - fixes IE6-IE8
            $textarea.wrap( $wrapper );
            $wrapper = $textarea.parent( '.wysiwyg-wrapper' );

        // Create the WYSIWYG Editor
        var wysiwygeditor = create_wysiwyg( $textarea, placeholder ? $wrapper : $container, placeholder );
        if( wysiwygeditor.legacy )
            var $textarea = $(wysiwygeditor.getElement());
            $textarea.addClass( 'wysiwyg-textarea' );
            if( $textarea.is(':visible') ) // inside the DOM
                $textarea.width( $container.width() - ($textarea.outerWidth() - $textarea.width()) );
            $(wysiwygeditor.getElement()).addClass( 'wysiwyg-editor' );

        // Hotkey+Commands-List
        var commands = {};
        $.each( toolbar_buttons, function(key, value) {
            if( ! value || ! value.hotkey )
                return ;
            var toolbar_handler = get_toolbar_handler( key );
            if( ! toolbar_handler )
                return ;
            hotkeys[value.hotkey.toLowerCase()] = toolbar_handler;
            commands[key] = toolbar_handler;

        // Toolbar on top or bottom
        if( toolbar_position != 'selection' )
            var toolbar_top = toolbar_position == 'top' || toolbar_position == 'top-selection';
            var $toolbar = $('<div/>').addClass( 'wysiwyg-toolbar' ).addClass( toolbar_top ? 'wysiwyg-toolbar-top' : 'wysiwyg-toolbar-bottom' );
            add_buttons_to_toolbar( $toolbar, false,
                function() {
                    // Open a popup from the toolbar
                    var $popup = $(wysiwygeditor.openPopup());
                    // if wrong popup -> create a new one
                    if( $popup.hasClass('wysiwyg-popup') && $popup.hasClass('wysiwyg-popuphover') )
                        $popup = $(wysiwygeditor.closePopup().openPopup());
                    if( ! $popup.hasClass('wysiwyg-popup') )
                        // add classes + content
                        $popup.addClass( 'wysiwyg-popup' );
                    return $popup;
                function( $popup, target, overwrite_offset ) {
                    // Popup position
                    var $button = $(target);
                    var popup_width = $popup.outerWidth();
                    // Point is the top/bottom-center of the button
                    var left = $button.offset().left - $container.offset().left + parseInt($button.width() / 2) - parseInt(popup_width / 2);
                    var top = $button.offset().top - $container.offset().top;
                    if( toolbar_top )
                        top += $button.outerHeight();
                        top -= $popup.outerHeight();
                    if( overwrite_offset )
                        left = overwrite_offset.left;
                        top = overwrite_offset.top;
                    popup_position( $popup, $container, left, top );
            if( toolbar_top )
                $container.prepend( $toolbar );
                $container.append( $toolbar );

        // Export userdata
        return {
            wysiwygeditor: wysiwygeditor,
            $container: $container

    // jQuery Interface
    $.fn.wysiwyg = function( option, param )
        if( ! option || typeof(option) === 'object' )
            option = $.extend( {}, option );
            return this.each(function() {
                var $that = $(this);
                // Already an editor
                if( $that.data( 'wysiwyg') )
                    return ;

                // Two modes: toolbar on top and on bottom
                var classes = option.classes,
                    placeholder = option.placeholder || $that.attr('placeholder'),
                    toolbar_position = (option.toolbar && (option.toolbar == 'top' || option.toolbar == 'top-selection' || option.toolbar == 'bottom' || option.toolbar == 'bottom-selection' || option.toolbar == 'selection')) ? option.toolbar : 'top-selection',
                    toolbar_buttons = option.buttons,
                    toolbar_submit = option.submit,
                    label_selectImage = option.selectImage,
                    placeholder_url = option.placeholderUrl || null,
                    placeholder_embed = option.placeholderEmbed || null,
                    max_imagesize = option.maxImageSize || null,
                    on_imageupload = option.onImageUpload || null,
                    force_imageupload = option.forceImageUpload && on_imageupload,
                    video_from_url = option.videoFromUrl || null,
                    on_keypress = option.onKeyPress;

                // Create the WYSIWYG Editor
                var data = create_editor( $that, classes, placeholder, toolbar_position, toolbar_buttons, toolbar_submit, label_selectImage,
                                          placeholder_url, placeholder_embed, max_imagesize, on_imageupload, force_imageupload, video_from_url, on_keypress );
                $that.data( 'wysiwyg', data );
        else if( this.length == 1 )
            var data = this.data('wysiwyg');
            if( ! data )
                return this;
            if( option == 'container' )
                return data.$container;
            if( option == 'shell' )
                return data.wysiwygeditor;
        return this;
})(window, document, jQuery);