+ Project-GC

Adds links and data to to make it collaborate with PGC

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v2.2.1 29. 10. 2018 Adding option to disable challenge checker icon Fixes JS error
  • v2.2.0 29. 10. 2018 Fixing profileName parsing in logbook, Removed a debug console.log, Show cached challenge checker results
  • v2.1.0 04. 10. 2018 Adjusting Print cache page, Merge branch 'master' of
  • v2.0.2 22. 08. 2018 unbreak latestLogs (#76), Merge pull request #77 from Jakuje/latestLogs unbreak latestLogs (#76)
  • v2.0.2 12. 06. 2018 Fixes exif parsing for logbook
  • v2.0.1 25. 02. 2018 Removing version argument from require, fixes loading waitForKeyElements
  • v2.0.0 21. 12. 2017 Fixed typo your's -> yours, Fixed typo friend's -> friends', Merge pull request #75 from MichelTenVoorde/master Fixed typos
  • v2.0.0 20. 11. 2017 v2.0.0 release Rewritten to work with Greasemonkey 4/Firefox.
  • v1.8.6 20. 11. 2017 GM 4 API for Firefox 57 (Tested with Nightly) Tested also compatibility with GM 3 (Firefox 56) and TP (Chrome) Resolves #73, Merge pull request #74 from Jakuje/master GM 4 API for Firefox 57 (Tested with Nightly)
  • v1.8.6 26. 09. 2017 Bumping version as well
  • v1.8.5 26. 09. 2017 Exclude url so that user defined profiles will load correctly
  • v1.8.5 18. 09. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.8.4 13. 09. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.8.3 21. 08. 2017 Adding https usage, Merge branch 'master' of
  • v1.8.3 10. 07. 2017 Enhancement: Add link to users profile page in message center Adds link to the users profile page on the username in the to-bar in message center, Merge pull request #63 from rjensen/messagecenter-userlink Enhancement: Add link to users profile page in message center
  • v1.8.3 10. 07. 2017 Enhancement: Added monospace font to persoanl cache note, Merge pull request #62 from rjensen/personal-cache-note-monospace Enhancement: Added monospace font to personal cache note Fixes #55
  • v1.8.3 10. 07. 2017 Fix for issue #59, Merge pull request #61 from rjensen/issue#59 Fix for issue #59
  • v1.8.3 03. 07. 2017 - remove NOP setting makeComposeLogHrefs - Make it possible to open draft logs in same window: This facilitates the following scenario: 1) open draft page 2) click an entry and log 3 click the toast to go "back to draft" 4) goto 2 Using vanilla gc com functionality opens up log in new tab for each log => need to close lots of unnecessary tabs., Merge pull request #60 from sdahlbac/feature/fieldnotes-no-blank - Make it possible to open draft logs in same window
  • v1.8.3 15. 05. 2017 Logs per country for Will attend as well. API breaks old clients
  • v1.8.2 20. 04. 2017 Removed fix of urls for fieldnotes. has fixed it themselves.
  • v1.8.1 07. 04. 2017 speling, Merge pull request #58 from sdahlbac/patch-2 speling
  • v1.8.1 07. 04. 2017 Minor fix to Drafts page. Don't add comments when there are 0 drafts.
  • v1.8.0 07. 04. 2017 Fixing drafts page
  • v1.7.4 28. 02. 2017 Synced from GitHub - Fixing issue where logs per country summary is in the wrong place.
  • v1.7.3 27. 02. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.7.2 27. 02. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.7.1 27. 02. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.6.5 27. 02. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.6.5 13. 02. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.6.4 10. 01. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v1.6.3 05. 12. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.6.1 02. 12. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.6.0 01. 12. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.5.0 29. 11. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.14 29. 11. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.13 28. 11. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.12 08. 11. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.11 04. 07. 2016 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.10 18. 01. 2016 Synced from GitHub - * Adapting to changes of gccom, fixed the PGC user-div.
  • v1.4.9 10. 11. 2015 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.8 03. 11. 2015 Synced from GitHub - Bumping version
  • v1.4.7 02. 11. 2015 Synced from GitHub - Fixes issue with checkerlinks, missing slash. Also added the gccode to the link.
  • v1.4.7 02. 11. 2015 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.6 02. 11. 2015 Imported from URL
  • v1.4.5 04. 06. 2015 Synced from GitHub - Fixes issue with corrupt settings
  • v1.4.4 21. 05. 2015 Synced from GitHub - Fixed version number
  • v1.4.2 21. 05. 2015 Synced from GitHub - code cleaning, simpler - Add imperial support - Change box positioning slightly - Remove px from 0 - Fix profile page styling - Set z-index to force map zoom controls behind the settings menu - Merge pull request #14 from BBosman/coordsbox Changecopy friendly link box positioning slightly - Merge pull request #15 from BBosman/imperial Add famsl support - Merge pull request #16 from BBosman/zeropx Remove px from 0 - Merge pull request #17 from BBosman/profile...
  • v1.4.3 09. 05. 2015 Synced from GitHub - version 1.4.3 Fix about "Missing membership" and toggle the menu on click
  • v1.4.2 09. 05. 2015 Synced from GitHub - "Missing membership" was always showed, even as not connected
  • v1.4.2 09. 05. 2015 Synced from GitHub - Fix geocoding placement - Merge pull request #7 from BBosman/overwrite Fix geocoding placement

Zobrazit všechny verze skriptu