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I think the administrator has made a mistake, why delete my script? 认为管理员处理失误,为什么删除我的脚本?

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020
Bearbeitet: 21.11.2020


Regarding the first script, our script did not have any mandatory operations. After updating the code, it entered the review. I didn't care about it, and then it was deleted???
I can't accept this reason. The script can be used without other operations. The token will give priority to the token user only when the server is overloaded. This is also explained in the picture below.

My user gave me a malicious report, because the administrator replied that I didn't care, and I don't know if it was caused by this.


Regarding this report, I turned over in the morning and there was no report, and then it was reported at noon without time to deal with it. Is the administrator reacting so quickly at this time?

Reported maliciously by someone and the administrator deletes it without knowing the specific problem, which is really uncomfortable

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020
Bearbeitet: 21.11.2020





Hello, some instructions for the token have been put in the script. Regarding the token you said is useless, maybe I did not have a specific explanation on my script page. I will explain here, I will put it in the script later.

Due to the limited load of my server, the use of tokens can distinguish malicious users from ordinary users and effectively block them. Tokens cannot bring actual benefits, but are just a means to distinguish users.

If the server does not have a token, the user with the same ip will be identified as a single user. If there are many users on the same ip, the server may misjudge the cc attack and block the ip user. This is my defense rule.

thank you for your reply!

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

This script has been deleted by a moderator and is not accessible to others. Reason provided is: "Requires an unrelated action to work".

Regarding the reason for deletion, I don't think this is the case either

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

I think so. We can't get the desired function after entering token, and the author can get benefits from it, which makes users feel very disappointed.

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

we will change it

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020
Bearbeitet: 21.11.2020

@李恒道╯∀╰ 对用户来说,token不是必须的,用户不使用token也是可以正常使用脚本的.token只是我们脚本服务器识别用户的一个标志,防止用户被防火墙误杀.

For users, tokens are not necessary, and users can use scripts normally without using tokens. Tokens are just a sign for our script server to identify users to prevent users from being intercepted by firewalls.

Deleted user 461091
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020


We will add several token-specific question banks to distinguish malicious users from ordinary users. Until then, we will temporarily remove the token feature

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

After obtaining token, they will divert users to paid content items, which will make them gain a lot of profits, which I think is not in conformity with the regulations.

Deleted user 461091
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020
Bearbeitet: 21.11.2020

Why does this script also contain charging items and exist,and also uses tokens to distinguish users

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020
Bearbeitet: 21.11.2020

@李恒道╯∀╰ ????无中生有??? 请你拿出我们转向付费的证据 另外对于这个脚本,他们也是用的token并且付费,我不清楚你说的是不是我们

Please show us the evidence that we switched to paying. In addition, for this script, they also use token and pay. I don't know if you are talking about us.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

I also agree that after they use token, they maliciously divert users to pay for projects in QQ group.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

I think the administrator made a wise decision instead of letting GF's rules be broken by these authors

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

Please don't attack the Chinese maliciously! Don't rise to race!

Deleted user 461091
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

So please show evidence

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

I have never registered a GF account before.
In addition, I don't want you to attack us Chinese, no matter who you are. If you want to rise to the racial level, I ask the administrator to close the account.
I don't want such a person to post any scripts on GF.
Including your other scripts, all have mandatory content, but you hide them.
Don't try to justify yourself for your benefit, it's ridiculous.

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

@MOOC.CX @李恒道╯∀╰ 请你们拿出我们需要付费的证据!!另外我也不介意做真的收费并且在脚本上注明关于此项内容!!
Please show us the evidence that we need to pay!! In addition, I don't mind doing real fees and indicate this content on the script!!

@JasonBarnabe 尊敬的管理员,我认为上述两位用户是对我们进行恶意的抹黑,建议检查他们的注册时长和其它信息.我们的脚本有40000多的用户,在此之前从未有人反馈过此类问题,最近却出现有人对我们恶意举报.现在这情况令我们真的很难过.

Dear administrators, I think the above two users are maliciously slandering us. It is recommended to check their registration duration and other information. Our script has more than 40,000 users, and no one has reported such problems before. Recently, some people have reported maliciously to us. Now this situation makes us really sad.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

I saw news from their paid content group.

I can confirm that there are token-directed other contents that do not belong to scripts, but I don't think these contents are malicious, even if they are paid for.

Although they may have violated the rules of GF, I think it's all right.

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

@亚乎奴图 请将付费内容发出来,不要总是说付费内容.另外我们维护服务器和ddos高防都是自己掏钱,收入全是靠的脚本页面放入的广告.

Please send out the paid content, don't always talk about the paid content. In addition, we maintain the server and ddos high defense at our own expense, and the income depends entirely on the advertisements placed on the script page.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

Your payment content is reflected on token.
You guide users into group chat through token, and make you profit through group chat.
You once posted a profit chart in the group chat, showing that in October, you made a profit of RMB 10,000.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

A feeble excuse?
And you forced the users to WeChat official account, and made huge profits by selling WeChat WeChat official account. I don't think this is something that a script writer with normal mind can do.
In addition, please respect the Chinese people, not deliberately discredit them.

Deleted user 461091
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020


Pathetic and pathetic

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020
Bearbeitet: 21.11.2020

@k123mingy ???????我不知道你们说的是哪一个脚本,你们确定是我和coder-tq一起维护的?我从来不知道我们赚了这么多钱.
I don't know which script you are talking about, are you sure I maintained it with coder-tq? I never knew we made so much money.

Still refer to the other two


In addition, we have not sold the official account, it has always been the same

There is no payment for adding a group application.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

I am a script developer of the same type, and I think I have the right to express my opinion on this matter.

But for the sake of privacy, I had to use a trumpet.

First, their token is really maliciously guiding users into paid content, including but not limited to entering a new group chat, and then taking huge profits through commissions.

Secondly, their token guides users to pay attention to WeChat WeChat official account which has nothing to do with scripts, and they make profits by selling WeChat WeChat official account, which makes me and many users feel sick.

I think the administrator's handling is very fair.

Just like you said,"This sounds like spam to me. If there's a token required, put in the script. None of this "sign up to get the real functionality" business."

In addition, I am extremely disgusted with the malicious slander of Chinese people by coder_tq, and I think he is a cerebral palsy(I'm sorry, but I'm very angry at what he said .)

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

@閔子Wendy 如果你们一定要抓我们投放广告这一点说是付费内容我也没有办法,恶意引导我们也没有做,全由用户自己选择,广告也会有明显的标注,我也不想再解释这一块了,对于恶意诽谤我也没什么好说的.

If you have to say that we place advertisements and call it paid content, I have nothing to do, and we have no malicious guidance. It is all up to the users to choose. The advertisements are clearly marked, and I don’t want to explain this one anymore, for malicious slander I have nothing to say.

@JasonBarnabe 我现在只希望管理员能给出一个答复,我们会去对脚本重新进行修改,现在已经修改了一个版本.

I only hope that the administrator can give a reply, we will go to revise the script, and now a version has been revised.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020
Bearbeitet: 21.11.2020


Hope the administrator can see feedback, a free script is maliciously reported to delete, do not administrators need to verify that the script is a regular script? If you delete the script directly, can greasyfork have developers willing to stay in the future? Please review the script again to give the majority of users an official fair statement, thank you.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020


I support nfsq and coder-tq, as we all know, this plug-in is not profitable content! (presumably thousands of users in the exchange group can prove that there is no need for me to say more.) as for a ridiculously "sad and ridiculous" sentence, it is a malicious slander and slander of the Chinese people? Secondly, the entry of official accounts and communication groups all depends on the subjective choice of users. As for earning 10000 yuan in October, that's just the developer's personal income, okay? Present the objective evidence before the speech, do not make something out of nothing, in contrast, we have evidence to prove that the official account does not have the inflated benefits mentioned by k123mingy! To put it bluntly, k123mingy's remarks are really ridiculous.

Deleted user 282151
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

@JasonBarnabe 不好意思,刚想起来,对于token我们还有一个比较重要的作用是需要识别用户所提交的一些数据,防止某些恶意的程序进行提交.如果不使用token,那么我们很难删除和屏蔽这些恶意的数据(因为ip是很容易伪造的).所以还是期望能够让我们保留token的功能.这个对我们来说也是很重要的.

Sorry, when I just thought of it, we still have a more important role for tokens to identify some of the data submitted by users and prevent certain malicious programs from submitting them. If tokens are not used, it is difficult for us to delete and block these malicious The data (because ip is easy to forge). So we still hope that we can retain the function of token. This is also very important for us.

Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2020

I smoked a few cigarettes in a row, and I don’t understand why such an excellent script should be deleted. This script is completely free, and there is no token for charging. The server costs are all paid by the author. There are people in this month. Deliberately brushing downloads of scripts. Although they have blocked them, this person has registered a lot of accounts. I think the person reporting these scripts is this person. His bad behavior is driving away our excellent script developers. Hope GF The administrator of the company handled the matter wisely. This script has been available to users for free since its release in April. I don't understand why they deliberately slander us, but this bad behavior makes me feel very fucking sick.

Veröffentlicht: 28.11.2020


Veröffentlicht: 30.11.2020


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