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Need to Color Visited Links and Disable Google Images
(1) I use several scripts that affect Google Images; this one -- Google Images direct link -- uses these 'includes':
// @include http*://images.google.*/images*
// @include http*://www.google.*/images*
// @include http*://www.google.*/webhp*
// @include http*://www.google.*/search?*
// @include http*://www.google.*/imgres*
// @include http*://images.google.*/search?*
// @include https://encrypted.google.com/search?*
So you can use these to exclude Google Images.
(2) I use a userSTYLE to do that:
Red:visited -- Mark visited links Red (*DM) - userstyles.org
You can change the color to whichever you like, by changing
to another code.
A related style is RedOut - Highlight Visited Links
Puts a block of color behind links you have visited and changes the color of the text of those links as well.
Need to Color Visited Links and Disable Google Images
Hi guys, hope you can help me.. I got 2 request, please:
1) I got a script for my Android phone. I'd like to know what code can I add to it to disable it when I only visit Google Images. I want to make sure it also doesn't disable any other sites at the same time, just the Google Images page ONLY.
2) What code can I add to change the color of visited links for all webpages?