// ==UserScript==
// @name MB Release Seeding Helper
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/321857-anakunda
// @version 1.10
// @description Give better clues on reusing of existing releases/recordings for new release
// @match https://*musicbrainz.org/release/add
// @run-at document-end
// @author Anakunda
// @iconURL https://musicbrainz.org/static/images/entity/release.svg
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later
// @grant GM_getValue
// @require https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/Anakunda/libStringDistance.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
const mbID = /([\da-f]{8}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{4}-[\da-f]{12})/i.source;
const rxMBID = new RegExp(`^${mbID}$`, 'i');
const createElements = (...tagNames) => tagNames.map(Document.prototype.createElement.bind(document));
const mbRequestRate = 1000, mbRequestsCache = new Map, titleDiffThreshold = 5 /* % */;
let mbLastRequest = null;
const debugMode = false;
const timeParser = str => (str = /\b(\d+):(\d+)\b/.exec(str)) != null ?
(parseInt(str[1]) * 60 + parseInt(str[2])) * 1000 : undefined;
function mbApiRequest(endPoint, params) {
function errorHandler(response) {
console.error('HTTP error:', response);
let reason = 'HTTP error ' + response.status;
if (response.status == 0) reason += '/' + response.readyState;
let statusText = response.statusText;
if (response.response) try {
if (typeof response.response.error == 'string') statusText = response.response.error;
} catch(e) { }
if (statusText) reason += ' (' + statusText + ')';
return reason;
function timeoutHandler(response) {
console.error('HTTP timeout:', response);
let reason = 'HTTP timeout';
if (response.timeout) reason += ' (' + response.timeout + ')';
return reason;
if (!endPoint) throw 'Endpoint is missing';
const url = new URL('/ws/2/' + endPoint.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, ''), document.location.origin);
url.search = new URLSearchParams(Object.assign({ fmt: 'json' }, params));
const cacheKey = url.pathname.slice(6) + url.search;
if (mbRequestsCache.has(cacheKey)) return mbRequestsCache.get(cacheKey);
const recoverableHttpErrors = [429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 520, /*521, */522, 523, 524, 525, /*526, */527, 530];
const request = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
function request() {
if (mbLastRequest == Infinity) return setTimeout(request, 50);
const availableAt = mbLastRequest + mbRequestRate, now = Date.now();
if (now < availableAt) return setTimeout(request, availableAt - now); else mbLastRequest = Infinity;
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
let retryCounter = 0;
const xhr = Object.assign(new XMLHttpRequest, {
responseType: 'json',
timeout: 60e3,
onload: function() {
mbLastRequest = Date.now();
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) resolve(this.response);
else if (recoverableHttpErrors.includes(this.status))
if (++retryCounter < 60) setTimeout(request, 1000); else reject('Request retry limit exceeded');
else reject(errorHandler(this));
onerror: function() { mbLastRequest = Date.now(); reject(errorHandler(this)); },
ontimeout: function() { mbLastRequest = Date.now(); reject(timeoutHandler(this)); },
mbRequestsCache.set(cacheKey, request);
return request;
function mbIdExtractor(expr, entity) {
if (!expr || !expr) return null;
let mbId = rxMBID.exec(expr);
if (mbId) return mbId[1].toLowerCase(); else if (!entity) return null;
try { mbId = new URL(expr) } catch(e) { return null }
return mbId.hostname.endsWith('musicbrainz.org')
&& (mbId = new RegExp(`^\\/${entity}\\/${mbID}\\b`, 'i').exec(mbId.pathname)) != null ?
mbId[1].toLowerCase() : null;
function textDiff(...strings) {
if (strings.length < 1 || !strings.some(Boolean)) return [ ];
if (!strings[1]) return [[-1, strings[0]]]; else if (!strings[0]) return [[+1, strings[1]]];
if (strings[0] == strings[1]) return [[0, strings[0]]];
let length, indexes = [ ];
outer: for (length = Math.min(...strings.map(string => string.length)); length > 0; --length)
for (indexes[0] = 0; indexes[0] <= strings[0].length - length; ++indexes[0])
if ((indexes[1] = strings[1].indexOf(strings[0].slice(indexes[0], indexes[0] + length))) >= 0) break outer;
console.assert(!(length > 0) || indexes.every(ndx => ndx >= 0), strings, length, indexes);
return length > 0 ? textDiff(...strings.map((string, index) => string.slice(0, indexes[index])))
.concat([[0, strings[0].slice(indexes[0], indexes[0] + length)]],
textDiff(...strings.map((string, index) => string.slice(indexes[index] + length))))
: [[-1, strings[0]]].concat(strings.slice(1).map(string => [+1, string]));
function diffsToHTML(elem, diffs, type) {
if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement) || !Array.isArray(diffs)) throw 'Invalid argument';
while (elem.lastChild != null) elem.removeChild(elem.lastChild);
for (let diff of diffs) if (diff[0] == type) elem.append(Object.assign(document.createElement('span'), {
style: 'color: red;',
textContent: diff[1],
})); else if (diff[0] == 0) elem.append(diff[1]);
function recalcScore(row) {
if (!(row instanceof HTMLTableRowElement)) return;
if (row.nextElementSibling != null && row.nextElementSibling.matches('tr.similarity-score-detail'))
let mbid = row.querySelector('input[type="radio"][name="base-release"]');
if (mbid != null) mbid = mbid.value; else return;
if (dupesTbl.tHead.querySelector('tr > th.similarity-score') == null)
dupesTbl.tHead.rows[0].insertBefore(Object.assign(document.createElement('th'), {
className: 'similarity-score',
textContent: 'Similarity',
}), dupesTbl.tHead.rows[0].cells[2]);
let score = row.querySelector('td.similarity-score');
if (score == null) row.insertBefore(score = Object.assign(document.createElement('td'),
{ className: 'similarity-score' }), row.cells[2]);
[score.style, score.onclick] = ['text-align: center; padding: 0.2em 0.5em;', null];
delete score.dataset.score;
const media = Array.from(document.body.querySelectorAll('div#recordings fieldset table#track-recording-assignation'),
(medium, mediumIndex) => ({ tracks: Array.from(medium.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr.track'), function(track, trackIndex) {
let position = track.querySelector('td.position');
position = position != null ? position.textContent.trim() : undefined;
let name = track.querySelector('td.name');
name = name != null ? name.textContent.trim() : undefined;
let length = track.querySelector('td.length');
length = length != null ? timeParser(length.textContent) : undefined;
let artists = track.nextElementSibling != null && track.nextElementSibling.matches('tr.artist') ?
track.nextElementSibling.cells[0] : null;
artists = artists != null && artists.querySelectorAll('span.deleted').length <= 0 ?
Array.from(artists.getElementsByTagName('a'), artist => ({
id: mbIdExtractor(artist.href, 'artist'),
name: artist.textContent.trim(),
join: artist.nextSibling != null && artist.nextSibling.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ?
artist.nextSibling.textContent : undefined,
})).filter(artist => artist.id) : undefined;
if (artists && artists.length <= 0) artists = undefined;
return { title: name, length: length, artists: artists };
}) }));
if (!media.some(medium => medium.tracks.some(track => track.title))) {
score.textContent = '---';
document.body.querySelectorAll('div#tracklist fieldset.advanced-medium').forEach(function(medium, mediumIndex) {
let format = medium.querySelector('td.format > select');
format = format != null && format.selectedIndex > 0 ? format.options[format.selectedIndex].text.trim() : undefined;
let title = medium.querySelector('td.format > input[type="text"]');
title = title != null ? title.value.trim() : undefined;
if (media[mediumIndex]) Object.assign(media[mediumIndex], { format: format, title: title });
const dataTrackFormats = ['Enhanced CD'];
let mediaTracks = row.querySelector('td[data-bind="text: tracks"]');
if (mediaTracks != null) mediaTracks = mediaTracks.textContent.split(' + ').map(tt => parseInt(tt));
let mediaFormats = row.querySelector('td[data-bind="text: formats"]');
if (mediaFormats != null) mediaFormats = mediaFormats.textContent.split(' + ')
.map(format => !/^(?:Unknown(?: Medium)?|Medium)$/.test(format = format.trim()) ? format : undefined);
let preCheck = mediaTracks && mediaTracks.length > 0 && mediaTracks.every(tt => tt > 0) ?
mediaTracks.length == media.length && mediaTracks.every(function(tt, mediaIndex) {
if (media[mediaIndex].tracks.length == tt) return true;
if (mediaFormats && mediaFormats[mediaIndex] && !dataTrackFormats.includes(mediaFormats[mediaIndex]))
return false;
if (!(medium => medium && (!medium.format || dataTrackFormats.includes(medium.format)))(media[mediaIndex]))
return false;
return media[mediaIndex].tracks.length >= tt;
}) : undefined;
(preCheck != false ? mbApiRequest('release/' + mbid, { inc: 'artist-credits+recordings' }).then(function(release) {
function backgroundByScore(elem, score) {
elem.style.backgroundColor =
`rgb(${Math.round((1 - score) * 0xFF)}, ${Math.round(score * 0xFF)}, 0, 0.25)`;
if (release.media.length != media.length) throw 'Media counts mismatch';
const [tr, td, table, thead, trackNo, artist1, title1, dur1, artist2, title2, dur2] =
createElements('tr', 'td', 'table', 'thead', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th');
tr.style = 'background-color: unset;';
table.className = 'media-comparison';
table.style = 'padding-left: 20pt; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0;';
[tr.className, tr.hidden, td.colSpan] = ['similarity-score-detail', true, 10];
artist1.textContent, title1.textContent, dur1.textContent,
artist2.textContent, title2.textContent, dur2.textContent,
] = ['Pos', 'Release artist', 'Release title', 'Len', 'Seeded artist', 'Seeded title', 'Len'];
[trackNo, artist1, title1, dur1, artist2, title2, dur2]
.forEach(elem => { elem.style = 'padding: 0 5pt; text-align: left;' });
[trackNo, artist1, title1, dur1, artist2, title2, dur2]
.forEach(elem => { elem.style.borderTop = elem.style.borderBottom = 'solid 1px #999' });
[dur1, dur2].forEach(elem => { elem.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap' });
thead.append(trackNo, artist1, title1, dur1, artist2, title2, dur2); table.append(thead);
const scoreToText = score => (score * 100).toFixed(0) + '%';
const scores = Array.prototype.concat.apply([ ], release.media.map(function(medium, mediumIndex) {
const tracks = (medium.tracks || [ ]).concat(medium['data-tracks'] || [ ]);
if (tracks.length != media[mediumIndex].tracks.length)
throw `Medium ${mediumIndex + 1} tracklist length mismatch`;
const [tbody, thead, mediumNo, mediumTitle1, mediumTitle2] =
createElements('tbody', 'tr', 'td', 'td', 'td');
tbody.className = `medium-${mediumIndex + 1}-tracks`;
[thead.className, thead.style] = ['medium-header', 'font-weight: bold;'];
let mediaTitles = [
'#' + (mediumIndex + 1),
medium.format || 'Unknown medium',
media[mediumIndex].format || 'Unknown medium',
if (medium.title) mediaTitles[1] += ': ' + medium.title;
if (media[mediumIndex].title) mediaTitles[2] += ': ' + media[mediumIndex].title;
[mediumTitle1, mediumTitle2].forEach(elem => { elem.colSpan = 3 });
[mediumNo.textContent, mediumTitle1.textContent, mediumTitle2.textContent] = mediaTitles;
[mediumNo, mediumTitle1, mediumTitle2].forEach(elem =>
{ elem.style = 'padding: 3pt 5pt; border-top: dotted 1px #999; border-bottom: dotted 1px #999;' });
mediumNo.style.textAlign = 'right';
thead.append(mediumNo, mediumTitle1, mediumTitle2); tbody.append(thead);
const scores = tracks.map(function(track, trackIndex) {
function insertArtists(elem, artists) {
if (Array.isArray(artists)) artists.forEach(function(artistCredit, index, array) {
elem.append(Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {
href: `/artist/${artistCredit.id}/recordings`, target: '_blank',
textContent: artistCredit.name,
if (index > array.length - 2) return;
elem.append(artistCredit.join || (index < array.length - 2 ? ', ' : ' & '));
const seedTrack = media[mediumIndex].tracks[trackIndex];
const [tr, trackNo, artist1, title1, dur1, artist2, title2, dur2, recording] =
createElements('tr', 'td', 'td', 'td', 'td', 'td', 'td', 'td', 'a');
const trackTitle = titleFromRecording && track.recording && track.recording.title || track.title;
let score = similarity(seedTrack.title, trackTitle);
[title1, title2].forEach(elem => { backgroundByScore(elem, score); elem.dataset.score = score });
if (score < titleDiffThreshold / 100) {
[title1, title2].forEach(elem => { elem.style.color = 'red' });
const trackLength = timeFromRecording && track.recording && track.recording.length
|| timeParser(track.length) || track.length;
if (trackLength > 0 && seedTrack.length > 0) {
let delta = Math.abs(trackLength - seedTrack.length);
if (delta > 5000) score *= 0.1;
[dur1, dur2].forEach(elem => { backgroundByScore(elem, delta > 5000 ? 0 : 1 - delta / 10000) });
if (seedTrack.artists) {
if (seedTrack.artists.length != track['artist-credit'].length
|| !seedTrack.artists.every(seedArtist => track['artist-credit']
.some(artistCredit => artistCredit.artist.id == seedArtist.id))) {
score *= 0.75;
[artist1, artist2].forEach(elem => { backgroundByScore(elem, 0) });
} else [artist1, artist2].forEach(elem => { backgroundByScore(elem, 1) });
trackNo.textContent = trackIndex + 1;
insertArtists(artist1, track['artist-credit'].map(artistCredit => ({
id: artistCredit.artist.id,
name: artistCredit.name,
join: artistCredit.joinphrase,
if (seedTrack.artists) insertArtists(artist2, seedTrack.artists);
else [artist2.textContent, artist2.style.color] = ['???', 'grey'];
[recording.href, recording.target] = ['/recording/' + track.recording.id, '_blank'];
recording.dataset.title = recording.textContent = trackTitle;
recording.style.color = 'inherit';
title2.dataset.title = title2.textContent = seedTrack.title;
[recording, title2].forEach(elem => { elem.className = 'name' });
[dur1.textContent, dur2.textContent] = [trackLength, seedTrack.length].map(length =>
length > 0 ? Math.floor((length = Math.round(length / 1000)) / 60) + ':' +
(length % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0') : '?:??');
[dur1, dur2].forEach(elem => { if (!timeParser(elem.textContent)) elem.style.color = '#aaa' });
[trackNo, artist1, title1, dur1, artist2, title2, dur2]
.forEach(elem => { elem.style.padding = '0 5pt' });
[trackNo, dur1, dur2].forEach(elem => { elem.style.textAlign = 'right' });
[tr.className, tr.title, tr.dataset.score] = ['track', scoreToText(score), score];
tr.append(trackNo, artist1, title1, dur1, artist2, title2, dur2); tbody.append(tr);
for (let td of tr.cells) if (!td.style.backgroundColor) backgroundByScore(td, score);
return score;
const loScore = Math.min(...scores);
backgroundByScore(thead, loScore);
const avgScore = scores.reduce((sum, score) => sum + score, 0) / scores.length;
thead.title = `Average score ${scoreToText(avgScore)} (worst: ${scoreToText(loScore)})`;
thead.dataset.score = avgScore;
return scores;
const loScore = Math.min(...scores);
const avgScore = scores.reduce((sum, score) => sum + score, 0) / scores.length;
[score.textContent, score.dataset.score] = [scoreToText(avgScore), avgScore];
score.style.cursor = 'pointer';
score.style.color = '#' + ((Math.round((1 - avgScore) * 0x80) * 2**16) +
(Math.round(avgScore * 0x80) * 2**8)).toString(16).padStart(6, '0');
if (loScore >= 0.8) score.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
backgroundByScore(score, loScore);
score.onclick = function(evt) {
const tr = evt.currentTarget.parentNode.nextElementSibling;
console.assert(tr != null);
if (tr == null) return alert('Assertion failed: table row not exist');
if (!(tr.hidden = !tr.hidden)) for (let row of tr.querySelectorAll('table.media-comparison > tbody > tr.track')) {
if (row.classList.contains('highlight')) continue; else row.classList.add('highlight');
const nodes = row.getElementsByClassName('name');
if (nodes.length < 2) continue; // assertion failed
const diffs = textDiff(...Array.from(nodes, node => node.dataset.title));
diffsToHTML(nodes[0], diffs, -1);
diffsToHTML(nodes[1], diffs, +1);
score.title = 'Worst track: ' + scoreToText(loScore);
td.append(table); tr.append(td); row.after(tr);
}) : Promise.reject('Media/track counts mismatch')).catch(function(reason) {
score.textContent = /\b(?:mismatch)\b/i.test(reason) ? 'Mismatch' : 'Error';
[score.style.color, score.title] = ['red', reason];
function recalcScores() {
if (debugMode) console.trace('recalcScores()');
for (let tBody of dupesTbl.tBodies) for (let row of tBody.rows) recalcScore(row);
function installObserver(node, changeListener) {
const mo = new MutationObserver(function(ml) {
for (let mutation of ml) {
for (let node of mutation.removedNodes) changeListener(node, 'remove', true);
for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) changeListener(node, 'add', true);
mo.observe(node, { childList: true });
return mo;
function mediumChangeListener(node, action, autoRecalc = false) {
if (debugMode) console.debug('mediumChangeListener(%o)', node);
if (!(node instanceof HTMLTableRowElement)) return; else if (action == 'add') {
if (node.classList.contains('track')) {
const bdi = node.querySelector('td.name > bdi');
console.assert(bdi != null && bdi.firstChild != null, node);
if (bdi != null && bdi.firstChild != null) (node.trackListener = new MutationObserver(recalcScores))
.observe(bdi.firstChild, { characterData: true });
} else if (node.classList.contains('artist')) {
const td = node.cells[0];
console.assert(td instanceof HTMLTableCellElement, node);
if (td instanceof HTMLTableCellElement) (node.trackListener = new MutationObserver(function(ml) {
// for (let mutation of ml) {
// for (let node of mutation.removedNodes) if (node.trackListener instanceof MutationObserver) {
// node.trackListener.disconnect();
// if (debugMode) alert('disconnected 1!');
// }
// for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) if (node.nodeName == 'SPAN') (node.trackListener = new MutationObserver(function(ml) {
// if (debugMode) alert('MutationObserver(TD)');
// if (ml.some(mutation => mutation.addedNodes.length > 0)) {
// recalcScores();
// if (debugMode) alert('recalc()!');
// }
// })).observe(node, { childList: true });
// }
})).observe(td, { childList: true });
} else if (action == 'remove') {
// if (node.classList.contains('artist')) {
// const td = node.cells[0];
// if (td instanceof HTMLTableCellElement) for (let node of td.children)
// if (node.trackListener instanceof MutationObserver) {
// node.trackListener.disconnect();
// if (debugMode) alert('disconnected 2!');
// }
// }
if (node.trackListener instanceof MutationObserver) node.trackListener.disconnect();
if (autoRecalc && node.classList.contains('artist')) recalcScores();
function mediaChangeListener(node, action, autoRecalc = false) {
if (debugMode) console.debug('mediaChangeListener(%o)', node);
if (!(node instanceof HTMLTableSectionElement)) return;
for (let track of node.rows) mediumChangeListener(track, action, false);
if (action == 'add') node.mediumListener = installObserver(node, mediumChangeListener);
else if (action == 'remove' && node.mediumListener instanceof MutationObserver) node.mediumListener.disconnect();
if (autoRecalc) recalcScores();
function releaseChangeListener1(node, action, autoRecalc = false) {
if (debugMode) console.debug('releaseChangeListener1(%o)', node);
if (!(node instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement)
|| (node = node.querySelector('table#track-recording-assignation')) == null) return;
for (let tBody of node.tBodies) mediaChangeListener(tBody, action, false);
if (action == 'add') node.mediaListener = installObserver(node, mediaChangeListener);
else if (action == 'remove' && node.mediaListener instanceof MutationObserver) node.mediaListener.disconnect();
if (autoRecalc) recalcScores();
function releaseChangeListener2(node, action, autoRecalc = false) {
if (debugMode) console.debug('releaseChangeListener2(%o)', node);
if (!(node instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement) || !node.classList.contains('advanced-medium')
|| (node = node.querySelector('table.advanced-format > tbody > tr > td.format')) == null) return;
['select', 'input[type="text"]'].map(selector => node.querySelector(':scope > ' + selector))
.forEach(elem => { if (elem != null) elem[action + 'EventListener']('change', recalcScores) });
//if (autoRecalc) recalcScores();
function highlightTrack(tr) {
if (!(tr instanceof HTMLTableRowElement)) throw 'Invalid argument';
if (debugMode) console.trace('highlightTrack(...)');
const bdis = tr.querySelectorAll('td.name > bdi, td.name :not(span.comment) bdi');
const lengths = tr.querySelectorAll('td.length');
bdis.forEach(bdi => { if (bdi.childElementCount <= 0) bdi.dataset.title = bdi.textContent.trim() });
const titles = Array.from(bdis, bdi => bdi.dataset.title);
if (bdis.length < 2 || titles[0] == titles[1]) bdis.forEach(function(bdi) {
bdi.style.color = null;
bdi.style.backgroundColor = titles[0] == titles[1] ? '#0f01' : null;
if (bdi.dataset.title && bdi.childElementCount > 0) bdi.textContent = bdi.dataset.title;
}); else {
const score = similarity(...titles);
bdis.forEach(bdi => { bdi.style.backgroundColor = `rgb(255, 0, 0, ${0.3 - 0.2 * score})` });
console.debug('Score:', score);
if (score < titleDiffThreshold / 100) bdis.forEach(function(bdi) {
bdi.style.color = 'red';
if (bdi.dataset.title && bdi.childElementCount > 0) bdi.textContent = bdi.dataset.title;
}); else {
bdis.forEach(bdi => { bdi.style.color = null });
const diffs = textDiff(...titles);
diffsToHTML(bdis[0], diffs, -1);
diffsToHTML(bdis[1], diffs, +1);
const times = Array.from(lengths, td => timeParser(td.textContent));
if (times.length >= 2 && times.every(Boolean)) {
const delta = Math.abs(times[0] - times[1]);
let styles = delta > 5000 ? ['color: white', 'font-weight: bold'] : [ ];
styles.push('background-color: ' +
(delta > 5000 ? '#f00' : delta < 1000 ? '#0f01' : `rgb(255, 0, 0, ${delta / 25000})`));
styles = styles.map(style => style + ';').join(' ');
lengths.forEach(td => { td.innerHTML = `<span style="${styles}">${td.textContent}</span>` });
} else lengths.forEach(td => { td.textContent = td.textContent.trim() });
lengths.forEach(td => { td.style.color = timeParser(td.textContent) > 0 ? null : 'grey' });
let artists = tr.nextElementSibling;
if (artists != null && artists.matches('tr.artist') && (artists = artists.cells).length > 0)
for (let as of (artists = Array.from(artists, cell => cell.getElementsByTagName('a')))) for (let a of as)
a.style.backgroundColor = artists.length >= 2 && artists.every(as => as.length > 0)
&& (a = mbIdExtractor(a.href, 'artist')) ? artists.every(as =>
Array.prototype.some.call(as, a2 => mbIdExtractor(a2, 'artist') == a)) ? '#0f01' : '#f002' : null;
function highlightAssocBubble(tr, bubbleTr) {
if (!(tr instanceof HTMLTableRowElement) || !(bubbleTr instanceof HTMLTableRowElement)) throw 'Invalid argument';
if (bubbleTr.querySelector('td.select') == null) return;
const bdi = tr.querySelectorAll('td.name > bdi, td.name :not(span.comment) bdi')[0];
const bubbleName = bubbleTr.querySelector('td.recording bdi');
if (bdi && bubbleName != null) {
const titles = [bdi.dataset.title, bubbleName.textContent.trim()];
if (titles[0] == titles[1]) bubbleName.style.backgroundColor = '#0f01'; else {
const score = similarity(...titles);
bubbleName.style.backgroundColor = `rgb(255, 0, 0, ${0.3 - 0.2 * score})`;
if (score < titleDiffThreshold / 100) bubbleName.style.color = 'red'; else {
const diffs = textDiff(...titles);
diffsToHTML(bubbleName, diffs, +1);
const length = tr.querySelectorAll('td.length')[0], bubbleLength = bubbleTr.querySelector('td.length');
if (length && bubbleLength != null) {
const times = [length, bubbleLength].map(td => timeParser(td.textContent));
if (isNaN(times[1])) bubbleLength.style.color = 'grey';
const delta = Math.abs(times[0] - times[1]);
if (!isNaN(delta)) {
let styles = delta > 5000 ? ['color: white', 'font-weight: bold'] : [ ];
styles.push('background-color: ' +
(delta > 5000 ? '#f00' : delta < 1000 ? '#0f01' : `rgb(255, 0, 0, ${delta / 25000})`));
styles = styles.map(style => style + ';').join(' ');
bubbleLength.innerHTML = `<span style="${styles}">${bubbleLength.textContent}</span>`;
let artists = tr.nextElementSibling, bubbleArtists = bubbleTr.querySelector('td.artist');
if (artists != null && artists.matches('tr.artist') && (artists = artists.cells[0]) && bubbleArtists != null) {
[artists, bubbleArtists] = [artists, bubbleArtists].map(root => root.getElementsByTagName('a'));
for (let bubbleArtist of bubbleArtists) {
const arid = mbIdExtractor(bubbleArtist.href, 'artist');
if (arid) bubbleArtist.style.backgroundColor = Array.prototype.some.call(artists,
artist => mbIdExtractor(artist, 'artist') == arid) ? '#0f01' : '#f002';
const timeFromRecording = GM_getValue('time_from_recording', true);
const titleFromRecording = GM_getValue('title_from_recording', false);
const dupesTbl = document.body.querySelector('div#duplicates-tab > fieldset table');
if (dupesTbl == null) return;
// const similarityAlgo = (strA, strB) => Math.pow(0.985, sift4distance(strA, strB, 5, {
// tokenizer: characterFrequencyTokenizer,
// localLengthEvaluator: rewardLengthEvaluator,
// //transpositionsEvaluator: longerTranspositionsAreMoreCostly,
// }));
const similarityAlgo = (strA, strB) => Math.pow(jaroWinklerSimilarity(strA, strB), 6);
const similarity = (...str) => (str = str.slice(0, 2)).every(Boolean) ?
similarityAlgo(...str.map(title => title.toLowerCase())) : 0;
for (let tBody of dupesTbl.tBodies) new MutationObserver(function(ml) {
for (let mutation of ml) {
for (let node of mutation.removedNodes) if (node.tagName == 'TR' && node.nextElementSibling != null
&& node.nextElementSibling.matches('tr.similarity-score-detail')) node.nextElementSibling.remove();
}).observe(tBody, { childList: true });
let root = document.querySelector('div#recordings');
if (root != null) new MutationObserver(function(ml) {
for (let mutation of ml) {
const active = mutation.target.style.display != 'none';
mutation.target.querySelectorAll('table#track-recording-assignation > tbody > tr.artist').forEach(function(tr) {
const td = tr.cells[1];
if (active) {
const trTrack = tr.previousElementSibling;
console.assert(trTrack instanceof HTMLTableRowElement && trTrack.classList.contains('track'), tr);
if (trTrack instanceof HTMLTableRowElement && trTrack.classList.contains('track')) highlightTrack(trTrack);
console.assert(td instanceof HTMLTableCellElement, tr);
if (td instanceof HTMLTableCellElement) (tr.recordingListener = new MutationObserver(function(ml) {
for (let mutation of ml) {
for (let node of mutation.removedNodes) if (node.recordingListener instanceof MutationObserver)
for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) if (node.nodeName == 'SPAN')
(node.recordingListener = new MutationObserver(ml =>
{ if (ml.some(mutation => mutation.addedNodes.length > 0)) highlightTrack(trTrack) }))
.observe(node, { childList: true });
})).observe(td, { childList: true });
} else {
if (td instanceof HTMLTableCellElement) for (let node of td.children)
if (node.recordingListener instanceof MutationObserver) node.recordingListener.disconnect();
if (tr.recordingListener instanceof MutationObserver) tr.recordingListener.disconnect();
}).observe(root, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] });
if (root == null || (root = root.querySelector('div.half-width > div')) == null) return;
let fieldsets = root.getElementsByTagName('fieldset');
for (let fieldset of fieldsets) releaseChangeListener1(fieldset, 'add', false);
installObserver(root, releaseChangeListener1);
if (fieldsets.length > 0) recalcScores();
if (debugMode) new MutationObserver(ml => { console.debug('Child list changed:', ml) })
.observe(root, { childList: true, subtree: true });
root = document.body.querySelector('div#tracklist > div[data-bind="with: rootField.release"]');
if (root != null) fieldsets = root.querySelectorAll('fieldset.advanced-medium'); else return;
for (let fieldset of fieldsets) releaseChangeListener2(fieldset, 'add', false);
installObserver(root, releaseChangeListener2);
const assocBubble = document.getElementById('recording-assoc-bubble');
if (assocBubble != null) {
const assocBubbleListener = new MutationObserver(function(ml, mo) {
for (let mutation of ml) {
for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) if (node.nodeName == 'TBODY') {
const tr = assocBubble.bubbleDoc.control.closest('tr.track');
if (!(tr instanceof HTMLTableRowElement)) continue;
(node.recordingListener = new MutationObserver(function(ml, mo) {
for (let mutation of ml) for (let node of mutation.addedNodes)
if (node.nodeName == 'TR') highlightAssocBubble(tr, node);
})).observe(node, { childList: true });
for (let row of node.rows) highlightAssocBubble(tr, row);
for (let node of mutation.removedNodes) if (node.nodeName == 'TBODY' && node.recordingListener)
assocBubbleListener.observe(assocBubble.querySelector(':scope > table'), { childList: true });