Another Auto Clicker for More Ore

Another Auto Clicker for More Ore (working as of v1.5.9 Beta). Clicks weak spots (with a randomized delay), manual attacks for quests, gold nuggets, hulk smashes, and tenant intimidation.

< Feedback on Another Auto Clicker for More Ore

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 13.06.2022

Great work! It works super fast and with very few issues. One I found is when the quest is over, it seems like clicking the End Quest button doesn't register maybe due to the auto clicker. If you could make it so it automatically ends the quest and restarts it that would be fantastic!

Posted: 13.06.2022

I'm hesitant to add too much automation, especially as people may/may not want certain things clicked. If I add some UI elements I could make that an optional thing people enable (ie. a poor-man's auto-quest). I've been wanting to fix the issue with the End Quest button (I mention it in the Additional Notes), so I'll sort that out as a priority as it is very annoying!

Posted: 14.06.2022

That should be fixed now, let me know how you go :)

Posted: 14.06.2022

Looks like my fix hasn't helped - I must have just been having good luck. I'll see if I can debug the issue!

Posted: 14.06.2022

Aaaaand I've had to implement the auto-complete to make life easier - cheers! :D

Posted: 15.06.2022

You're fantastic thank you! The autocomplete works flawlessly :)

Posted: 20.06.2022

I've realised I'm having an issue with clicking the manual attack whilst the auto clicker is running, I'm guessing its the same issue as the quest completed that was apparent before

Posted: 21.06.2022

Ignore that previous comment, it works fine. I was just killing them too fast to get the manual click-in. Thank you!

Posted: 21.06.2022

No worries at all and thanks! I got things to a semi-stable place and decided I should stop adding/modifying things (trying to be too clever with no benefit). I might work on a new version on the side that's more simplified and can hopefully handle more edge-cases (at the moment clicking completed research can be a pain too etc.)

Honestly, the ore becomes less of a necessary thing compared to say refined ore and grinding better gear and pets (at least at the point I'm in), so I may dial back the click speeds to the built-in defaults (ie. similar to holding down your mouse). This may make the auto clicker less disruptive as a whole and more inline with the developers intentions (albeit making it easier to max out your combo to make the most of your OpS).

Posted: 22.06.2022

Yeah, I'm at the same point. I've edited the code to remove the critical strikes on the ore and instead reduced the time between manual strikes on the bosses. Would be fantastic to have a gear selector that with a click of a button, switches your pets and artefacts as I'm doing that quite often to be able to pass certain bosses

Posted: 22.06.2022

Would be fantastic to have a gear selector that with a click of a button, switches your pets and artefacts as I'm doing that quite often to be able to pass certain bosses

Yeah I'm in a similar spot - unfortunately I don't have the time to implement something quite that nuanced (this script was mostly me sharing my personal implementation as other solutions weren't working), but it feels like an unlockable feature the dev could consider adding (ie. becomes researchable after you max out your artifact storage and/or second pet). They have a subreddit - could be worth suggesting over there ;)

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