DH2 Fixed Version 3

Improve Diamond Hunt 2's DH2 Fixed even further

Karl Peter Skjelvik
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This is a continuation of "DH2 Fixed's temporary fixed" found here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/36703-dh2-fixed-s-temporary-fixed

My main priority for this project is keeping DH2 Fixed up to date, so it doesn't break from updates to vanilla DH2, and doesn't break any new features added to vanilla DH2. However, there will probably be some new features every now and then as well.

If you have any requests, bug reports, or other comments just hit me up on reddit (/u/kape142) or in the comments of the reddit post about this update.


Version 1.0.15


  • Added new christmas sigil, and new sigils should show automatically, just without description
  • Fixed the ancient/shiny tree lock found in profile, should be reliable now
  • Fixed the Runite Oven warning checking for the wrong thing

Version 1.0.14


  • Warning if you try to make a Runite Furnace before you have a Runite Oven
  • Option to disable chopping down Shiny Trees and/or Ancient Trees (can be found in "profile")


  • Added text descriptions for the new event sigils

Version 1.0.13


  • Added the new event #2 chat icons
  • Some halloween fixes

Version 1.0.12


  • Updated to work with all parts of the halloween event
  • Browser notification for events


  • Some bug fixes related to the combat redesign

Version 1.0.11


  • Added the new teams chat icon

Version 1.0.10


  • Fixed a bug that broke the woodcutting speed potion if you had any ancient trees growing
  • Fixed a bug that moved the "in transit" and "ready" captions on boats out of place if you had wikia links disabled

Version 1.0.9

This is the first version using a backend part just for DH2fixed. This is a bit experimental, and i can't guarantee it will work perfectly, but the only thing that should break in that case is the value calculations.


  • Updated the function for calculating value of loot, using the new API provided by smitty
  • The woodcutting speed potion calculator now uses the new market value calculations
  • Added a coin that shows average value of monster loot on hover, in the loot book
  • Added a coin that adds a "loot" entry to the activity log, showing the value of all your items sold on market + your coins + simple ores sold to vendor. found
  • Added some more text descriptions to replace "x1" on unique items


  • Activity log now only shows entries from your account, even if you play multiple accounts
  • Chat now only shows PMs to and from your account, even if you play multiple accounts
  • Added the new robot waves chat icon

Version 1.0.8


  • Fixed the combat history in the activity log, it still has some bugs, but works as well as it ever did
  • Fixed a bug that made the boat images too big if you had disabled "Show item captions"
  • Added some new names of mobs in preparation for the new quest coming next update
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 1.0.7 causing the max button for empowered stones to not account for the achievement perk

Version 1.0.7


  • Added max button for buying on market, and the input will now autofill with the max you can buy instead of the amount available


  • Fixed a bug causing the damage notifications to not show up
  • Added cannon orb to the list of orbs when you click on the pirate
  • Added and updated some names of mobs, plants and locations

Version 1.0.6


  • A new share button for loot. Creates an image of your loot, uploads it to imgur.com and pastes a direct link to the image in chat. The button only appears in the activity log, on the bottom right side of all types of loot.


  • Updated the charcoal foundry countdown to correctly show amount left for ancient logs
  • Updated the charcoal foundry countdown to adjust the time if you have the crafting elite achievement

Version 1.0.5


  • Fixed the @match parameter to work both with and without "www" in the url

Version 1.0.4


  • Added Promethium and Runite Soul to the list of animals to keep track of
  • Replaced the "x1" caption on multiple items with the name of the items
  • Added "buy max" buttons to the Magic Shop, Game Shop, and Sick Cure Potion
  • Moved the captions for whether boats are ready or in transit to the top of the box, so the sail boat's caption is visible
  • Added option to disable the charcoal foundry notification from the profile tab
  • Added notification for ready Red Axe Orb, similar to Red Combat Loot Orb
  • Added notification for empty furnace


  • Removed Worker notification option from profile, the functionality was disabled in a previous patch
  • Fixed tiny bug that caused some brewing xp to not show the visual effect
  • Fixed bug that caused the "Charging..." text when fighting droids to not have the cyan background box
  • Tweaked the silver color for the 2nd best combat area in each column to be more visible
  • Tweaked the visuals for the "Keep track of animals" menu, should look better and more consistent across browsers
  • Fixed the Woodcutting Speed Potion calculator to include shiny trees

Version 1.0.3


  • Added support for the new animals and their yields
  • Added support for the upgrades to farming crate for browser notifications
  • Added a color gradient to the woodcutting speed potion, similar to other calculators


  • Fixed the combat log for fighting Dragon with Anti Dragon Fire Potion
  • Fixed names in the activity log for Near Faradox's Castle
  • Fixed names in the activity log for Fire Wheat and Frozen Wheat
  • Removed the in-game farming crate notification, as it is now a part of vanilla DH2

Version 1.0.2


  • Calculator for the value of Woodcutting Speed Potion. Access by right clicking the potion


  • Fixed the combat selection page by adding data for Near Faradox's Castle

Version 1.0.1


  • Re-added support for notification when your Faradox's crystal is charged and ready for combat
  • Added support for notification when your Dark Faradox's crystal is charged and ready for combat

Version 1.0.0


  • In game and desktop notification for full animal crate.
  • In game and desktop notification for reaching specified thresholds of animals in the animal pens.
    • This is disabled by default, click the settings wheel on the option in your profile to enable per animal


  • Removed the potion shortcuts in the combat tab, as these are now a part of vanilla DH2
  • Removed the notification for workers returning, as it is now a part of vanilla DH2

If any of the previous contributors feel that this update shouldn't have been made or is in poor taste, please tell me, and I will take it down.