Wanikani Self-Study Quiz

Quiz yourself on Wanikani items

Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.

  • v2.0.18 29.08.2016 Removed logging left over from last update.
  • v2.0.17 29.08.2016 Fixed audio playback in lightning mode, plus various other audio issues.
  • v2.0.16 04.08.2016 Prevent simultaneous 'round' and 'summary' screens.
  • v2.0.15 22.07.2016 Fixes for hotkey and display issues on Mac/Safari.
  • v2.0.14 23.06.2016 Fixed more duplicate-event issues.
  • v2.0.13 23.06.2016 Prevent duplicate wanakana event listeners on input
  • v2.0.12 23.06.2016 Changed z-index of config and quiz windows to make it appear below the top-menu.
  • v2.0.11 20.06.2016 Fix mismatched audio when some items are removed from quiz.
  • v2.0.10 17.06.2016 Fix kanji font names, broken on last update.
  • v2.0.9 17.06.2016 Prevent backspace from navigating away from page during quiz. Avoid audio loading glitch.
  • v2.0.8 15.06.2016 Added audio support and listening quiz
  • v2.0.7 08.06.2016 Fix to remove correct items after requiz (part 2)
  • v2.0.6 07.06.2016 Fix to remove correct items after requiz
  • v2.0.5 07.06.2016 Added button on quiz summary to re-quiz wrong items
  • v2.0.4 02.06.2016 Navigate quiz with ctrl-left/ctrl-right.
  • v2.0.3 01.06.2016 Fix synonyms; shake for wrong answer type; scroll errors
  • v2.0.2 01.06.2016 Fixed display issue, re: newly-unlocked item badges on top of quiz.
  • v2.0.1 31.05.2016 Fixed apikey-fetching issue.
  • v2.0.0 29.05.2016 Add WK Review-style quiz.
  • v1.2.0 12.05.2016 Added "preset" manager.
  • v1.1.0 11.05.2016 Added "presets". Added filtering of "burned" and "non-burned". Added saving of config.
  • v1.0.0 10.05.2016

Vis alle script-versioner