Greasy Fork is available in English.


Useful tools for The West!

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v1.45.5 05. 08. 2021
  • v1.45.5 05. 01. 2020 Imported from URL
  • v1.45.5 26. 08. 2019 BonusSearch: Buffs added
  • v1.45.4 09. 08. 2019 Bugfixes
  • v1.45.3 05. 07. 2019 CollectReminder: added firework containers
  • v1.45.2 14. 04. 2019 QuestWiki: improved
  • v1.45.1 06. 03. 2019 Italian added
  • v1.45 26. 01. 2019 new feature: TouchControl, Bugfixes
  • v1.44.4 14. 01. 2019 BonusSearch: some improvements
  • v1.44.3 26. 10. 2018 compatibility with TW Perseus Toolkit
  • v1.44.2 23. 09. 2018 Portuguese added, Greek updated
  • v1.44.1 21. 08. 2018 SetBonus: set list sorted by recent, SellTrader: show money, warn if item for repeatable quest, mark non auctionable items at market
  • v1.44 17. 08. 2018
  • v1.44 17. 08. 2018 new feature: TraderSell, SetBonus: list of set items, MapDistance: sorting in market fixed, other improvements
  • v1.43 08. 07. 2018 new feature: MapDistance, EquipManager+: rename warning added, SetBonus: images added, show set on TW-Calc, BonusSearch: items have pop-up, SkipOpen: add own chests, other improvements/bugfixes
  • v1.42 29. 03. 2018 Hungarian fixed
  • v1.41 26. 02. 2018 new features: HideNotis & JobProducts, script button moved to settings, Greek added, bugfixes
  • v1.40 17. 12. 2017 new feature: InventoryCompare, fix for jQuery v3
  • v1.39.2 27. 09. 2017
  • v1.39.2 27. 09. 2017 Bugfixes
  • v1.39.1 14. 09. 2017 CollectReminder: added Bag of Pretzels, FixedFbRanking removed
  • v1.39 16. 08. 2017 new feature: FixedFbRanking, BonusSearch: Values fixed
  • v1.38.3 10. 08. 2017
  • v1.38.3 10. 08. 2017 BonusSearch: bonuses can be combined, Duelmap: player limit at 160
  • v1.38.2 27. 05. 2017 QuestBookSearch: search by questID, Quest on wiki: adjustments for German wiki
  • v1.38.1 01. 04. 2017 ShortPopups: bugfix, better updater
  • v1.38 30. 03. 2017 bugfix (& new feature: ShortPopups)
  • v1.38 30. 03. 2017 new features: SkipOpen, BonusSearch: items included, EquipManager+: name in textfield when rename
  • v1.37 25. 03. 2017 new feature: EquipManager+, Show item on TW-Calc: link fixed
  • v1.36.1 05. 02. 2017 Bugfixes
  • v1.36 24. 01. 2017 new features: QuestBookSearch & MarketRights
  • v1.35.1 05. 12. 2016 ctrl+click shows item on TW-Calc, alt+click shows item on TWDB, ChatProfessions: bugfix
  • v1.35 18. 11. 2016 new feature: ChatProfessions, BetterSheriff: some improvements, Spanish updated
  • v1.34.2 12. 11. 2016 bugfix
  • v1.34.1 12. 11. 2016 BonusSearch: bonuses sorted by value per item and cloth type, BetterSheriff: bugfixes
  • v1.34 08. 11. 2016 new feature: BetterSheriff, SetBonus/BonusSearch: show only own sets
  • v1.33.2 03. 11. 2016 bugfix!
  • v1.33.1 03. 11. 2016 CollectReminder: bugfixes
  • v1.33 03. 11. 2016 new feature: CollectReminder
  • v1.32 31. 10. 2016 new feature: CityTravel
  • v1.31.2 28. 10. 2016 various improvements
  • v1.31.1 26. 09. 2016 BonusSearch: skills and sector bonuses added, Spanish corrected, code improvements
  • v1.31 13. 09. 2016 new feature: quest on wiki, SetBonus: symbol for new sets, WebCenter: wiki added
  • v1.30.3 05. 09. 2016 SetBonus: message at new sets, WebCenter: forum removed, Contact: new forum links
  • v1.30.2 09. 08. 2016 Bugfixes
  • v1.30.1 28. 06. 2016 SetBonus/BonusSearch: Not yet public sets now hidden on Beta, too
  • v1.30 14. 06. 2016 Settings: choose language, new feature: InstantQuest
  • v1.29.3 08. 06. 2016
  • v1.29.3 08. 06. 2016 LoginAll: Layout changed
  • v1.29.2 04. 06. 2016 LoginAll: Choose the worlds to log in, Duelmap: 'streak of bad luck' and progressbar fixed

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