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Color Code Individual Google Tasks

Looks for specific key words and changes the background of the cell of a google task to a predefined color

< Feedback on Color Code Individual Google Tasks


Posted: 13.01.2015

re: Color Code Individual Google Tasks

Hi Christopher - I'd love this to work, it's a sorely overlooked feature Google should have provided.

But I've installed it in Chromium (courtesy of Tampermonkey and your link to that), and I can't get it to do anything.

Do I need to edit or enable the script in any way ? Tampermonkey seems to show it running. I've tried keywords in cells but no go so far.

Probably my error - any advice would be most welcome.

Thanks a lot

Mike, London

Posted: 13.01.2015

I have only tested this in firefox so I don't know if the webpage being served to chromium differs enough to break the scrip, but I doubt that.

To test install a clean version of the script, than create several tasks with "workout", "exam", "research", or "homework" . Than reload the page the colors should change. If they don't message me back.

You need to modify the two arrays, keywords and backgroundColors, to suit your needs. Make sure that all the values are properly encapsulated by quotes and there is a comma after each quote but not after the last quote (good: ["workout", "exam","research","homework"]; bad: ["workout, "exam","research","homework",])

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