
Best OpenSource Hero Zero Utility Userscript

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The best open-source HeroZero utility userscript.

We pride ourselves on making EquiMissioner open-source and free of any tracking, unlike other userscripts.


(A userscript engine, like Tampermonkey, is required.)


Please note that using this userscript is against the game's Terms of Service (ToS) and may result in your account being banned. While the likelihood of a ban is very low, you assume all responsibility for using the script.


  1. Install Tampermonkey
  2. Click to install script
  3. Enjoy the game!


  • Auto Redeem-Later for Vouchers:

    • Automatically redeem rewards from vouchers later without manual input.
  • Auto Dismiss Level-Up Popup:

    • Automatically dismiss level-up popups to keep you focused on playing.
  • Quest Management:

    • Automatically start quests upon hitting "Go."
    • Auto-claim quest rewards.
    • Set a quest focus to optimize progression.
    • Start the next quest immediately after claiming rewards.
  • Max Energy Setting:

    • Control and set the maximum amount of energy for each mission.
  • Energy Purchase Button:

    • Purchase energy even when you have more than 50 energy, adding flexibility to your gameplay.
  • FPS Unlocker:

    • Adjust FPS (frames per second) for optimal game performance with a slider ranging from 30 to 160 FPS.
  • Exploits:

    • Activate the "Quest Sense Booster" for free quest sense boosting.
    • Access the "Train Sense Booster" for training ease.


We welcome contributions from the community! If you're interested in improving EquiMissioner, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository:

    • Click the "Fork" button at the top right corner of this page to create a copy of the repository on your GitHub account.
  2. Clone Your Fork:

  3. Create a Branch:

    • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: bash git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Your Changes:

    • Implement your feature or fix the bug.
    • Ensure your code follows the project's coding standards.
  5. Commit Your Changes:

    • Commit your changes with a clear and descriptive message: bash git commit -am "Add feature: your feature description"
  6. Push to Your Fork:

    • Push your branch to your forked repository: bash git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  7. Submit a Pull Request:

    • Go to the original repository and click on "Pull Requests," then "New Pull Request."
    • Select your branch and submit the pull request.
    • Provide a clear description of your changes and the problem they solve.
  8. Collaborate:

    • We'll review your pull request as soon as possible.
    • Please be open to feedback and be prepared to make adjustments if necessary.

Code of Conduct

  • Be respectful and considerate of others.
  • Follow the existing code style and structure.
  • Write clear, concise commit messages.
  • Test your changes thoroughly before submitting.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to join our Discord community and ask!

Thank you for your interest in contributing to EquiMissioner!