// ==UserScript==
// @name WK Custom Review Question (KunOn+)
// @namespace WK_KunOn
// @description Changes the text of the Review or Lesson Quiz question. Specifies ON or KUN reading for Kanji. Options to have the text in English or Japanese.
// @author polv
// @match *://www.wanikani.com/*
// @match *://preview.wanikani.com/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=wanikani.com
// @homepage https://community.wanikani.com/t/userscript-wk-custom-review-question-kunon-2023-version/61449
// @source https://github.com/patarapolw/wanikani-userscript/blob/master/userscripts/kun-on.user.js
// @version 1.2.0
// @license MIT
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// @ts-check
/// <reference path="./types/wkof.d.ts" />
(function () {
'use strict';
* Language options
* English "en", Japanese "ja"
* @type {string}
const defaultLang = 'en';
* Whether to hide subjectType string, and rely on color instead.
const default_has_subjectType = true;
// Edit replacement string to your heart's content.
// subjectType HTML
const enKanji = 'Kanji';
const enRadical = 'Radical';
const enVocab = 'Vocabulary';
// questionType HTML
const enMeaning = 'Meaning';
const enName = 'Name';
const enReading = 'Reading';
const enOn = `ON'YOMI`;
const enKun = `kun'yo<span style="color: white">mi</span>`;
const enNanori = 'Nanori (^o^)';
const jaKanji = '漢字:';
const jaRadical = '部首:';
const jaVocab = '単語:';
const jaMeaning = '意味';
const jaName = '名前';
const jaReading = '読み方';
const jaOn = '音読み';
const jaKun = 'くんよ<span style="color: white">み</span>';
const jaNanori = '名乗り (^o^)';
* Whether to use wkof Settings dialog and ignore in-script settings
const USE_WKOF = true;
const defaultCSS = cleanCSS(/* css */ `
[data-kunon-subject-type="Kanji"][data-kunon-question-type] [data-kunon-reading-type="onyomi"] {
color: yellow;
[data-kunon-subject-type="Kanji"][data-kunon-question-type] [data-kunon-reading-type="kunyomi"] {
color: cyan;
[data-kunon-subject-type="Kanji"][data-kunon-question-type] [data-kunon-reading-type="nanori"] {
color: bisque;
const SCRIPT_ID = 'WK_KunOn';
const SEL_category = '[data-quiz-input-target="category"]';
const SEL_questionType = '[data-quiz-input-target="questionType"]';
let cfg = USE_WKOF ? /** @type {ScriptSettings} */ ({}) : newScriptSettings();
/** @type {HTMLStyleElement} */
let elStyle;
* @typedef {{
* Language: string
* HideSubjectType: boolean
* Radical: string
* Kanji: string
* Vocabulary: string
* Meaning: string
* Reading: string
* RadicalName: string
* Kunyomi: string
* Onyomi: string
* Nanori: string
* CSS: string
* }} ScriptSettings
function newScriptSettings(o = /** @type {ScriptSettings} */ ({})) {
o.Language = o.Language || defaultLang;
o.HideSubjectType =
typeof o.HideSubjectType !== 'undefined'
? o.HideSubjectType
: !default_has_subjectType;
o.CSS = typeof o.CSS !== 'undefined' ? o.CSS : defaultCSS;
o.Radical = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaRadical : enRadical;
o.Kanji = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaKanji : enKanji;
o.Vocabulary = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaVocab : enVocab;
o.Meaning = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaMeaning : enMeaning;
o.Reading = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaReading : enReading;
o.RadicalName = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaName : enName;
o.Kunyomi = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaKun : enKun;
o.Onyomi = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaOn : enOn;
o.Nanori = o.Language === 'ja' ? jaNanori : enNanori;
return o;
// @ts-ignore
if (USE_WKOF && typeof wkof !== 'undefined') {
* @typedef {import('./types/wkof').Core.Module
* & import('./types/wkof').Menu
* & import('./types/wkof').Settings
// @ts-ignore
const WKOF = /** @type {TWKOF} */ (wkof);
.then(() => {
name: 'kunon',
title: 'Custom Review Questions (KunOn+)',
submenu: 'Settings',
on_click: openSettings,
.then(() => {
return WKOF.Settings.load(SCRIPT_ID, cfg);
.then(() => {
cfg = /** @type {any} */ (WKOF.settings[SCRIPT_ID]);
function updateSettings() {
function openSettings() {
/** @type {JQuery<HTMLElement>} */
let $textarea;
const dialog = new WKOF.Settings({
script_id: SCRIPT_ID,
title: 'Custom Review Question (KunOn+) Settings',
pre_open: ($) => {
$textarea = $.find('textarea[name="CSS_textarea"]').val(
typeof cfg.CSS !== 'undefined' ? cfg.CSS : defaultCSS,
on_save: () => {
cfg.CSS = /** @type {string} */ ($textarea.val());
content: {
tabset: {
type: 'tabset',
content: {
fieldLabels: {
type: 'page',
label: 'Field Names',
content: {
Language: {
type: 'dropdown',
label: 'Language',
default: 'en',
content: {
en: 'English',
ja: 'Japanese',
on_change: function (k, v) {
WKOF.settings[SCRIPT_ID][k] = v;
/** @type {any} */ (WKOF.settings[SCRIPT_ID]),
HideSubjectType: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'Hide Subject Type',
hover_tip: `Don't show whether it is Radical, Kanji or Vocabulary`,
default: !default_has_subjectType,
divider: {
type: 'divider',
Subject: {
type: 'group',
label: 'Subject Label',
content: {
Radical: {
type: 'input',
label: 'Radical',
default: enRadical,
Kanji: {
type: 'input',
label: 'Kanji',
default: enKanji,
Vocabulary: {
type: 'input',
label: 'Vocabulary',
default: enVocab,
QuestionType: {
type: 'group',
label: 'Question Type',
content: {
Meaning: {
type: 'input',
label: 'Meaning',
default: enMeaning,
Reading: {
type: 'input',
label: 'Reading',
default: enReading,
RadicalName: {
type: 'input',
label: 'Radical name',
default: enName,
KanjiReading: {
type: 'group',
label: 'Kanji Reading',
content: {
Kunyomi: {
type: 'input',
label: `Kun'yomi`,
default: enKun,
Onyomi: {
type: 'input',
label: `On'yomi`,
default: enOn,
Nanori: {
type: 'input',
label: 'Nanori',
default: enName,
resetLabels: {
type: 'button',
label: 'Reset Labels',
text: 'Reset',
on_click: () => {
/** @type {any} */ (WKOF.settings[SCRIPT_ID]),
cssLabel: {
type: 'page',
label: 'CSS',
content: {
cssHTML: {
type: 'html',
html: `<textarea id="${SCRIPT_ID}_CSS_textrea" name="CSS_textarea" class="settings" style="font-family: monospace"
autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"></textarea>`,
CSS: {
type: 'input',
subtype: 'hidden',
default: defaultCSS,
resetCSS: {
type: 'button',
label: 'Reset CSS',
text: 'Reset',
on_click: () => {
WKOF.settings[SCRIPT_ID].CSS = defaultCSS;
* @type {{
* questionType: 'reading' | 'meaning',
* subject: {
* type: 'Radical' | 'Kanji' | 'Vocabulary',
* primary_reading_type?: 'onyomi' | 'kunyomi' | 'nanori'
* }
* } | null}
let itemDetail = null;
function setSubjectType() {
if (!itemDetail) return;
const el_category = document.querySelector(SEL_category);
if (!el_category) return;
el_category.setAttribute('lang', cfg.Language);
el_category.innerHTML = `<span data-kunon-subject-type="${
? ''
: (() => {
switch (itemDetail.subject.type) {
case 'Radical':
return cfg.Radical;
case 'Kanji':
return cfg.Kanji;
return cfg.Vocabulary;
function setQuestionType() {
if (!itemDetail) return;
const el_questionType = document.querySelector(SEL_questionType);
if (!el_questionType) return;
const {
subject: { type, primary_reading_type },
} = itemDetail;
el_questionType.setAttribute('lang', cfg.Language);
el_questionType.innerHTML = `<span data-kunon-subject-type="${type}" data-kunon-question-type="${questionType}">${(() => {
if (questionType === 'reading') {
if (primary_reading_type) {
return `<span data-kunon-reading-type="${primary_reading_type}">${(() => {
switch (primary_reading_type) {
case 'onyomi':
return cfg.Onyomi;
case 'kunyomi':
return cfg.Kunyomi;
case 'nanori':
return cfg.Nanori;
return cfg.Reading;
return cfg.Reading;
if (type === 'Radical') return cfg.RadicalName;
return cfg.Meaning;
window.addEventListener('willShowNextQuestion', (e) => {
if ('detail' in e) {
itemDetail = /** @type {any} */ (e.detail);
const el_category = document.querySelector(SEL_category);
const el_questionType = document.querySelector(SEL_questionType);
if (el_category && el_questionType) {
const obs_category = new MutationObserver(() => {
obs_category.observe(el_category, { childList: true });
const obs_questionType = new MutationObserver(() => {
obs_questionType.observe(el_questionType, { childList: true });
window.addEventListener('didAnswerQuestion ', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (
location.pathname.includes('lesson') &&
) {
itemDetail = null;
}, 100);
* @param {string} css
* @returns
function cleanCSS(css) {
const indents = [];
const lines = css
.map((ln) => {
const m = /^ +[^ ]/.exec(ln);
if (m) {
const idx = m[0].length - 1;
return ln;
if (!indents.length) return css;
const re = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(...indents)}}`);
return lines.map((ln) => ln.replace(re, '')).join('\n');
function setScriptCSS() {
const css = /* css */ `
[data-kunon-subject-type] {
text-transform: unset;
[data-kunon-question-type] {
text-transform: unset;
${cfg.Language === 'ja' ? 'font-weight: normal;' : ''}
#wkofs_${SCRIPT_ID} textarea {
width: 100%;
height: 300px;
font-family: monospace;
if (elStyle) {
elStyle.textContent = css;
} else {
elStyle = document.createElement('style');
elStyle.setAttribute('data-userscript', SCRIPT_ID);