w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Modified/Forked from "Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker" (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458631). Script is out-of-the-box setup to automatically add title, author, status, summary, and last read date to the description in an "collapsible" section so as to not clutter the bookmark.

< Feedback on w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 01. 09. 2024

Hey, great script!

Is there any way I can get it to save additional tags also??? Like in addition to the relationships etc.

Posted: 02. 09. 2024

Hey, great script!


Is there any way I can get it to save additional tags also??? Like in addition to the relationships etc.

The script can't do that at the moment, but I can try to implement it when I've got some free time to spend on coding.

'Course with how many additional tags a work can have there will probably be two variables you can use in workInfo. One with the tags not being links so you don't risk hitting the character limit on a bookmark, and one with the additional tags being links if the vast majority of what you read don't have lots of tags and you like the links.

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