The script has been working for the past few weeks, but it got patched. Last time it took Murka 4 days to fix it, don't know how long it will take this time. The client itself is OP when you have low ms. If you get a green screen with almost nothing displaying shortly after joining a server on it means the client is patched. Just be patient.
The client is patched as of 10/6/2022 (I'll update the review when it gets fixed)
The script has been working for the past few weeks, but it got patched. Last time it took Murka 4 days to fix it, don't know how long it will take this time. The client itself is OP when you have low ms. If you get a green screen with almost nothing displaying shortly after joining a server on it means the client is patched. Just be patient.
The client is patched as of 10/6/2022
(I'll update the review when it gets fixed)