Smart Dark Mode

Det er et smart mørkt tema, der automatisk skifter til en mørk skærm, når baggrundsfarven på hjemmesiden er lys. Tilvejebringer en filterfunktion, der giver brugerne mulighed for at tilføje eller ekskludere URL'er for at anvende direkte.

< Feedback on Smart Dark Mode

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 27.12.2021
Edited: 27.12.2021

For Violentmonkey-2.13 text x="4vh" y="13vh" font-size="10vh"🪐 inversion of the video but not the background

Posted: 28.12.2021

I'm using latest version of Edge on windows 11.
It works well on my computer so I don't know why if the code malfunctioning only on the site.
however I plan to do add featues that whitelist and turn on and off with a hotkey, so those features may help to solve the problem.

Posted: 28.12.2021

Chromium, Linux.
Today, after a reboot, I found "Global Darkmode" running!

Posted: 28.12.2021

Chromium, Linux.
Today, after a reboot, I found "Global Darkmode" running!


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