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Script to Split Paragraph into sentences

Veröffentlicht: 08.12.2014

Script to Split Paragraph into sentences

I am looking for a javascript script regex that I can use within GreaseMonkey. I have this so far...


My goal is to take an article I run across and run the script to place every sentence on a new line. I guess the regex needs to find a period then a space, then a capital letter. Then place a CRLF at the space marker. This is very basic and I know there will be errors, but its a start.

Unless you are aware of a script that segments paragraphs by sentences in real time (on webpage). Hope that makes sense, thanks for any assistance.

The above paragraph will look like this.
My goal is to take an article I run across and run the script to place every sentence on a new line.

I guess the regex needs to find a period then a space, then a capital letter.

Then place a CRLF at the space marker.

This is very basic and I know there will be errors, but its a start.

Veröffentlicht: 08.12.2014
Bearbeitet: 08.12.2014
> 'This is a sentence. Another one. And another one.'.replace(/\. ([A-Z])/g, '.\n$2');

'This is a sentence.
Another one.
And another one.'

Edit: If you mean a new line in html, then <br> instead of \n.

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