YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin

To whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin

< Feedback on YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 22.03.2016

No YouTube username found in this page

Hi, in new Youtube channels (less than 1-2 years) I can't find the Youtube username and so I can't add those channels to my uBlock Origin whitelist.
Sometimes the script find a correlated Youtube username, not the interested one.
I tried to add channel name, but doesn't work.
Do you have any suggestion?
Sorry for my probably bad English.

Posted: 06.04.2016

Should be fixed now, re-install the javascript bookmarklet, I had to change it due to changes on Youtube's side.

Posted: 11.04.2016
Edited: 11.04.2016
Should be fixed now, re-install the javascript bookmarklet, I had to change it due to changes on Youtube's side.

So uh, I don't think this is supposed to happen but it is on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0.

watch?v=68RYM_NxZhs is turned into watch?v=68RYM_NxZhs&user=UCHcAz7laqwXf6SBnrH2vOWQ rather than the actual channel name which is indiemuzikvideos. Previous functionality produced a result like this: watch?v=68RYM_NxZhs&user=indiemuzikvideos

Is this a workaround or a bug?

I also experience the same issue with "
An error occurred during validation." on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0.

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