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IMDb Utility Library (API)

Utility library for the Internet Movie Database. Provides an API for grabbing info from

Dette script bør ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek, som andre scripts kan inkludere med metadirektivet // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         IMDb Utility Library (API)
// @namespace
// @version      0.1.1
// @description  Utility library for the Internet Movie Database. Provides an API for grabbing info from
// @author       driver8
// @match        *://**
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// ==/UserScript==

function getImdbIdFromTitle(title, year) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            method: 'GET',
            responseType: 'document',
            synchronous: false,
            url: '' + title,
            onload: (resp) => {
                const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().documentElement;
                doc.innerHTML = resp.responseText;

                let links = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('.result_text > a'));

                // Filter out TV episodes, shorts, and video games
                links = links.filter((el) => !el.parentNode.textContent.trim().match(/\((?:TV Episode|Short|Video Game|Video)\)/));
                let a = links[0];
                if (year) {
                    console.log('year', year);
                    let sorted = => {
                        let m = el.parentNode.textContent.match(/\((\d{4})\)/);
                        let year = new Date().getFullYear();
                        if (m) {
                            year = parseInt(m[1]);
                        return { el: el, year: year };
                    sorted = sorted.sort((a, b) => Math.abs(year - a.year) - Math.abs(year - b.year));
                    a = sorted[0].el;

                let id = a && a.href.match(/title\/(tt\d+)/)[1];
                if (id) {
                } else {
                    reject(`Error getting IMDb id for ${title} ${year}`);

function getImdbInfoFromId(id) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            method: 'GET',
            responseType: 'document',
            synchronous: false,
            url: `${id}/`,
            onload: (resp) => {
                const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().documentElement;
                doc.innerHTML = resp.responseText;
                const parse = function(query, regex) {
                    try {
                        let el = doc.querySelector(query);
                        let text = (el.textContent || el.content).trim();
                        if (regex) {
                            text = text.match(regex)[1];
                        return text.trim();
                    } catch (e) {
                        //console.log('error', e);
                        return '';
                let data = {
                    id: id,
                    title: parse('head meta[property="og:title"], .title_wrapper > h1', /([^()]+)/),
                    year: parse('head meta[property="og:title"], .title_wrapper > h1', /\((?:TV\s+(?:Series|Mini-Series|Episode|Movie)\s*)?(\d{4})/),
                    description: parse('.plot_summary > .summary_text').replace(/\s+See full summary\s*»/, ''),
                    rating: parse('.ratingValue > strong > span'),
                    votes: parse('.imdbRating > a > span'),
                    metascore: parse('.metacriticScore > span'),
                    popularity: parse('.titleReviewBarItem:last-of-type > .titleReviewBarSubItem > div > span', /^([0-9,]+)/),
                    dateFetched: new Date()
                if (data && && data.title) {
                } else {
                    reject('Error getting IMDb data for id ' + id);

function getImdbInfoFromTitle(title, year) {
    return getImdbIdFromTitle(title, year).then((id) => {
        return getImdbInfoFromId(id);